Chapter 2

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Jake T Austin as Leo above

 I don't own any of the characters from Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, or The Harry Potter Series. They belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling. Thank you, hope you enjoy!! -Giselle



Suddenly everyone started clapping for him! Why they were doing that don't ask me, but it seemed to give him an even bigger confidence booster, because he started telling everyone that he beat an army of twenty monsters with only his "barehands! I seriously wanted to ask him what happened to his kitchen knife, but I kept my sarcasm in. I thought no one would believe that this was true. I was majorly wrong. Everyone was looking at him like he was god! Even Annabeth!!!! You would think that being the Gods' kids they would know they are not that fricken great. 

Over time everything started getting worse and worse. You know if that's even possible! He would pull pranks and break things on purpose, then blame it on me. 

One by one people started going over to "his side" and started hating me, soon the only people who didn't completely hate me were Calypso, Frank, Hazel, Thalia(she was with the hunters most of the time), Leo, and Annabeth. Then they started leaving me too. I was walking to cabin three after I did a favor for Hermes,(Special delivery boy Percy Jackson) and noticed something was wrong. Around the Amphitheater a bunch of people were looking at something.

I heard Poseidon say, "Everyone this is my favorite son and best hero of Olympus!" I ran over to the shadows to see with being hidden, but struggled to see, so I got closer. What I saw made me want to throw up, Ryan and Annabeth were kissing! Everyone started cheering and that's when I had enough.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!!" I think every one was scared shitless by how angry I was. Annabeth turned, saw me, and then all of a studden got really pale. I waited for her to try to explain herself, but Ryan said something instead.

"Oh you know we're celebrating ME!"

I took a few steps forward, thinking of the different ways I could murder him when something stopped me. I looked down and saw a lightning bolt and trident at my chest. I looked at my Uncle and dad. My dad looked at me with so much hatred in his eyes that I made me want to look at anything else, so I looked at my Uncle's eyes. I starred at his eyes and could see that he was mad aswell, but for a quick moment there was concern in his eyes and then just as fast as it came, it went away, going back to hatred.

"Perseus Jackson, you are banned from Camp Half-Blood, you are no longer welcomed here!!"


"YOU are helping Gaea rise again! Ryan gave us proof!"

"After everything I've done for you, you believe what my asshole of a brother says instead of what I say! What a father you are!

"Yes and also I'm no longer your father anymore."

"So you don't care about my mom's death!"


This got to me. It was my fault she is dead. If I stayed with her she would still be here. If right after the war, I went directly to her apartment and stayed there she would still be here. But I didn't and now she's gone and it's all my fault.

"Fine, I'll go,  but all of you remember this is the day you lost a great hero." With that said I turned to cabin 3. Not even ten seconds later I could here people going to the "celebration". What great friends do I have.

-Flashback Over-

So that's how I got here. Laying on my bed thinking of my pretty pathetic life, nice right. I have to get out out of this hellhole in about an hour and I've been laying on my bed thinking for about 5 minutes. Now that I think about think about it the only  person that stayed by my side was Leo! 

When he got a good look at Ryan he called him, in his words, "A fuzzy, moldy, and skinny cucumber." Then walked away. He even ran after me when I left, but I told him to go away! Looks like I do have a real friend! Knowing that I only had a little bit of time and would need as many resourses as I could to survive I started packing. I saw a picture of Annabeth and me in the under water bubble I made and got mad. Not wanting to see it anymore I threw it out of the window. I thought I heard someone curse, but then was pretty much blinded by a super bright light. There standing in front of me were Aphrodite, Hermes, Apollo, Hestia, Hades and some other guy who had a powerful aura, but I didn't care.

Looking at them with pure bordom on my face I asked them, "Are you here cause my dear Uncle Zeus told you to kill me? Because I usher you, I will not g-"

Zeus stepped out from behind the other gods. "No, they are not here to kill you. Neither am I."

"Then why are you here?"

This time the guy who I didn't know talked."I'm here to give you an offer." I looked at the guy more closely. If you really concentrated you could see inside his eyes, you could see there were little mini universes.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Chaos, creator of the universe."

"Oh, that's nice, (A/N that's a part from a chaos story and I tried not to, but I had use it!) why would I take up your offer you could be a fake for all I know."

"It's your decision if you want to believe me or not."

"Okay, I believe you. If you were Kronos you would have taken me hostage already. What's your offer?"

"My offer is you can come with me to a different planet and do missions for me. Soon if you work hard enough you can become the commander of my forming army. You would be my first recruit, but I have a feeling after a while we will have thousands of recruits. So, will you join me?"

"I have two questions. Why would you pick me to be your first recruit and why would I even consider going with you?"

"You are the most powerful, loyalist, kind, and honest demigod ever, an-"

Zeus cut Chaos off. "You lost everything, why wouldn't you go?" He was right where would I go after this? How long could I survive even with my name being number one on a bunch of monsters hit list? Would even survive for a week?

"Fine I'll go. When do we leave?"

"We will leave once the gods here have blessed you like they said they would to me.

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