Chapter 3

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If you don't know who is above you are a sad little poor thing..

I don't own any of the characters from Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, or The Harry Potter Series. They belong to Rick Riordan and J.K. Rowling. Thank you, hope you enjoy!! -Giselle


Aphrodite jumped up in excitement, "I'll go first!" She squealed so loud I thought my ear drums were about to burst. If I said I wasn't scared out of my mind, I would be lying. She walked over to me than kissed me right on my lips. I was so shocked that I wasn't able to immediately get away. Getting my senses back I was about to pull back when suddenly a pink glow surrounded us. I tried to get away, but there was this force that wouldn't let me! Finally a 20 seconds later the glow dimmed down to nothing, and the "forcefield" went away, I instantly pushed away from her and wiped my mouth on my shirt.


"What, I just blessed you." She looked like she won a beauty pagent for most beautiful person in the universe for the one hundred millionth time. "Okay, so I, let's just say enchanted your looks a bit. Now you pretty much look better than Taylor Lautner, Channing Tatum, Zac Efron, Paul Walker, let his soul rest in peace, Chris Pine, and Liam Hemsworth all together to make the most beautiful man ever, who is definitely drool worthy.. awww, I'm so sad you don't get to stay. Oh, I almost forgot, though it's not as nearly as important. You can also charm speak. But remember, when you get to where ever you are going, the first thing you have to do is look for a mirror and look at yourself. Also watch out for any fangirls! They might try to kidnap you and taking your beauty away from the rest of the world would be a shame." (A/N: NO!!! I WAS GOING TO CAPTURE HIM THAN PUT HIM IN MY CLOSET!!!!!!)

"Fine, but I highly doubt there will be anybody wanting my autograph." (A/N: You got that wrong!)

Hermes stepped forward, "I'll go next." He put his arms out in that bro hug sort of thing. I looked at him like he was crazy. "Oh, so you rather me kiss your face off, like 'Miss I'll Kiss any Guy Who is Hot Even Though I'm Married' over there."

I remeered all of his kids and was about to comment on it when I thought better of it him being one of the only gods who likes me and stuff.

"Hermes, your one of my favorite gods and all, but I really don't think we are that close." I said while starting to walk away.

"Just do it!" I walked up to him and we did a bro hug. We glowed green for a few seconds then the light dimmed down and I again quickly backed away. "You can now lie very well, steal anything and no one would know, pick any lock, and you get this." He put an I phone 6 in my hands.

"Thanks Hermes, but won't monsters find me with it?"

"Leo found away to make no monsters able to track the phone, he actually did it yesterday, but he doesn't know it!"

From outside my old cabin I heard someone say, "Who's the Mc sizzle man I'm the Mc sizzle man!" But ignored it.

"I guess I'll go next?" It was Hades. "And I rather not give you a "bro hug" since I'm your Uncle.."

"I'm not kissing you!!!!!"

"NOT THAT!!!" He took a few deep breaths in you could tell trying to stay calm. "I met a hand shake." He put out his hand.

"You could of both gave me a handshake?"

Apollo immediately  responded with, "No, we all have our own flare, Hermes just stole mine." 

"What do you expect me to do? Not steal it?"

Looking really tence Hades yelled, "STOP!!!! Okay do you want me to bless you or not?"

"Okay?" We shook hands and this time darkness surrounded us.

"You can now raise the dead for a zombie army and can also bring back 5 people from the dead so choose wisely, but you have to wait a little on that one. You have to complete your training and finish your first quest."

"Wow, I can't wait to try all of this stuff out!"

Apollo looked at Hermes. "Good job Hermes, I could barely tell he was lying and I usally just have to look at his face. What's wrong Percy?"

"Well I got betrayed by everyone I know and love, my mom is dead, and  I just caught my girlfriend cheating on me. What could ever be wrong? It's not like my life is baically a peice of crap! You would think that would allow me a freaking free past to get as pissed off as I want to, but no ! have to be fricken happy! Well guess what I am not happy, and I don't know when I will be happy can you all just let me be unhappy!" At this time I relized that I was so mad that I was shaking. Knowing that my mom would want this I did the best to calm myself down. Brethe in through your noes and out through your mouth. Once I was calmed down enough I looked to the gods and said, "Sorry, I over reacted. "

The gods just stared at me for what felt like ten minutes and then looked at Chaos. He was just nodding his head while also starring at me too. What did I do?

"Percy you just destroyed a planet and you haven't got my blessing yet."

"Did I kill anyone?!" I'm a murder unless it was a planet full of monsters. Please say it's a planet full of monsters. Please.

"There was no one on the planet, but you have to be more careful. We really don't want you to blow up a planet that is inhabited. Who wants to go next?"

Zeus stepped up. "I will if no one else wants to go? I have a tight schedule, I might have to go after this." He put his hand out and we shook hands, this time lighting bolts went around us flashing. "You can now contol the winds like Jason and can summon lighting or any type of weather really."

"I can't wait to try all these out." I was fake smiling again. This time no one asked me if I was okay they knew better than to, but the truth is I did really want to try all my new powers. If I wassn't in this situation I was in, I bet I would be flying around my cabin.

"I'll go next." Apollo gave me a bro hug and this time we were surrounded by the brightest light I've ever seen. I'm really surprised I'm not blind. "You have even better looks, you can heal anything, you play every instrument, your singing is supposibly the most beautiful thing in the universe, but I think I have that spot taken, but you have second best so that's something. Oh, and also you are now amazing at archery and can hit a bullseye miles away. Your welcome, I know I'm awesome."

Hestia then took a step towards me. "It looks like I'm last young hero." She slowly walked over to me and gave me a motherly hug warm flames surrounding us. I closed my eyes and memories filled my head.

My mom giving me hug, my mom giving me blue pancakes, then one memory I forgot. It was my mom looking in my eyes on the the first day of kindergarten saying, "Stay strong my little hero and remember I will always love you no matter what." The memory faded away and all I wanted to do was see more, but I knew I couldn't so I slowly opened my eyes and let go just wanting to cry, but couldn't.

"You can now summon food any where, you can control fire and won't get burt, you can travel through fire oh, and your father didn't tell you this, but you can also vapor travel, and most importantly, when you need it most you have hope."

Chaos turned my way, "Okay Percy we have to go now." 

"Thank you... to you all, I hope one day we meet again." I bowed to all of them and they bowed back (even Zeus!!!) Then said goodbye and zapped out of there.

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