Chapter 13

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I was up in my dorm remembering what happened at the feast.


"Holy mother******* ****! Get me away from him and his mind! You should seriously be in ******* therapy right now! Howard you still ALIVE?" He paused for a few seconds when he started to yell again. OH MY GOD! HE'S IN MY BRAIN! I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW I HAD A BRAIN!" All of a sudden he got really quiet again. This time it was a minute when he started to talk again. "Oh was only my thinking. I must be getting old..." He sounded like he really didn't want to be talking, but did anyways. He then whispered something and she started to walk back to where Percy was sitting calmly on the stool. It took 2 minutes, but then the hat yelled out Gryffindor. Oh damn, how could he possibly get into my house?

Flashback Over

What did the hat mean? Why did he scream saying there was a voice in his head and then saying that he was just imagining it the next second? And why was Percy so calm the entire time? He didn't even flinch when the hat started to scream like everyone else had. Also, why did the hat say he had to go to therapy? Nothing that bad could have happened to him. He was not in the war, he was safe at home with his parents. And how could he possibly be brave enough to be in Gryffindor? This wasn't fair. He should probably be in Slytherin. He's not brave! He probably threatened the hat making it put him in Gryffindor. I wonder what I could do to make him leave us all alone. What would Fred and George do? I got it! Knowing that I would need a little help, I went over to Ron's bed to wake him up.

"Ron get up!" I whisper-shouted, "I came up with an idea to make Percy leave the school!" Hearing my last words Ron jumped out of bed almost make me fall over.

"Do you still have the Marauder's map and your invisibility cloak?"

"Of course I do. Are you daft?"

"Then tell me this plan of yours."

"Let's give him a great welcome present. Yeah." I then started to explain my elaborate plan to Ron.


We were looking at the Marauarder's map when we saw the little banner that said the name that we were looking for Percy. But there was something else besides his name in parenthesis. Prince Omega.

Ron looked at me with a confused look on his face. "He's a prince? What does Omega mean?"

"I have no idea? Do you think McGonagall knows that he is a Prince? I wonder where he is from?"

"Wow, do think I would know more things if I read like Hermione tells me to?"

"Most likely, but we have business to get to right now. Do you have the supplies?"

"Yup let go." Doing our best to both be under the invisibility cloak, Ron and I made our way out to the empty and seemingly endless corridors.

We walked until we got to the head boy dormitory, where we realized that we forgot to get one thing.

The password.

"What are we going to do now?"

"I don't know Ron." We just waited there for a few minutes when I couldn't take it anymore. We have run into problems bigger than this Ron. We just have to think. "What would Percy put as his password?"

"Well, he's a prince, yeah. Maybe that's his password. It would make sense. No one else knows that he's a prince so they would never get it."

"I don't do think he would put Prince, but what about something else. Like Omega. No one would ever guess that, even if they did somehow find out that he was a prince."

"Let's see."

"Omega." Ron told the portrait, a man who looked suspiciously like Uncle Vernon, that had been staring at us since we took the invisibility cloak off when we got to our destination.

"I'm not sure if you lot are are supposed to be here, but since you got the password right on the first try I'll keep my mouth shut." With that said the portrait swung forward.

"Brilliant. Let's go."

Ron first stepped into the room, but stopped the second he went through the doorway. "What's wrong."

"Something wrong with him! We have to do something."

"Move Ron, let me see."

Ron moved, but I was not prepared for what I saw. Percy was on the bed, sleeping I think, but something's was wrong with him. He was shaking and crying. He looked like something was torturing him. He was muttering something too. I could only make out parts of it though because of the tear rolling down his face.

"Harry, what's wrong with him."

"I don't know."

"Maybe we should ask Hermione. He might have told her. I think he trusts her."

"Okay, let's go, but we have to hurry."

With that, we raced through the castle not caring that we could get caught for being out of bed so late, worried for a person I all but hated 2 minutes ago.

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