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They did not stop all day but Adrianna didn't mind for she had both princes for company. They made her feel like part of the company finally and whenever Kili smiled at her or laughed a swarm of butterflies would erupt in her stomach. When they finally stopped for the night Adrianna began tending to brushing Alastara while Thorin told the others what their jobs would be. Then an argument broke out between Thorin and Gandalf about the Hidden Valley and the elves there who could help. Gandalf then stormed off replying to Bilbo when asked where he was going, "To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense." "Who's that?" "Myself, Mr. Baggins! I've had enough of dwarves for one day." With that he was gone, but Adrianna knew he would return. Later that evening Bofur asked Bilbo to take some food to Fili and Kili who were with the ponies.

           As he walked off Adrianna got that far off look on her face again which caught the dwarves attention when she dropped her bowl. "What is it, what did you see?" Thorin asks anxiously hoping it was good news. Adrianna came back to herself with a gasp and a look of fright on her face, "Trolls." With that she turned and grabbed her sword and knives preparing to take off and help Bilbo. The other dwarves made ready and followed her into the forest. Adrianna ran with speed and purpose when she heard Kili's voice. They arrived next to Fili with in moments of the trolls tossing the small hobbit right on top of Kili. Thorin and Adrianna led the company through the brush in an attack. Slashing, stabbing, and cutting at the trolls. Adrianna was in full battle mode her senses on edge as she ducked and rolled between the legs of the trolls who cried out when her blade struck them. Suddenly a sharp pain shot through her neck as one of the trolls caught her by he hair. Kili who was only feat away froze for a moment in panic, but the quickly slashed at the trolls wrist causing it to drop Adrianna. As she fell bracing herself for the ground she instead felt soft arms encircle her, Kili smiled setting her on the ground softly before turning their backs to each other and continuing the fight. All movement stopped suddenly s the trolls captured Bilbo. "Lay down your arms, or we'll rip his off." One of them said as the dwarves and Adrianna moved closer together. Thorin with a look of frustration at Bilbo's capture plants his sword in the ground, followed by the others, Kili throwing his sword so hard it was a wonder it didn't shatter.

          Half the company was now tied to a spit over the fire with one of the trolls turning it, slowly roasting them, while the other half lay tied up in sacks. Adrianna's head was laid on Kili's chest with Bilbo on the other side off him. "So, we meet again." Kili said trying to lighten the mood a little. Adrianna smiled but did not respond as she saw Bilbo's face light up at the trolls discussion of dawn. "Bilbo we must stall for more time, help is on the way." She whispered to the cunning hobbit. Wait! You're making a terrible mistake." Bilbo shouted as he managed to stand despite the sack he was in. From the spit the dwarves were shouting about not being able to reason with the trolls, but Adrianna just nodded to Bilbo with an encouraging smile. "I meant with the seasoning," he continued, trying to think of something. Then an idea struck him. "What about the seasoning one of the trolls said leaning forward. Bilbo grinned, "Well have you smelt this lot? You're going to need something much stronger than sage before you can plate up this lot." The dwarves begin to shout about him being a traitor but Adrianna just smiles knowing that if anyone could save them it would be the hobbit. Another of the trolls turns to Bilbo, "What do you know about cooking dwarf?" He questions. The first troll swats at him and says, "Shut up, and let the, flurgaburburrahobbit talk." Bilbo then begins to fumble for his words, "Uh, th--the secret to cooking dwarf is, um--" "Yes? Come on, out with it." The troll says getting irritated. "Ye- Yes. I'm telling you, the secret is… to skin them first!" Bilbo shouts the first thing to come to mind. As the trolls are rummaging for a knife Bilbo and Adrianna catch a glimpse of Gandalf through the trees. She sighs with relief that salvation was on it's way.

          "What a load of rubbish! I've eaten plenty with their skin on." The smarter trolls shouts picking Bombur up off the pile and dangling him above his mouth. "NO! Not that one." Adrianna shouts from her spot on Kili's chest. "He-- He's infected!" Bilbo adds. The trolls look at the hobbit in confusion, but Bilbo carried on hoping Gandalf would hurry, "Yes, He's got worms in his… tubes." The troll holding Bombur tosses him back on the pile in disgust. "In fact," Bilbo continued, "They all have, they're infested with parasites. It's a terrible business; I wouldn't risk it, I really wouldn't. The dwarves then burst out yelling about not having parasites until Thorin kicks a few of the dwarves on the ground, realizing Bilbo's game. Suddenly, their tune changes. They all start yelling about who has the biggest parasites and Adrianna can't help but giggle. "You think I don't know what you're up to? This little ferret is taking us for fools." The troll shouts. "Ferret?" Bilbo questions indignantly. "Fools?" The other troll asks. Then, Gandalf appears on a large boulder, "The dawn will take you all!" The trolls turn to look at the new arrival. "Who's that?" "No idea." "Can we eat 'im too?" The trolls converse amongst themselves. Gandalf then slams his staff down on the stone and sun light floods into the area turning the trolls to stone. "There must be a cave nearby." Thorin said leading the company off in search.

          Soon they happen upon a large cave and enter. "Oh, what's that stench?!" Nori complains as a foul odor reaches the company's noses. "It's a troll hoard. Be careful of what you touch." Adrianna says following Gandalf and Thorin inside. Adrianna looks around as the dwarves begin to bury a chest of gold, and Gandalf and Thorin stand off to the side looking at two swords, obviously, elven made. "Let's get out of this foul place. Come on, Bofur! Gloin! Nori!" Thorin shouts as he exits the cave. Adrianna starts to follow when her foot hits something small, an elven short sword maybe even considered a dagger, "Gandalf," she calls. The wizard turns to see her holding it out to him. "He will need this." she says handing the blade to him. Gandalf takes it knowing exactly who she meant it for. "Bilbo," he calls exiting the cave. "Here This is about your size." He hands the small hobbit the sword, "The blade is of Elvish make which means it will glow blue when orcs or goblins are nearby." Bilbo takes it hesitantly, "I have never used a sword in my life." Gandalf smiles, "And I hope you never have to. But if you do, remember this: trues courage is about knowing not when to take a life, but when to spare one." Suddenly Thorin's voice echo's, "Something's coming!" They all take off into the forest Adrianna with a huge smile on her face. Kili looks at her strangely but she just smiles wider at him causing a strange feeling in his stomach.

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