Dinner and a starlite show

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 The dwarves are all sitting at a table picking through there food talking about the lack of meat or the abundance of green and complaining about the music. Elrond, Gandalf, Thorin, and Balin are at the head table. All sound seems to stop as the doors to the dining area open. The dwarves all look up to see who has joined them and are shocked to see their she-elf, not in her normal traveling clothes but clad in a beautiful pale green floor length dress. The sleeves flowed down her arms fanning out at the bottom and the dress hugged her every curve. (Think Galadriel later on at the meeting with Saruman but a pale green) A silver circlet adorned her head with a small crystal dangling in front of her brow. Kili feels his breath catch in his throat as he sees the warrior they have been travelling with transformed into the princess they all but forgot she was. Kili stands in a show of respect at Adrianna's arrival, and Fili mimics him so as not to draw attention to his brother's feelings. Balin also catching on to the blossoming romance stands as well. Soon all the dwarves are standing even Thorin, who had also forgotten she was a princess. Adrianna blushes and smiles at the dwarves as she makes her way to the empty seat next to Elrond. "You look lovely this evening my dear." Elrond says as she takes her place beside him. "Thank you uncle, it has been sometime since I was dressed this way." Soon enough everyone went back to eating and talking; Elrond was telling Thorin and Gandalf about the swords the had found in the troll cave. Balin turned to Adrianna and smiled, "I do believe a sight as lovely as you has stolen a few hearts this evening." She looks at him confused, "What do you mean?" The old dwarf smiles and continues, "You see we had all quite forgotten that you are also royalty like Thorin, and when you entered I am sure that we all were reminded." Adrianna blushes, "I do not pay much attention to these things as my title is not important to myself." "Yes, but I am sure that at least the heart of a certain prince was gained simply by you walking in those doors." Balin says almost excitedly.

          They both turn to look at the other table, and sure enough they see Kili stealing glances at her every chance he can. This causes a light blush to appear on the she-elf's face. Then a thought strikes her, "Thorin would never allow it. I am part elf and no matter his outward actions I know he dislikes me greatly." She says dejectedly. "Ah, but I am sure Master Kili cares not. If there is one thing I am certain of it's this; Dwarves only truly love once, and no one, not even Thorin could deny his nephew that dwarven right." Balin says with conviction bringing the smile back to her face.

            Kili carefully glances at the girl he can't seem to get out of his head, and his brother takes notice. "You should try talking to her after dinner, see if this is just an infatuation with her beauty or something more." Fili mutters. Kili looks at him surprised, "Would that not be against uncle? She is half-elf." Kili says hoping his brother will say what he is thinking. "Aye, but she is also part dwarf you can't deny that." With a smile Kili nods, "I wonder what she and Master Balin are discussing." He says watching her face light up, fall, and light up again. An unexpected voice answers, "Probably things such as us forgetting the little fighter was a princess." Dwalin says from next to Fili. The two princes exchange a nervous glance, wondering if they had been over heard in there conversation and the young girl. "Thorin won't be pleased, but I care not she has earned my respect when we fought the trolls." Dwalin says, seeing there faces relax he turns back to eating.     

           As they all finish there meal Lindir comes to show them the area that they would be staying in, "Of course, Lady Adrianna you are welcome to stay in your room." She turns to the elf with a small smile, "No this is my company and I will sleep here. I can not in good conscience sleep in my soft warm bed knowing they're here." Lindir nods and leaves them. Later that evening the dwarves are all having a wonderful time eating and talking amongst themselves. Kili sees Adrianna standing out on the balcony looking up at the night sky, Fili nudges him forward towards her. With a nervous smile he nods and makes his way over to the small figure. "It's so beautiful out here, don't you think?" Adrianna says without turning. She knew who it was behind her without having to look, for Kili had a distinct scent and sound about him. "I guess, it seems quite cold to me though." He replies. Adrianna beckons him to stand by her and he obliges. She tits his head up to the sky full of stars twinkling, "That's what is so beautiful about it." "I don't understand." Kili says, a confused look on his face. Adrianna smiles brightly at him and then explains. "When you think of the cold you think of death. Plants, animals, people, but when I look at the stars it reminds me that not all cold is dark." Kili looks up again at the stars while she continues, "They shine brightly cutting through the darkness of night to bring us light and hope." Adrianna turns to face the dwarf prince and suddenly realizes why he seems so familiar. Her dreams had been plagued with him for the past two seasons. Kili turns to look at her and can't stop himself from what tumbles out of his mouth. "I prefer your beauty and light to that of the far away stars." He blushes and looks away feeling foolish for allowing such a thing to come out. Adrianna lifts he chin bringing there eyes even and smiles at him, "You are like no dwarf I have ever met before Kili, son of Dis." Then she leans forward and kisses his cheek before turning and walking back to the company. Kili just stand awestruck at what just happened before smiling a goofy grin and returning to his seat next to his brother.

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