Stone Giants and Goblins

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Thorin, Balin, and Bilbo soon enter the room and Thorin tells everyone to start packing. Adrianna grabs her traveling clothes and steps away for privacy. She puts on her tight black leggings, a royal blue tunic, forest green corset bodice, and her black mid-calf boots. Everyone is soon ready to go as the sun is beginning to rise Adrianna stops with the all to familiar look. "Luthien, my sweet, be careful on this journey. I believe you may be able to change the ending of this story for the better." "Thank you, My Lady, I will protect them with all I have." As she comes back to herself she sees the dwarves looking at her expectantly. "We must hurry they will know we have left soon." She then takes off ahead of the company. "Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths; lead on." Thorin says. Balin takes the lead and they continue on there way. Kili now walks with Fili and Adrianna, "Is it just me or am I a third wheel now?" Fili jokes. Kili punches him the shoulder while Adrianna just smiles. "You could never be a third wheel Fili, you're company is almost as enjoyable as your brothers." The two dwarf princes look at her in surprise as she just continues walking.

          Rain poured down on the company as the walked along an extremely narrow path through the mountains. On several occasions they had grab onto each other to keep one another from falling. Adrianna walked behind Kili and in front of Fili. The storm raged on as a massive boulder flies through the air and slams into the cliff side. Balin then points out that it is a thunder battle. "Well bless me, the legends are true. Giants; Stone Giants!" Bofur exclaims in awe. As the Giants battled the cliff face they stood upon started to shift, and a crack made it's way between Adrianna and Kili. Fili and Adrianna both grabbed for Kili but he was pulled away as the Giant they were on stood to fight. Fili wrapped his arm around the half-elf's small waist pulling her away from the edge, and then pushing her to safety as another ledge was in reach. Half the company watched as the other half came crashing towards the cliff face. "No! No! Kili!" Thorin yelled rushing to where they had hit the mountain. As they approach they see the group safely on the path in a pile. Adrianna rushes to Kili's side, "Thank Aule you're okay!" She said as she pulled him in to a hug. Kili's already pounding heart felt as if it would leap from his chest. Thorin and Fili were on him within seconds pulling him to his feet and hugging him. "Thank you for keeping her safe." Kili said to his brother quietly. "Of course, I couldn't let anything happen to your girlfriend." Fili replied with a grin trying to lighten the dark situation. "Where's Bilbo? Where's the Hobbit?" Bofur suddenly asked looking around. "There!" Oin shouted pointing to the edge of the cliff. "Get him!" Dwalin shouts. Ori dives forward to grab him but Bilbo's grip slips and he falls a few feet grabbing onto another hand hold. The dwarves are trying to reach him but he is too far away. Suddenly, Thorin swings himself down on the cliff and pushes the hobbit back up to within reach. Dwalin reaches down to pull Thorin back up, but Thorin loses his grip and slips. Adrianna swiftly grabs his other hand a helps Dwalin pull the dwarf king back up. Once everyone is back safely on the pathway Dwalin says, "I thought we'd lost our burglar." Thorin then throws out, "He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us. Dwalin!" The two start walking on to find shelter. Adrianna walks up to Kili and hugs him again, "I thought we had lost you, that would have been awful." Kili hugs her back not wanting to let go, but just as quickly as it began it ended and she began to follow the group again.

          They soon came upon a cave and Dwalin checked it out to be sure it was empty before they all started to settle inside. Thorin would not allow a fire and told everyone to get some rest, except Bofur who was to take first watch. "Come, lay between us it will keep you warm." Kili said motioning Adrianna over to him and Fili. As she started that way she could see the scowl on Thorin's face. Soon everyone was sleeping soundly, except Adrianna, Thorin, Bofur, and Bilbo. Bilbo is gathering his stuff together and trying to sneak away. They have a whispered conversation, but Adrianna catches the tail end of it. "I am sorry, I didn't…" Bilbo stutters out. Bofur solemnly replies, "No, you're right. We don't belong anywhere. I wish you all the luck inn the world. I really do." "What's that?" Bofur asks noticing Bilbo's sword glowing blue. Adrianna can hear sand pouring through the floor as Thorin jumps up and shouts, "Wake up. Wake up!" Before anyone can move however, the floor drops open and they plummet down a chute. They all land with a very undignified sound coming from everyone. They had barely gotten to there feet when they were swarmed by goblins, who's greedy hands groped for there weapons and began shoving them forward down a passageway. They soon came to a stop on a platform of sorts with a large chair made of what they assumed was bones. A great Goblin, massive in size, then appeared squishing some of the smaller ones as he made his way forward. The large Goblin begins shouting about thieves, spies, and assassins, when another goblin speaks up, "Dwarves, Your Malevolence." "Dwarves?" The great Goblin king shouts, and demands they be searched again. Adrianna fought back not liking the feeling of goblin hands on places they shouldn't have been. Kili also fought back trying to inch closer to the petite girl. When the great goblin demands them to speak no one makes a move, that is until he threatens to torture the youngest, Ori, with there Mangler and Bone breaker. Adrianna then flung herself in front of Ori shoving goblins back.

          "Well, well, well, What have we here boys!" The Goblin King looks at the young female standing in the way of the dwarves. "You will not harm a single one of them!" Adrianna shouts out as the dwarves stare at her. "Take the pretty little thing and put her in her place." The goblin says as the smaller goblins drag her forward. "No! Don't you dare touch her!" Kili screams trying to fight his way forward. The goblin soldiers throw Adrianna to the ground and bind her hands, she turns to look at Kili and shakes her head. Telling him to be quiet with her eyes. As they begin to whip her Kili looks to his uncle for help, as the fourth lash strikes the half-elf without her making a sound, Thorin steps forward, "Stop!" He shouts. Kili breathes a sigh of relief but the whip is brought down one last time despite Thorin's command. "Well, well, well, look who it is. Thorin son of Thrain, son of Thror; King under the Mountain." The great goblin king says with an embellished bow as the goblins let go of Adrianna who has slumped forward to the ground. Kili's eyes roam over the blood torn flesh of her back as she lays there unmoving. "Oh, but I'm forgetting, you don't have a mountain. And you're not a king. Which makes you a nobody, really." The king continues. "He's a greater King than you could ever even pretended to be, you scum." Adrianna spits out. Earning herself another lash making Kili's skin crawl with rage. Ignoring the bleeding girl on the ground the Goblin King carries on, "I know someone who would pay a pretty price for your head. Just the head, nothing attached. Perhaps you know of whom I speak. A Pale Orc astride a White Warg." Adrianna lungs at the goblins near her fighting for freedom, only to be kicked and beaten back down. Then she stops with a familiar look on her face, as Thorin defends that Azog the Defiler was no more. While the conversation between Thorin and the Goblin King continued one of the goblins began going through the dwarves weapons. He pulls Thorin's sword out of it's sheath a little and then gasps dropping it, as the goblins nearby scurried away. "I know that sword! It is the Goblin-Cleaver, the Biter, the blade that sliced a thousand necks." The Great Goblin shouted, and called for the death of the company. Adrianna struggles against her bonds hoping that Gandalf will show himself quickly. Her thoughts are answered, just as a goblin is about to behead Thorin, a great white light explodes knocking everyone flat on the ground. When the light dissipates there stands the gray clad Wizard. "Take up arm. Fight. Fight!"

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