An Orc Pack and Family

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 "Thieves! Fire! Murder!" They here someone shouting. A crazed looking old man burst through the trees on a sled pulled by rabbits. "Radagast!" Adrianna shouts running to hug the old man. Kili's fists clench at the contact between the two momentarily but then he releases them not quite sure what caused the feeling in the first place. "Radagast the Brown. Ah. What on earth are you doing here?" Gandalf asks as The she-elf moves away from the newly arrived wizard. "I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong." "Yes?" Gandalf pressed. Radagast opens his mouth to speak then closes it with a look of confusion. He then remarks that it was on the tip of his tongue. He then curls his tongue with a look of surprise and pulls a stick insect off of it. Adrianna giggles at this and walks over to stand by the dwarf princes. "He's a wonderfully crazy old man." She says with a fond smile. Kili finds himself wishing she would speak of him in such a manner and decides to ask Fili about these feelings at the next chance he got. The two wizards move away slightly to continue there conversation and Adrianna turns to the boys. "I stayed with him once, you know, and it was one of the most wonderful trips I ever took." Fili and Kili look surprised at this outburst of knowledge but nod in response. "He seems a bit odd." Fili points out. She smiles, "Oh, yes, he is quite the strange fellow but wonderful and caring all the same." "He's kind of like the crazy uncle I never had." She adds with a laugh. Kili feels his heart skip a beat at the musical sound she seemed to make.

          Suddenly a howl echo's in the distance and Bilbo questions if there are wolves. "That is not a wolf." Bofur replies on edge. Out of nowhere a Warg appears and leaps at the company, but Thorin quickly downs it with his sword. Another appears from behind him, and Kili and Adrianna both release an arrow. Each hitting the mark the Warg falls and Dwalin quickly finishes it off. "Warg-scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind." Thorin calls out. Gandalf rounds on the dwarf king, "Who did you tell about you quest, beyond your kin?" He questions urgently. "No one, I swear. What in Durin's name is going on?" "We are being hunted." Adrianna replies bouncing on the balls of her feet. "We have to get out of here." Dwalin says Ori stands atop a rock, "We can't! We have no ponies; they bolted." Radagast grins, "I'll draw them off." Gandalf turns to look at him and says, "These are Gundabad Wargs; they will out run you." "These are Rhosgobel Rabbits; I'd like to see them try." Radagast says excitedly. "Be careful." Adrianna calls as the brown wizard prepares to take off. Radagast takes off with a nod shouting out to gain the attention of the Orc pack, with Gandalf watching for the way to be clear.

          "Come on!" Gandalf calls, and the company is off dodging behind boulders and rocks for cover. Once, the company comes to a halt, but Ori keeps trying to run. Thorin catches him just in time to stay hidden, and then they are off again running and hiding. Adrianna soon realizes where Gandalf is leading them and runs with new conviction knowing it will lead to there safety. As they are crouched behind an outcropping they hear the footsteps of a Warg above them. Thorin nods to Kili; readying an arrow he takes a breath before stepping out and firing at the Warg. It falls and the other dwarves dispatch it and it's rider quickly, but the noise of the fight carry out and the Orc pack hears. "Move. Run!" Adrianna shouts realizing they have been found out. They soon reach a clearing and are surrounded on all sides. Thorin shouts for Kili and Adrianna to shoot them and the two begin to fire arrows at the pack. "We're surrounded!" Fili yells. "Where is Gandalf?" Kili questions still firing. "Hold your ground!" Thorin calls, as the company moves closer together. "This way, you fools." Gandalf appears from behind a rock with an opening behind it. The company all run for the crack and start jumping in, "Kili, Adrianna, run!" Thorin shouts ushering them to him. Kili reaches the rock first and turns to see a Warg to close for comfort to Adrianna who is still running. He notches an arrow, taking aim he releases it and it finds the target allowing the petite girl to reach them. They all jump down into the cave and then a horn sounds and a fierce battle seems to ensue. An Orc falls over the rock and into the cave with them, an arrow sticking out of him, "Elves." Thorin says with disgust as he examines the arrow.

          There is a short discussion on whether they should follow the pathway or not. As they walk along the narrow walk way Adrianna walks up to Kili, "I just wanted to thank you for saving me back there." She laid her small hand on his shoulder and smiled brightly at him. Kili felt his heart speed up, his mouth go dry, and his hands start shaking, "Anytime." He replies softly trying to keep his voice from shaking or cracking. As she walked away to speak with Gandalf he turns to his brother. "What is wrong with me?" He asks Fili looking nervous about the answer. Fili grins from ear to ear, "I do believe you have feelings for her little brother." Kili's eyes widen as the thought sinks in. Could he really have feelings for a she-elf? No, not just a she-elf, Adrianna was also part dwarf he reminded himself. Suddenly the passage way opens up revealing a beautiful sight, a valley that held the city of Rivendell. "The Valley of Imraldis. In the Common Tongue, it's known by another name." Gandalf says proudly. "Rivendell." Bilbo and Adrianna say at the same time. Thorin's face contorts with anger, "This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy." "You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The only ill-will to be found in this place is that which you bring yourself." Gandalf replies his patience wearing a bit thin. As Gandalf and Thorin argue for another moment Adrianna take the time to look at the home of her uncle. The company crosses a bridge Gandalf and Adrianna in the front, the dwarves on edge with there weapons near enough to be readied. A dark haired elf descends a stair case and calls out, "Mithrandir. Lady Luthien." "Ah, Lindir!" Gandalf says with a smile. As the elf reaches them he turns to Adrianna and bows deeply, "Lady Luthien, a pleasure to see you again." He says in elvish. Adrianna bows back though not as deeply and replies in elvish, "Lindir, how many times must I tell you there is no need for formalities with me." The two elves then smile at each other. Lindir then turns to Gandalf, "Lastannem I athrannedh I Vruinen." (We heard you had crossed into the Valley.) "I must speak with Lord Elrond," Gandalf states. The elvish horns that sounded earlier on the battle ground are heard again as armed horsemen approach rapidly across the bridge.

          Gandalf and Elrond converse momentarily before he sees Adrianna, "Luthien ai er, Mani ier lle sinome?" (Adrianna, little one, Why are you here?) Elrond asks in their native tongue. Adrianna smiles at her uncle, "Tua yassen naugrim."(Helping these dwarves) She replies. Elrond then stands in front of Thorin, "Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain." "I do not believe we have met." Thorin says guarded. "You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under he mountain." "Indeed; he made no mention of you." Elrond simply smiles ignoring the insult and faces the dwarves, "Nartho I noer, toltho I viruvor. Boe I annam vann a nethail vin.(Light the fires, bring forth the wine. We must feed our guests.) Gloin shouts out angrily, "What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?" Adrianna steps forward to stand by Elrond, "No, master Gloin, he's offering us food." She smiles up at her uncle as the dwarves discuss amongst themselves. "Lead on uncle." She answers for them. "Will you wish to dress for supper?" Elrond questions. Adrianna nods and Lindir leads her off to her room to change. Kili feels an uneasiness at her leaving but says nothing, not wanting to cause more tension to an already delicate situation.

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