Chapter 6

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"We're not letting you come with us," Tony said in a firm voice, the rest backing him up in case I decide to make a break for it.

"What?! Why not?" I yell in frustration.

"Sorry Doll but it's too dangerous," Steve says stepping up in hopes of comforting me. I look away from him and glare at the floor.

"You need to understand sweetheart, we can't let you go," Natasha begins.

"You might get hurt and it'll be a chaotic fight," Clint finishes her words.

"I hope you forgive us," Tony clamps a weird bracelet onto my wrist, when he lets go I am automatically magnetically pushed onto a seat on the quinjet.

I let out an angry yell as they all stepped off of the quinjet and went to go fight Ultron. I struggled in the vice grip and tried to pull away from the seat but it proved to be a futile effort.

Slowly I let tears stream down my face as I scream a little more, but eventually realize that it's pointless.

I refused to look at any of them as they boarded the quinjet with Pietro and his sister in tow. Pietro sped over to me and Wanda demanded that they let me out of the seat.

As Tony unlocked the bracelet I forcefully tugged my arm back. Pietro and Wanda both put an arm around me and started to whisper affirmations to me. I calmed down significantly as the quinjet landed and Bruce and Tony started to head back to their lab to "destroy" the body in the cradle.

Steve, Wanda, Pietro and I stepped into Tony's lab watching as they tried to create another Ultron.

"I'm going to say this once," Steve says in a commanding voice.

"How about nunce," Tony snarks back.

"Shut it down!"

"Nope, not gonna happen," Tony walks around the lab and continues to try and upload something into the body.

"You don't know what you're doing,"

"And you do?" Bruce asks suddenly gaining confidence. "She's not in your head?"

"I know you're angry," Wanda replies, stepping out from behind Steve and Pietro.

"Oh, we're way past that, I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade,"

Wanda's face hardens and I glare up at Bruce, "Banner, after everything that's happened-"

"That's nothing compared to what's about to happen," Tony cut me off,

"You don't know what's in there,"

We start arguing on why they should shut it off. Pietro rolls his eyes and speeds around the room and unplugs all the cables. 

Bruce and Tony stares at him shock. "No, no go on," Pietro urges them. "You were saying?"

A bullet flies into the air and the glass underneath Pietro shatters. He falls down onto the floor below and Clint steps over him, "What? You didn't see that coming?" Clint gives him a smirk.

An alarm sounds and Tony tries to restart the cradle. Steve throws his shield and it destroys all the monitors, Tony's iron man repulser attaches itself to his hand and he fires a shot and Steve who is blasted away. 

I grow a large vine from a nearby potted plant and it grabs Clint by the leg, I hoist him up into the air while he clicks the safety off his gun.

Wanda moves to do some magic on someone but Bruce apprehends her and puts her into a choke hold saying, "Go ahead, piss me off."

Tony and Steve charge at each other and Wanda shoves Bruce off of her, while Clint shoots through the vine dropping himself onto the floor.

Darling (Yandere Avengers x reader)Where stories live. Discover now