Chapter 9

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Bucky was put into a separate police truck than we were and his whole body was restrained. My metal cuffs were chained to the floor and so I had to hunch over to not put stress on my back. Steve and Sam were concerned for me and instigated started another fight when they saw me. I waved them off best I could.

I didn't speak at all as the police officers also slapped something that muffled my mouth just like Loki's when he was captured, over my mouth . My hair had been freed from it's hair tie so they could search for the daggers I hid in my bun. They were small but could cause damage none the less.

"So you like cats?"

"Sam," Steve warns.

"What, dude shows up dressed like a cat you don't wanna know more?"

"Your suit, vibrainium?" Steve asks. Sam puts a comforting hand on the small of my back and send a wry smile at me.

"The black panther, has been a protector of Wakanda for many generations. A mantle passed from warrior to warrior. Now because your friend murdered my father, I also wear the mantle of king. So I ask you, as both warrior and king, how long do you think you can keep your friend safe from me?"

Steve didn't answer and instead looked away with his jaw clenched.

He didn't do it I wanted to say, but I couldn't. I blinked away tears of anger and continued to glare at the floor. Before straightening my back and slouching into the chair, my chains rattling. T'challa turned around to look at me and I shot him the most fear inducing glare I could muster, but I suppose it looked pretty pitiful with tears in my eyes.

The ride was a bit longer than I expected and I was lead out of the car with the metal cuffs still on my arms and my speech still restrained. I swung my arms as a warning to the police officers around me. "What going to happen to him?"

"Same thing that outta happen to you, psychological evaluation and extradition."

Sharon lowers her head, "This is Everett Ross, deputy task force commander."

"What about a lawyer?" Steve asks.

"A lawyer, that's funny. See that their weapons are placed in lockup and her cuffs secured. We'll send you a receipt."

"I better not look out the window and see anyone flying around in that."

I glared at anyone who came close. But someone grabbed my cuffs and tightened them. I let of a small huff of pain and rolled out my shoulders. "You can't keep her chained up like an animal." Sam stated.

"And how do we know she's not going to kill every single one of us? She's always been more villainous than heroic, she has a more violent way of getting things done."

The thing around my mouth was removed and I growled at Ross, "But they're effective, no? If I hadn't killed Ultron then you would be dead. All of you."

Ross doesn't answer and begins to lead us somewhere else. "You will be provided with an office instead of a cell. Do me a favor, stay in it."

"I don't intend on going anywhere."

"For the record, this is what making things worse looks like."

Steve ignores her, still remembering what she had said earlier about the winner getting Soumaya. "Consequences, you bet there will be consequences." Stark says angrily into his phone as he spots us. "Obviously you can quote me on that cause I just said it, anything else? Thank you, sir."


"Secretary Ross wants you three prosecuted. Had to give him something."

"I'm not getting that shield back am I."

"Technically that's the government's property, wings too." Natasha comments out, joining Tony in walking towards Ross.

"That's cold."

"Warmer than jail," Tony turns back and says. His eyes lingering on my hunched over figure. Sam and I sit down in an office.

"Soumaya, you are zure you are okay?" Pietro asks as he spots me. I nodded my head and swung the cuffs onto the table in front of me, hoping to relieve some of the pressure. "Where's Wanda?"

Pietro glances down, "Stark, put her on lock down. She didn't sign the Sokovia Accords."

"And you did?" I spit out angrily.

"It's safer that vay, for Vanda and I, you should sign it too, prinzessa. They think you are dangerous."

"Maybe I am. I'm not signing my freedom away."

Pietro sighs and continues to try and convince me to sign the accords while Sam rolls his eyes and takes a nap. I close my eyes, tired after today's events. I eventually fall asleep.

I am jostled around a bit and I groan in discomfort. My arms feel considerable light but whoever is carrying has a metal arm and it's not the most comfortable. Wait, metal arm? I jolt awake and cuff Bucky by his flesh arm. I flip around and land on a table in the canteen.

"What are you doing?" I ask tentatively. He doesn't respond and begins attacking the people coming towards us. I spot Tony from the corner of my eye and see him taking out his repulser. I tackle Bucky and we are both out of the trajectory of the beam.

He shoots at Tony's repulser hand and throws him into a table. Sharon comes forward and attacks along with Natasha. He flips Sharon into a table and Natasha swings at his head, he pinned her down onto a table by her throat and she choked out a few words before T'challa starts attacking him as well. He throws T'challa off of himself and begins to stride up the stairs not before grabbing me by the arm and dragging me along with him.

"Hey!" I shout out and strike his flesh arm. I get out of his hold and kick his shoulder. He only blocks my attacks and doesn't hit back. Finally he grabs me by the throat with his metal arm. I choke on air and struggle futilely. He puts more pressure on my throat at I begin to see black spots dance across my vision. It becomes harder and harder to struggle. This is it, this is how I die.

T'challa saves me and takes a flying kick at Bucky. His hold around my throat is released and I take greedy gulps of air. I slump back and massage my throat. Eventually Tony picks me up bridal style and sets me on a table.

He inspects the hand mark around my throat and mutters apologies on how he wasn't able to get to me faster. I gently wave him off and instead direct my attention at Pietro who brought forward the Sokovia Accords with all their signatures on it.

"Soumaya you need to realize that Barnes is dangerous, he tried to kidnap you and when that didn't work he tried to kill you. This isn't about the Sokovia Accords anymore, he hurt you and he's a threat to the world, he needs to be taken down."

I wordlessly sign the accords and with a flash Pietro retrieved all of my gear and weapons. I thanked him and began to rub circles at my throat. "I just want to sleep it off."

They nod in understanding and Natasha brought forth a medium sized fleece blanket. I accepted it a begin to doze off slightly.

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