chapter 2: Return of the soul

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Miss,miss,are you ok ? You wake up dont scare me .
A woman laying in the room, her eyebrows gently pick up, with her pale face that have a painful look on it.

In her mind there are many people, both familiar and strange figures intertwine,
and the picture of each one is constantly fluctuating in her mind.

"Yeaah" she sighed.  The pain in her body pulled her back from her wandering, her eyes slowly opened, and the light around  make her frown.

A hoarse cry  come on and off,it seems that there is something that is holding and pulling her tightly. Jun bizhen 's eyes which opened close slowly

"Miss,wake up ,you have to go and save the young masters, lord ,the old master ,he want to kill the young masters ". The voice of the child become more and more hoarse, after crying all night her eyes that originally look smart at this point have swollen into a size of walnut.

"Little masters "? She seems to have grasped the most important information, the eye that has close  open quickly .

In her brain, some memories un surge ,and she felt a stinging pain  that makes her frown .

Xiyuan country, miss sanfu ,jun bizhen

It seems that god has not forsaking her ,he pities her and gave her another chance to live .

Sorting out the momories in her brain ,jun bizhen understood her situation.

Miss xiangfu was raped a few months ago which as a result she become pregnant and gave birth to a  twins .unfortunately immediately after the incident, the emperor bestow upon her marriage with his favoured son anyang wang .

Anyang wang is 18 years old and  a hero ,he  can be said to be the dream of every woman in the west .

This is a good thing naturally, but she did not know why her father gave this opportunity to her , who is a daughter of a concubine.

Now think about it, this is all about conspiracy and calculation, I am only afraid that the one secretly designed this want to see her ruined and dead.

Thinking about this matter,  who is envious of her? Is it because she has the ability to talk in front of xiangye ?

"Miss ,miss you finally wake up ,quickly go and save the young masters, lord ,the old master want to kill them both today !" The young servant cried when she saw jun bi open her eyes .

Jun bizhen quickly rushed forward and said "what ?" She was shocked whether they are the pass jun bizhen children thay are still her children now she has to save them .it hard for her to born the pair of twins ,and they actually want to poison them ?

Her eyes turned cold ,jun bizhen wanted to move but later frown and standstill in that  place .in this case if she want ti save her life and the children's own she have to think and plan a perfect strategy, for if she act rashly she wont be abale to save them all.

How can she save the children's life ?

Everything started from  her trip in February to the white horse temple she did not know who smeared her .

In jun bizhen's memory, she only remember that there is an accident in the middle of the trip ,but the other details,  she can not remember the rest.
Jun bizhen carefully studied the details from the beginning to the end ,and finally her eyes turned brightly.

Well ,where is the jade that she brought back from the temple. Although she can't remember everything that happened that time, she clearly remembers that jade.

She immediately started looking for it ,turning the things in the room upside down. Till cui yue blinked then quickly rushed to the dressing mirror and opened the jewellery box and brings out the clear white jade.

The jade has a clear and delicate body with a carving of Phoenix and dragon on it .it has a yu pei written on it and feels comfortable.

Jun bizhen carefully look at the jade in her hand and her eyes flashes with enlightenment ,the jade is finely make and it does not look cheap and only a mysterious person or a king can have it .

Let's go the young masters can not wait ,in two days time it will be her wedding with anyang wang, so jun Qingren most killed the twins in other to preserve their lives.

She wont let that happen, no matter what she most save the twins ,she hope that this jade can save their lives. Otherwise it will be troublesome.

The two of them  ran all the way to jun garden.
In the garden there is a koi pond ,where jun Qingren, lin ,liu are sighted with some  younger generation of jun clan with some guards.

Jun bizhen trotted all the to the front of jun Qingren, with her weak body which make her gasped for breath.

Jun Qingren ugly face become even more ugly and gloomy when he saw jun bizhen.

What are you doing her ? He said with an unfriendly tone.

Jun bizhen saw that the twins are held by some guards standing close to jun Qingren, and look like as if they are not moving ,crying or breathing.

She  looked at the children again and said to jun Qingren without any fear "please let your daughter and the children live ".

Jun Qingren face change ,then snorted and said "you want your father to let you go ? Isn't it ridiculous?"

"This matter is of great importance,please allow daughter to tell you the truth, l hope you will allow us to live" said jun bizhen while she secretly bite her lips.

Jun Qingren eyes looked deep and looked at the girl who is kneeling in his front and said after some moment i will listen to your explanation, and allow you to depend yourself, but if its not reasonable you most stepback .

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