Chapter 3

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Yuzu grumbled to herself as she flipped the steak on the pan and added some seasonings and other ingredients on while Mei and Ume were talking sitting getting to know each other. Yuzu was angry and found cooking to ease her stress or anger but this time is the only time where this isn't effective. How dare she give me all that crap while calling my mama her mother no less. " Mei-chan I'm sorry about Yuzu's behaviour earlier she isn't normally like this." Ume smiled softly at Mei whole sipping her beer and Mei glanced at yuzu then back to Ume with her emotionless face. "It's fine..." Mei said and yuzu returned to the table with everyone's dishes and yuzu subconsciously sat down next to Mei and got up again wanting to move . "Yuzu are you trying to test my patients again? Stay sat next to your sweet little sister".
Ume said in a stern voice and yuzu groaned and sat back down and started eating with Ume and Mei who looked innocent but it didn't trick yuzu. Does she seriously want everyone to believe she's all goody two shoes? I'm gonna show her later when it's just the two of us. "We went all out for you since it's your first time here, so you don't have to feel uncomfortable". Ume said happily while she ate the grabbed her utensils and took a bite of her food. "How kind, you really shouldn't have". Mei said flatly while she grabbed her chopsticks and chewed her food and yuzu growled softly. 'How kind you shouldn't have' I'll show her and her annoying cute face! Should I have called her cute?. "So Mei's birthday is on the 13th of September while yours is in the 8th August which makes yuzu your one-chan, isn't your little sister cute yuzu?". Ume asked and Mei looked at yuzu glaring at her and yuzu felt her staring so she lifted her head up to see cold lavender eyes piercing through her soul and Ume giggled. Absolutely not mama! She's glaring at me ahh! "So you lived near that mansion near that famous street right? Did your dad look after you there?"Ume asked and Mei looked outside the window with her blank face which caught Yuzu's attention. "No he wasn't it was just me and my grandfather I haven't seen or heard about him for almost five years". Mei said looking at the airplane that flew by and yuzu felt a bit sad for Mei and decided in her head that she wouldn't expose Mei now but another time. "I'm sorry it must have been lonely...forget about that your grandfather, he is the owner of the school right?" Ume asked and Mei nodded and Mei was talking. Soon the two finished eating and Ume and Mei was helping set the plates away with yuzu and yuzu yawned. "Mmh I'm gonna take a bath now mama". Yuzu said and Ume nodded while the blond sat the bath up taking off her clothes sitting in the bathtub letting the warm water hit her soft smooth skin making yuzu sigh happily finally being relaxed.

I might have gone crazy back their but how could mama not tell me about having to be an older sister before? Yuzu leaned down until only her face was the only part not touching the water while she was fell in her thoughts. I really needed this I can try to relax despite having to live with a robot but her grandad owns the school meaning...We're rich! Knock knock. Someone knocked on the bathroom door interrupting her thoughts  and heard a voice. "You've been in their for a long time now, I'm coming in now". Mei said and yuzu didn't have enough time to say anything as the door opened revealed Mei in a towel and Yuzu's eyes widened and blushed cursing herself when she saw Mei unwrap her towel revealing her body. Mei went in the shower to wash herself and when she was done she turned her head to see the blonde freaking out in the bath even if the blonde wasn't saying anything she could feel the blonde was embarrassed so she decided to walk inside the bath. Yuzu jumped at the sound of feet splashing in the water so she quickly jumped out noticing Mei was going in. "H-hey too close Aihara what are you doing!" Yuzu exclaimed as she was blushing a little as she realised Mei getting close to the her as she slowly trailed down the blonde's porcelain neck with her tongue grabbing Yuzu's hands pinning them on the wall and yuzu jumped and grabbed Mei by the shoulders pushing her off. "What the hell do you think you're doing huh? You already embarrassed me this morning isn't that enough?." Yuzu said as she furrowed her eyebrows and Mei kept her cold lavender eyes at the Yuzu's emerald eyes and she tiptoed reaching the blonde's ear and whispered. "You're not going to tell anybody about what you just saw when you decided to skip detention because if you do, then I'll-" Mei paused and moaned a bit trembling as she felt something poking her stomach and immediately blushed deeply looking down and quickly back up. Yuzu's eyes widened but groaned annoyingly as her annoyed expression was showing which made Mei nervous. "I-I'm Sorry...I didn't know y- you had a u-umm..." Mei's threatening aura was completely gone showing her embarrassed side.
"Get. Out. Now. Well that is unless you want to see more". Yuzu said in a threatening voice. It was Yuzu's turn to show her cold emerald eyes at Mei pushing her off and quickly grabbed a towel wrapping it around her and quickly stomped out of the bathroom flustering in embarrassment leaving Mei in the bathroom who just froze. Yuzu headed to her room and was immediately changing her clothes.

Honestly who does she think she is invading my privacy! She's just so gahhh irritating. I'm yuzu Aihara the player in japan dammit what happened?. Yuzu thought and her heart stopped for a second. "The reason I'm acting like this it's because...she's my sister why would she suddenly do this?" Yuzu's head was spinning and going crazy that by the time Mei had gone out of the bathroom, she was on her futon trying to sleep but she was failing to and Mei looked down putting her things away and sighed deeply. "". Mei said as she lied down on her futon turning her body facing yuzu and yuzu had mixed emotions and Mei thought she was having a panic attack. "W-what,You're going to call me a freak now?" Yuzu said as she put her blanket up to her face feeling a bit irritated . "No actually it wasn't so just shut up and listen before I'll-" Mei suddenly paused. "Or you will what?". Yuzu asked and Mei just sighed. "Forget it..." Mei said and brought the blanket to her body warming herself up. "Why did you do it in school?" Yuzu asked with concern in her voice and Mei froze. "Hey cmon answer me I want to know why in the living hell a teacher would force himself on a student?" Yuzu asked and layed up looking at her sister. "Are you not going to say anything?" Yuzu asked and Mei finally spoke up. "Why did you try to sneak out of school?" Mei muttered looking up at yuzu and she was looking irritated. "Answer my question  first you cold bitch! I want to know why you two kissed it's not normal for a sixteen year old to be forced upon like that ok?" Yuzu said sternly and Mei muttered a little shut up but yuzu was going to be heard. "No i should just report him to the police just like that, is that the guy harumin was talking about when I heard about you getting engaged huh!?" Yuzu asked raising her voice and Mei couldn't control her emotions anymore. "Shut up! Shut up! Just fucking shut up!". Mei screamed and trembled since she wasn't used to handling her emotions and yuzu was shocked as the girl got up and began to get on top of yuzu getting her hands out grabbing the blonde's shirt on her shoulders pulling it up and pushed it onto the floor hardly making Yuzu's back start to ache struggling to get up. "G-ahh s-stop it i-" yuzu felt something wet land on her cheek and instantly looked up and her annoyed expression broke down once she realised tears were pouring down Mei's face while she kept slamming the blonde's body into the floor repeatedly but yuzu ignored the pain once she heard Mei sobbing softly. Sh-she's crying?. Yuzu used her strength to get up and held Mei's wrists and the sobs continue as yuzu looked into her eyes. She felt sorry for the poor girl who hides her emotions from her cold act, she forgot about what happens between the two within just one day and softly hugged Mei wrapping her arms around her trembling body and Mei gasped. She wasn't used to this type of affection and it made her feel warm inside, something she craved. "I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me if you don't have to besides, we only knew each other for one day". Yuzu said in a calming soothing voice and yuzu noticed Mei still trembling slightly.

She stroked her hair gently and could feel Mei start to relax as she wrapped her arms around the Yuzu's body and yuzu could feel Mei's shaking breath on her shirt as Mei's sobbing continue and yuzu continued stroking Mei's soft silky hair. So much has happened in one day. Yuzu's heart dropped, even when a girl she barely knew who was crying on her shoulder. It made the blonde feel weak and she would just embrace them. After all it was the blonde's instinct. Yuzu felt Mei unwrap her hands form her and yuzu smiled softly wiping Mei's tears away with her thumb. "You feeling better?" Yuzu asked and Mei's eyes landed on Yuzu's.Yuzu felt her life flashed before her eyes. She could smell Mei's nice scent as she was getting closer to yuzu who was looking at her with confused eyes, soft gentle hands caressed Yuzu's cheeks as Mei gently kissed her while tears were flowing freely from her cheeks.

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