Those Big Glasses

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well here we go again. i recently rewatched oitnb and remembered how much im in love with carol so this happened in my notes, i havent written in like a year so no judgement pls

the loud clang of a gate shutting behind me ripped me out of my thoughts. i hadnt had time to proccess anything after the constant moving that id been through since yesterday.
30 years.
30 years in a maximum security prison for armed robbery.
i didnt even deserve that long. i should only be serving 10 but that fucking bitch carla betrayed me for less time. all id done was hold the gun up and take the money. she was the one who shot him.
but oh no apparently she was forced into it didnt even touch a gun.
ill fucking kill that bitch with my bare han-
a harsh shove knocked me back to the room.
"move it along inmate"
i glare at the guard over my shoulder before walking through the open gates into c block.
looking around at the blue uniforms and the grey walls i would have to look at for 30 long years of my life i notice a girl with big glasses and shoulder length hair laughing loudly at a table. she was surrounded by 5 or so other girls who laughed along with her. they all watched her, admiring her but in a fearful way. i took note of her but carried on moving.
"inmate (l/n) cell 452"  the officer said, pointing me in the direction.
"youre with denning, good luck"
i look to my right at a girl in blue. she had a smirk on her face as she walked past me. what did she mean by that
i start making my way to my cell before a familiar voice stops me in my tracks.
"-and then he said, hes not an eggplant hes retarded"
rage starts to bubble up inside me as i turn to my right and see that mop of rats tails she calls hair.
i dont even think about my actions before i drop my stuff and run to her table, grabbing her by the hair and dragging her up.
"you fucking bitch ill fucking kill you!" i scream punching her with all the rage i had in me.
she falls to the ground and looks at me a stupid smile forming on her face.
"i fucking trusted you" i yell, tears of anger starting to form, getting on top of her and punching that stupid smirk off her face again and again.
i hear the COs yelling and running over but i dont stop until they yank me off.
"you lying bitch you fucking sold me out ill fucking kill you for ruining my life!"
i keep screaming as a guard drags me away, my legs not even on the floor as a struggle to get back at her.
i see carla get dragged off, probably to medical. i stop struggling and feel myself start to calm down, the rage lessened but still strong in my veins. the guard drops me but still holds me back. i hear him telling another guard that adseg is full and the shu is closed. they decide to keep me here dragging me to my cell. as im being pulled in i see that girl watching me as she stands up.
"thats a shot inmate, youre lucky the shu is closed" he says before throwing my stuff into the cell behind me.
i sit on the bottom bunk that is already made and put my head in my shaking hands, trying to steady my breathing.
i soon hear the taps of someones plimsoles against the floor.
"youve got some nerve pulling that the second you step foot in here."
i dont look up, choosing to ignore her.
suddenly i feel a harsh grip on my chin as my head is yanked up.
"fucking look at me when im talking to you"
i stare back into deep brown eyes framed by large glasses.
"what are you gonna do about it" i spit, narrowing my eyes at her.
her hand moves down to my throat, squeezing so hard i can barely draw in breath.
i grab her wrist and start gasping for air, digging my nails into her skin.
she examines my face, making my cheeks heat up, despite the situation, before roughly removing her hand.
"kinky" i say with a smirk, coughing slightly and rubbing my neck.
"get off my bed" she says, glaring at me with her teeth bared.
i get up and pick up my shit, throwing it onto the top bunk and leaning against the bed to look at her.
"so youre my roomie huh"
she looks me up and down before pulling a jawbreaker out of her pocket and putting it in her cheek.
she takes a step closer until her face is right next to mine.
my face goes red again and my breathing becomes shaky.
she notices this and smirks.
"ill let you off this time but from now on, you go by my rules and you do what i tell you to."
she reaches out and grabs my hip, digging her nails in.
"got it?"
she says in a low voice.
i try to ignore the sensation that gave me in the bottom of my stomach and nod.
she squeezes my hip even tighter and yanks me closer.
"this is when you say "yes carol""
she growls at me.
"yes.. carol" i say, trying to keep my dignity even though i couldnt hide the blush on my face.
she smirks and removes her hand, her fingertips brushing against my hip before walking straight past me out of the cell.
i watch her walk back to her table, people stepping out of her way.

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