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i know i post more like every other day instead of everyday but oh well heres a smut to make up for it

"youre all mine arent you?"

her fingers slip between my folds and the wetness that soaked my panties gave her the answer.
she smirks as she starts running her fingers through my slit. my breathing becomes shaky and i grab her wrist. her other hand moves to the back of my head and she grips my hair hard making a moan escape my parted lips.
she leans in and kisses me suprisingly soft compared to her rough handywork, her hands starting to work on my clit.
i moan into her mouth before she starts kissing along my jawline and down my neck.
i bite my lip and let the muffled moans keep coming as my nails dig into her wrist. id been anticipating this moment for so long that i was already close to release. her lips roughly suck on my neck as i lean my head against the wall, concentrating on not collapsing to the floor.
suddenly her fingers enter me and at the same time she bites down hard on the crook of my neck making me moan louder than ever.
she glares up at me and covers my mouth with her spare hand before concentrating back on my neck, moving lower past my collarbone.
i feel her fingers pick up a harsh and fast pace with no warning, curling up to hit the spot. i pant against her hand, my legs turning to jelly as i finally release, biting down on her palm.
she gives me one last harsh bite on my collarbone and removes her hands, wiping them on her uniform.
"that was too easy. you that desperate for me?"
i huff and sit on her bunk to catch my breath.
"shutup its lonely in here"
she pulls a lollipop out of her chest pocket and unwraps it.
"i was easy on you this time. next time you fuck up you wont leave here walking."
i look up and give her a nervous laugh before seeing her give me a warning look.
"im serious"
she puts the sucker in her cheek and looks down at her wrist.
"jesus christ (l/n) you made your fucking mark" she says in astonishment.
i see the indents of my nails in her skin and the starts of bruises about to form.
"like you can talk"
i refer to my neck which was still tender when i reached out to run my fingers over the marks.
"these bitches gotta know who you belong to" she lays down next to me on the bed, putting her feet up on my lap and putting her arms behind her head.
"yeah i think theyll get the idea"

Trusting Again (carol denning x reader)Where stories live. Discover now