Pushing The Limits

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oopsie didnt post for a day but heres a short chapter hope u like it xx

from that day on carol had asked me to sit at her table. the first day i sat opposite her until she gave me that look that makes me weak at the knees "what do you think youre doing (y/n)" after jumping at her harsh tone, making people laugh around me, i now take the place of some girl who used to sit next to her. i sat there for the rest of that day, thinking about how she'd said my first name for the first time with a stupid smile on my face.
as the days went by i became more and more confident. i started by sitting slightly closer so our legs were touching. this got a side glance from her but not much reaction. then i would slip my hand under the table and rest it on her thigh. this time she looked over at me, an expression on her face that didnt tell me what she was feeling. after she'd looked away i decided that i was safe and started to move my hand further up, squeezing her thigh. this time she chokes on her words and grips the lollipop she had been holding. my breath catches in my throat and i knew id taken it too far.
that takes us to now where im sitting at the desk in our cell, waiting for carol to get back from her table.
after a few moments she storms in shutting the cell door behind her.
"what the fuck was that?"
she grabs me by my throat and lifts me up.
"who the fuck do you think you are?"
we back up until my back is against the wall. i start to panic and the fear shows in my eyes.
"s-sorry carol i j-"
her hand moves to my hair and yanks it hard, making me choke on my words as my head goes back.
"are you asking to be killed? you did that"
she moves closer, her body pressing against mine as i feel her breath on my face.
"in front of everyone. no one humiliates me like that with out consequences"
i audibly gulp and feel my legs start to tremble.
"look at you. youre terrified of me."
her other hand suddenly grabs my hip hard.
"i could do..." she leans in to whisper in my ear. "whatever i wanted to you"
my breath becomes heavier as her words make me feel things that i shouldnt.
"and you would just take it."
she moves her hand to my waistline, her other still bruising my neck.
"like the fucking slut you are"
i bite my lip and push my hips towards her hand as it slips through the gaps in my jumpsuit into my panties.
"yes carol" my voice trembles
she laughs deep in her chest, threatening and dark.

"youre all mine arent you?"

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