In The Showers

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sorry i didnt update yesterday i was busy but heres another chapter

the next morning i wake up to an empty cell. i feel the dried tears on my face and sigh, grabbing my shower caddy and heading out to the showers.
when i get there i see two of the girls that were sitting with carol yesterday. they were standing by the entrance, guarding it.
"you cant come in"
"carols in there"
i roll my eyes and shove past them as they threaten me.
carols brushing out her wet hair, her jumpsuit not fully buttoned yet. she stops and turns to look at me, gripping the hair brush at her side.
"what the fuck are you playing at (l/n)?"
she says through gritted teeth.
i shrug and give her a smile, unbuttoning my jumpsuit and stepping out of it.
"im getting in the shower, you got a problem?"
she glares at me as her mouth curls into a sneer.
"youre so fucking dead"
i pull my shirt and underwear off, unphased by her threats.
"ive got nothing to lose. not even my life at this point. go ahead." i say, knowing she wouldnt kill me herself.
i see her face soften slightly and her grip loosen on the hairbrush she'd thrust towards me.
stepping into the shower, the lukewarm water hits my skin and i sigh, feeling the tension in my muscles ease away. i dont turn around, despite feeling a presence behind me.
"if youre gonna shank me get it over with, the hot waters running out" i say sarcastically
her hand brushes over my hip as she reaches out to turn the shower off.
"hey i havent even shampooed ye-"
i start to complain but she yanks me around so i face her, slamming my back against the wall.
she looks me up and down, slowly this time as if savouring every part of my body.
her eyes reach my face and she brushes her knuckles down my cheek.
i blush slightly watching a small smirk tug on her lips.
suddenly her hand is only throat, my head hitting the wall behind me. a moan escapes my mouth, a familiar feeling pooling in my stomach. the feeling of her eyes piercing through me make me get control of myself.
i go bright red and look away, the embarrasment too much.
a low chuckle resonates in her throat as her fingers tighten on my neck.
"you fucking slut. you like that dont you?"
her knee pushes up between my legs making me gasp.
"i thought i told you to look at me when i speak to you"
her voice deepens again, a low growl escaping her lips. i look back at her without hesitation, my mind too clouded by lust to think straight.
she smirks again, her knee pressing up further.
"see, now youre getting it" she gives me one last look before shes gone as quickly as she came.

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