Who is Who?

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A nurse stops in front of me and take some information from me, and then the second stretcher come through I couldn't tell the face was covered in blood on that one and I start shedding tears! DeMarkes comes over and was like where's Lola??!

The third stretcher came in and they said they was dead at the scene...Tronn & DeMarkes told the nurse that they could identify all 1 out of the 3 bodies that just came in here! The nurse says follow me!!! She takes the information and say now we have to go wait in the waiting room! Instead we went and checked on Nicole!

We walk in Nicole's room and she's sleep and Al'lex is sitting there watching her, we ask is everything good and Al'lex says yeah it is, just all the excitement caused some sharp pains but the baby is okay and she's fine! Al'lex said have you heard from Brittany & Lola? DeMarkes says I got some bad news. Brittany, Lola & Lawrence was in a real bad accident... As soon as DeMarkes said that breaking news came across the tv!

*3 car pile up leave 2 in critical condition and 1 dead, were still waiting i reporters for kore information*

* about 3 hours later*

We are all sitting in the room with Nicole and the doctors come in and asks us to step out so they can give us an update!

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