Chapter 5

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The beginning of summer is a nightmare for me. Everyone in school will remember this night forever. This is our last year of High School and this had to happen to me. I need my best friend.

"Hey, I already called a friend to bring us some gas," Elvis sounds upset. Did I do something? "Elvis I have something to tell you," The moment has come I mean he is my best friend. He won't judge me and things will be easier.

"I already know Lily. You like David and he is the reason we are here," Okay, so he knows why does he sound upset still. Elvis can be like this because of his car right?

"Sorry, I just didn't know how to tell you. I'm such a loser and look at I'm covered in vomit. This is the most stupid thing I've ever done. Also, Eiza is cheating on David with Paul," And he probably doesn't even care.

"Breath Lily, come know what never mind. Let's air hug and here comes my friend," I have the best friend in the world. Who is she?

"I'm Maria and you must be Lily," This is the first time I meeting her. Elvis did mention her once to me but I forgot. She looks nice though and I love what she's wearing.

The shirt she has one looks familiar and we are wearing the same boots. "So you had fun, let me get you another shirt. Here it's Calvin Klein you will look great on it. Oh, and nice boots," Was that a wink.

"Nice friend Elvis is she rich. Her car looks expensive," It must be nice to be rich. Elvis and I always used to play we were rich. We would dress up in our parent's clothes and talk weird. I miss those moments of us when life was so much easier.

Elvis was the most important guy to me back then. We met David about 4th grade and I fell in love with him. At first sight and I still, remember how we met. I got hit by a ball and he helped me get up.

My butt never recovered from that fall and David never forgot about it. He still teases me whenever he has a chance. Anyways, Elvis has been so quiet since we left.

"So did you talk to him," Our first conversation of David! I'm so relieved right now. I don't even need a diary any more because now I can talk about it. Yay!

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