Double Battling At Cerulean Gym

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Yuna P.O.V

Brock:Here we are Cerulean City.

Forrest: Finally.

Yuna: I'm going to challenge the Cerulean Gym.

Brock:I heard that the Sensational Sisters little sister became gym leader but they know she wants to become the best water type trainer so they've been training hard and performing their shows regularly as well.

Yuna: Maybe they will take the spot soon so she can travel.

Brock: I'm gonna get more supplies just to be prepared if something like with Minun and Plusle happens again.You can go challenge the gym.

Yuna: You don't want to see the match?

Brock:Oh I want to see after I saw you battle now I definitely  want to see it.

Yuna:Then go and hurry back.

Brock ran off.

Yuna and Forrest went to the Cerulean Gym and saw the gym leader just about to enter.



Yuna:I was wondering if I could have a gym battle here.

???:Oh sure.I'm Misty.

Yuna:My name's Yuna and this is Mullo.

Mullo: Pikachu(Nice to meet you)

Forrest:And mine's Forrest.

Misty:Ok Yuna.Right his way.

Yuna,Mullo and Forrest followed Misty to a water field.

Misty:Is a double battle alright?

Yuna:I never really had a double battle before but okay.

Misty:Golduck,Starmie.Show time!

They got to train more when they took a break after saving Ying and Yang so she called them out.

Yuna:Ying,Yang come out!

Ying(Minun) and Yang(Plusle) came out and smiled cutely.

Misty: Water Gun!

Both water Pokemon fired a Water Gun.

Brock came in at that moment but no one noticed but Forrest.

Yuna: Quick Attack to dodge then Spark.

Ying and Yang got surrounded in white light and dodged the Water Gun gracefully leaping from the floats.They then headed for the water duo with a Spark.

Misty:In the water!

They jumped avoiding the Spark and Ying and Yang hopped into the float they were on.

Yuna:Thunder Dance.

Misty: What's that?!

Ying and Yang did a cheer and created a blue orb in their hands then threw it at the ceiling and it started to rain.Then they both charged up and fired a Thunder in the rainstorm and a larger jolt of electricity shot from the storm and straight into the water. Golduck and Starmie came out injured.... badly.

Misty:Use Water Gun to move the floats away from Plusle and Minun.

Now Ying and Yang stood alone on a float.

Misty: Hydro Pump!

Yuna: Ying,Yang channel electricity in your feet and run on the water.

They looked surprised but did as they were told and sure enough they were running on the water which was cackling with electricity.The Hydro Pump missed.

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