The Problem With Paras

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Yuna P.O.V

The leaders panicked.

Nurse Joy:I have seen what you have done and there is no way I'm letting people who use Pokemon for street fighting open an Official Gym!

Yellow: Please, Nurse Joy.....

Blue: Won't you give us another chance?

They begged and lowered their heads.

Nurse Joy:Maybe but I suggest you listen to what this young lady has to say.

Nurse Joy pointed at Yuna.

Yuna: Who?Me?

Yuna blinked and sighs.

Yuna:Ok.Well, first of all using Pokemon as tools for your own selfish and greedy goals is wrong. They are you partners and friends.You do love your Pokemon, right?

Yellow:We do.They are our partners.

Yuna:So,if you guys want to start new I suggest you repair the damages you've done and apologize to everybody in Dark City and lastly rebuild your relationship with your Pokemon.

Blue/Yellow:Thanks for the advice,Ms.Platnium!

Yuna didn't say anything when they mentioned their disguised names.

Brock chuckled at that.

Nurse Joy:Great Advice.

She knows it's not their real names they are just for cover.

**********Break Scene*********

And at least the Kas and Yas members worked together to repair the damages and the people were grateful for their help.

Mr.Tim:I thank you.Now the children can play outside again and we won't be afraid of Trainers or Pokemon again.

Misty: Let's just hope it doesn't happen again.

Marine and Forrest groaned.

Forrest: Don't jinx it.

Nurse Joy: Don't worry, I'll make sure it never happens again.I'm gonna stay here and build a Pokemon Center.

The group smiled at her words.

Yuna was over by the members leading (kind of) the construction.

Yuna:Put your backs into it!

Mullo:Pika Pika Chu(I've seen a Slowpoke move faster!)

Flare:Fenniken(Hurry up!)

Clarity:Vul Vul(Work Work!)

Marine: She's a Demon....

Nurse Joy:Look at her telling them what to do nicely.

The group looked at her with a 'are you crazy' look.

Yuna: Who said you could stop! Get back to work!


Misty and Brock groaned.

*******Break Scene******

After leaving Dark City the group stopped at Mossgreen Village, a village so small that it doesn't even have its own Pokemon Center.

Brock:We need supplies.

Misty:Maybe there's somewhere we can restock.

The group looked around town and saw a place making medicine.

???:Hi.I'm Cindy.


Brock:The name's Brock.

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