Riddle Me This

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Yuna P.O.V

Yuna and her friends were in a clearing with their pokemon let out.They were taking a break before continuing as they had to reach the peir by tomorrow because that's when the boat would leave for Cinnabar Island.

Yuna was just sitting under a tree sadly.She knew this day was gonna come but she didn't want it to be so soon.

Delight: What's wrong,Yuna?

Yuna:Just thinking.

Delight:You know since I've been with you, you've never found a reason to frown,now suddenly there's one stuck on your face. You can tell me you know.

Yuna:*sighs* It's just that because of the amount of Pokemon I have is alot, releasing them takes up space.I knew that the day when I had to send some of you to Professor Oak was near but now that it is here.....

Delight: It's harder than you thought it would be.

Yuna nodded.

Delight: It's not like we're staying there for the rest of our lives and you'll see all of us at once when you come home to train after collecting your last badge.

Yuna:And to think I thought that I'd never be able to do it.

Delight: Surprising isn't it?Come on,you should tell everyone so when we reach Cinnabar Island you'll be ready.

Yuna nodded and they both went and told everyone.They were sad to hear that they were gonna be separated but knew it had to be done.

Brock:Ok, everyone! It's time to go!

Yuna returned everyone except Mullo.

They arrived at the peir and stayed at the Pokemon Center resting up for what the day lays ahead.

*******Break Scene*******

The group was on the boat sailing to Cinnabar when Misty met an old friend,Ash(Not like the old Ash,this Ash is different but I couldn't find a different name).She said she travelled with him before returning to help out at the gym.

Yuna noticed something about him.Like how he blushed when she was talking to him.She checked and sure enough,his aura was a light pink signaling that he was in love.It was pretty obvious even without her aura so she decided to talk to him.

Yuna:So are you gonna tell Misty?

Ash:What do you mean?

Yuna:Are you gonna confess to her?


Yuna rose a brow looking at him knowingly.

Yuna:*boredly*Come on.I can easily see it.I'm surprised Misty can be so blind.

Ash:*sigh*Fine to you caught me. But I'm scared.What if she doesn't like me the same way?

Yuna:I could use Aura and find out but that would be abusing my powers and I think it's better if you find out on your own.

Ash:Um?*deep breath*Ok.

Ash walked over to Misty who was staring at the sea.

Yuna walked to Brock.

Brock:Is he gonna do it?

Yuna was not even surprised Brock knew.He is observant when it came to certain things.

Yuna:I don't know.Let's just hope.

They were eating when Ash rushed over with a gleeful smile.

Yuna: Judging by your look, I can tell she said yes.

Brock:Yes to what?

Yuna:He asked her if she could be his girlfriend.

Ash: You h-heard?

Yuna:Nope just guessed because your smiling like you met Ho-Oh
and she's over there*chuckles*is a blushing mess.

They looked at Misty who was blushing still staring at the sea.

Ash:*chuckles nervously*Guess it's pretty obvious huh?

Brock: Leave it up to Yuna to embarrass you.

Yuna gave Brock a glare and he raised his hands in defense.


They reached Cinnabar Island.
They went to the Pokemon Center and Yuna sent some of her Pokemon to Professor who promised to take care of them.
Professor Oak also told Yuna her mother opened a restaurant called Box Cielo which also delivers.Her mom made a garden backyard but needs Pokemon to help out and to play with children when they got bored. Yuna promised she'd find some.

They went looking for the gym but to me avail.

Forrest:Ugh,where is this gym?!

Bulbasaur: Bulba (We looked everywhere)

???:Hello,young ones.You looking for the gym?

Yuna:Yes we are.Do you know where it is?

???:The Gym Leader Blaine built his gym in a fiery place,where firefighters would never win.

Then he left.

Marine: It's a riddle!Like a scavenger hunt!

Forrest:And we're hunting for the gym!

Marine/Forrest: Let's go!!

Squirtle/Bulbasaur: Squirtle/ Bulba(Wait!)

Yuna:Hold on you two.

She floated them right in front of her.

Yuna:We didn't even solve the riddle yet and you're already running off.

Misty:This is why I'm always worried.

Brock: Firefighters put out fires.

Ash:So which fire there is that a Firefighter can't put out.

Yuna looked out and saw a volcano.

Yuna:A volcano!

Misty:*sweat dropped*Yes Yuna we can see it.

Yuna:*glare*No a volcano.The lava from a volcano can't be put out.That's the answer to the riddle.


Brock:That could be it.

Ash: It's worth a try.

Marine:Ok theenn...

Forrest: Let's go!

They ran in the direction of the cave with Squirtle and Bulbasaur trying their best to keep up.

Yuna:*sighs*I think it's best if we chase after them.

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