Chapter Five

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Echo's POV

"How am I supposed to learn if all you do is tell me to 'calm down'?" Pietro asked irritatedly as he came to a stop in front of me. "All you ever do is stand there and tell me what to do, you do not know what it's like to have powers, how are you actually supposed to help us?"

I arched my eyebrows at him unamused and Linkin growled from the edge of the training room. I had the brilliant idea to keep my powers hidden from the twins, Linkin and Nera were all over it but it seemed to be backfiring on me now. In fact, it's been backfiring on me for the past two months. Wanda didn't mind that she was being trained by a simple 'human' but Pietro was quite irritated that I was trying to help him. His powers are connected to his emotions, once he has those under control he can learn how to control them without changing how he's feeling.

"Pietro enough," Wanda said, coming up next to him and taking his hand, "she is trying to help you and she can not do that if you are not willing to listen to her."

He turned to her sharply, "She's human Wanda, she doesn't understand what we're going through, so how can she actually help us?"

"She has helped me just fine to understand my powers," Wanda explained, "maybe you're just not listening."

My eyes moved between both of them as they bickered back and forth until finally I nodded to the wolves and headed to the exit. They quickly flanked me but before I could even touch the handle Wanda called after us, "Wait, Echo, where are you going?"

I turned back around to face her, "We're not going to get anywhere today if you're both worked up." I smiled kindly to her, "Have a good rest of your day Maximoff, I'll see you two tomorrow." With those final words I walked out of the training room.

He's insufferable, Nera growled to Linkin and I and he chuffed in agreement, He doesn't realize what you're doing for him. We could be out on a mission right now but instead we're here training the impatient quickster and the sweet little witch.

Don't stress yourself over the little things, Sunshine, Linkin said and stared lovingly at her. I smirked, they were polar opposites but they were perfect for each other. Besides, you don't have to be there and watch them train, you can wait in the bedroom and stare out the window all day long.

I scoffed at them, Link we both know Nera can't hold still for the life of her, I teased. The twins are learning well though, Pietro may get stressed out often and Wanda sometimes doesn't tell me when she hurts herself but they're doing acceptably well.

Before Nera could retaliate in any way from my previous comment, we heard a call in our minds and I frowned at the contact. Only two other people aside from Strucker and List knew how to contact us like that and if they're contacting us something bad must have happened. The wolves and I exchanged a glance before turning around and walking to the control room at a brisk pace, bypassing the twins on the way.

"What happened?" I asked in English as I entered the room and Strucker and List turned to face me. Most of the soldiers here don't know the language all that well.

"We've had a breach in our ranks," Strucker whispered to me, in complete agreement that we should speak this language, "we don't know who it is yet but we do know they're planning an attack soon."

A wicked smile appeared on my face and I felt the excitement grow in Nera and I both while Linkin was angry someone was threatening us. "What would you like me to do?" I asked professionally with a confident smirk still placed on my lips. It's been months since I've had a good fight.

"What do you suggest we do?" Doctor List asked, placing his hands in his pockets, "You're basically the smartest person in the world and a master spy."

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