Chapter Six

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Two Years Later

Echo's POV

The twins, Linkin, Nera, and I walked through the hallways of the compound like we owned the place, and really, we did. However, it was quite difficult to walk when everyone was scurrying around and bumping into everything possible. Red lights flashed and an alarm rang through every room and hallway no matter where we went.

The twins glanced at me in slight irritation and I merely looked at Nera. She and Linkin are now at least two feet taller, taller than Pietro and if standing side by side would fill the whole hallway. Nera didn't say anything but what looked like a grin fell on her face and snarled at anyone who got in our way. With her paving the way we quickly made it to the control room where we knew Strucker and List would be.

We remained in the shadows, Linkin and Nera blending in perfectly while the twins and I stood closely together. After the breach we had we seemed to grow quite close, close enough where even Linkin decided to trust them and protect them like they were Nera or I. Pietro took both mine and Wanda's hand and reflexively we both leaned into him.

"Who gave the order to attack?" Strucker asked, angered as he walked into the room and Linkin and Nera sat beside us, still the same height, if not, taller than Pietro.

"Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers," a man explained and I tensed as I recognized the name. The Avengers have become quite the problem for us, especially since they realized we were embedded in Shield. I didn't exactly know who was on the 'team' and I didn't much care, I just wanted them to go away. "They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked."

Strucker turned to List, a man I've come to slowly trust, "They have to be after the scepter," he concluded and looked back at the other man, "Can we hold them?"

"They are the Avenger!" the soldier said not even considering for a moment if we could hold them off.

"Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit could make them close ranks. Everything we've accomplished. But we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough," Strucker said.

"Then let's show them what we've accomplished," List offered eagerly, he knew the twins were ready, "Send out the twins and Echo, it's what they signed up for."

I nodded at Wanda and Pietro and we made our way into one of the emptier hallways, "We're obviously not staying here," I said with a smirk on my face and Linkin seemed irritated, he just wanted us safe, "Wanda and I will stay here and hold down the fort, you three head outside and stir up a storm." Pietro smirked at my words, he loved running in circles in the snowing and creating small little tornadoes.

He and the wolves raced off out of sight but not before I felt something lightly brush against my cheek. I scoffed and glared in only a small amount of annoyance at where Pietro used to be. "That's cute," Wanda commented and we began walking together through the hallway, "I wish someone would do that to me."

I chuckled and gave her a side hug, "Don't worry Wanda, you'll find someone someday," I told her.

"I won't get my hopes up," she said and I only squeezed her tighter and sent comforting feelings towards her. It's hard to find someone in Hydra if you know what I mean.

There were quiet voices up ahead and I subconsciously reached for my swords that were strapped to my back. "Don't worry, I know when I'm beat," Strucker said and Wanda and I remained side by side, "You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope."

"I'll put it right under illegal human experimentation," a strong and confident voice responded, "How many are there?" Basically at his invitation Wanda walked out of the shadows and threw him down the stairs, red and blue wisps following us in our wake. I ignored the interest I had in him the moment I noticed the colors of America on his suit and followed after Wanda through the hallways.

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