Chapter Four

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One Year Later

Echo's POV

I watched in amusement as Linkin and Nera rolled in the snow outside of the compound, pushing and tackling one another. I was surprised that Nera got Linkin to play with her, he's usually too worried about our own safety when we're outside of the base. Linkin is always so protective over us and often forgets what it's like to have fun in the first place. Nera, however, never stops having fun. The only time she's not playing is when she and Linkin are out on missions with me.

Alright, you two, I called out to their minds and Nera pinned Linkin to the ground and looked up at me, let's head inside, it's starting to get dark.

Linkin threw Nera off of him and jumped to his feet, playfully nudging his best friend as they trotted over to me. They were only a year old and they were already pretty large, nearly five feet high and they weren't even fully grown. Nera retaliated Linkin's nudge with nipping at his shoulder, trying to ensue another wrestling match.

Come on, Echo, she begged playfully, just five more minutes, I can never get him to play with me.

Sorry Ner, I said shrugging my shoulders and ruffling the fur on top of her head, but if you haven't noticed, you two are covered in black fur surrounded by snow. You stick out and I don't want to risk any hunters shooting you.

Nera whined deeply and Linkin sneezed in amusement, She has a point Sunshine, he said staring her silver eyes at her lovingly, I'd hate to have to find a new play pal.

The she-wolf's golden eyes narrowed at him, You wouldn't dare, she seethed at him and I rolled my eyes. Linkin would never try to replace either of us, he's far too loyal for anything like that and we're too unique to be replaced. Besides, I'm the greatest play pal there's ever been, just ask Echo, she's seen other wolves.

I nodded my head, a playful smile playing on my lips and Linkin rolled his eyes, She's right Linkin, other wolves aren't half as fun as Nera is.

We approached the doors and out of the corner of my eye I noticed a truck arriving with what looked like a dozen people. Linkin growled lowly at the sight of them and his eyes tinged black for a moment. He and Nera have psionics and telepathy like me, one of the main reasons why Strucker allowed for them to stay, the other being I would've killed him if he tried to get them removed. The truck came to a screeching halt in front of us and I watched as the volunteers were unloaded, Linkin and Nera flanking me.

"Starling," Strucker said as he walked out of the base. I nodded my head in acknowledgment, "What do you think of this batch?"

The wolves and I stared intently at every person standing alongside the truck, most of them panicking at the sight of us. We rummaged through all of their minds and only a small few stuck out to me. I hummed to myself and spoke clearly, "There's been worse," I told Strucker, my eyes still glued to the volunteers, "I'm not very confident, but there is a small chance."

Beside me Strucker nodded his head and spoke in Sokovian this time instead of German, "Volunteers, please, follow me inside and we'll show you a demonstration of power you could possess."

I watched with a steeled expression as everyone walked by, eyes nervously skitting over the wolves and I. They were nervous, they didn't know what we were capable of and didn't know how unpredictable we were. Linkin growled again and moved closer to Nera and I while Nera watched them silently and untrusting. They were right to be nervous, humans are just as unpredictable as any other animal, if not more.

Come on, I said softly and we walked behind the volunteers to the demonstration room. Which video do you think they're going to use this time? I asked.

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