chaptr 1: joining the club

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"anna are you ready for schol?" anna's mom called, "yes!!!!!" said anna (she was brushing her teeth which are white of course) as she ran down the stairs. "stop running down the stairs" annas mom said "sorry" said anna and she stopped runnig down the stairs.

"i made you break- oh no!!!!!" scream anna's moth, "we're gonna be late! theres no time.."

"its ok mom i love you see you" said anna and she grabbed the toast in her mouth (A/N: OMG LIKE ANIME XDD) and ran outside to her school.

anna had just moved across the world! she used to be in Cain Aids but now she is in united states thank god. woo hoo ! anyways she was moving to a new school too, which was the bestest school in the entire world, doki doki catholic school!!!!!!!! anna was not catholic but thats ok, doki doki catholic school is for everybody (thats their motto btw) so she went tehre.

when she got into the hallway she was running to class and she accidentally bumeed into someone. "ugh" said a girl "watch where youre are going...wait, who are you" anna blinked "oh so sorry.. i am anna i am a transfer student from can aids"

"can aids is real?" asked the girl her eyes were so big. she lowered her glasses (A/N: thts h0w u know shes serious!!) "wow...anyways im grace dont sweat it and dont forget it.. heh heh ha ha im soo funny" said grace even though nobody was laughing, except fro anna, who thought grace was funny too.

"ok we should get to class," said anna. "you are in the second year right?" "yeah i am anna come on lets go" resplied grace and so they both walked to class together. when they got there, they prayed and then sat down in the back of the class near the window. after anna finished her work she looked over at grace who was reading a book.

"what are you reading there?" asked anna, who was very curos and also nice

"umm.. you probably wouldnt get it" said grace, she is kinda shy aboutt this stuff to new people "it's manga"

"Mann gah? i thought that was banned!" gasp anna. you see, in Can Aids, all Aidians have hear the legend of Mann gah: dark forbittden witchcraft of the ancient past.

"no what the fuck are you talking about" said grace "i said manga. its like a comic book but you read in reverse"

"woah..." anna was impressed. "what manga are you reading"

"u-um.. you wouldnt know anyway.." say grace and anna tried to look over her shoulder but grace just put her face into her book more and then anna tried to read the cover and grace put her hand on that "stop it you nosy bitch" she growled

"i just wanna see it!!" cryed anna. "ugh stop crying fine ill tell you its watamote are you happy"

"Water Moat Tea?" gasped anna "I thought that was poisonous!" you see in Cannedads water moat tea is a special elickxir (that mens potion) made by the witches who practice Mann gah

"what the fuck are you talking abo-- oh my goddness its time" said grace and she stood up suddenly from her chair. anna looked around and saw everyone was leving but she didnt know anyone except grace so she just followed after her but grace was kinda running so anna had trouble keeping up. at las tthey stopped in front of a class room and grace knocked on the door four times in a specialway. then the door opened and anna wanted to go in but grace stop her.

"why cant i go in" anna sniffed "i wanna go in too"

"umm just give me one sec ok"

"ok ill give you one gec" sighed anna and she took out her earbuds and put on 100 gecs (she didnt plug them in) telephatically means with your mind lol

then she saw the door close so she turned off her phone and grace stared at her with a serious look so she took of her galces. "you dont have a club right?" anna shook her head. "no i just came to this school" she explained to grace.

this made grace so happy she put her glaces back on "awesome! do you want to join my club then? we need one more member"

"sure!" said anna cause she was a very nice person . so grace opened the door and she and anna went in the cllass room. inside there was 11 people there if you dont coutn anna, and they all turned to look at anna and grace

"she said yes" grace said, and then everyone looked at anna and said "WELCOME TO DOKI DOKI CATHOLIC CLUB!!!!!!!!"

"ok ill introduceyou to everyione these are my friends btw" grace pointed at everyone one by one and told anna their names. anna learned thatthe people in there were juan, pato,mineas, kral, stef, weeba, yuri, eric, and taytay uzumaki. 

"this is everyone who can be here during lunch break," explain grace. "some people come after school. WEre the best club cuaze we have 2 meetings every day!" she said "and we have lots of fun" said mineas who was playing a board game with taytay uzumaki and eric and pato and juan. kral and stef were sniffing some weird looking sugar on the table and weeba was sleeping with his dakimura (if u dont know wat dat is .. look it up!) that had a big picture of miku on it.

"what are you guys playing?" anna walked voer to the table with the four guys on it, but on the side that was playing the board game.

"100 percent milk juice" said eric. "it is very fun. would you like to join us"

"hmmm," said anna, and then juan looked up at her and she locked into his eyes too, and ...

"no!" said anna shacking her head "im a good catholic girl now! iim a catholic girl now!" she say, and juan didnt understand but he smiled at her and she screamed "i dont care" as she threw herself on the table breaking it


"YURI" screamed grace as she ran over to the leaking blood under the table "NO"

"a-ah.. im really... really sorr.y.." anna said started to cry. juan pet her "its ok you didnt mean it"

mineas and eric started packing up the board game and cleaning the table and taytay uzumaki performed the american version of Mann gah that isnt forbittden. stef and kral clipped out of the room and teleported back to class. juan grabbed annas hand and looked at her but she was looking at yuris crushed body as grace pulled her out of the broken table

grace looked at anna with a sad face "now we have to pay for the table"

"what about.. um.. that" anna said pointing at the mangled body

"no its ok she'll respawn in time for our second meeting" said grace and she threw yuris body out the window "she set her spawn point here its fine" and they all walked back to class togethher. they all had different clases but luckily anna had her class with juan so it was good. they spent a lot of time getting to know each other and stuff and by the end they started dating it wa so awesome.

all too soon the final bell rang for class. "come on baby lets go," said juan in a cool way. anna blushed. "where are we going?"

"to the second meeting of doki doki catholic club of course" he kissed her cheek and anna said "lead the way" so he did.

TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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