chasher 13:the libary of alexandira (touhou vershion)

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"patchouli " said anna "hte great unmoving libabry" she opened her phone and pulled up touhou wiki and readptchols wiki page in front of pachouri who wached her and wehn she was done she waws likE "ok"

"andyway" said mineas "what do you mean  youve ben especting us??? waht the hell where si are the people in themansion and why!!!!!!' he pointed acrose the room, at the thid stanger, but awas a stanger?or was a fiend? or was a friend?

look ,i donot know the diference betwen fiend an friend, exceptfiend aas one sorry friend has one r and fiend does noat. and tslike , i love spelling calss, i love spelling so hard. one ime my mmom asked me "whathca reading?" and i said "dicktionary" and i waws, next time i aked for order wikipedia encyclopedia but the real aend the book and oso i as reading my ecncylocpeida,and i was like is Friend in here? its in dictionary, but i ahdd droped my dicionary out he window of my room, and i dhdnt have another one. so i didnt have my dictioanry until i went downstiars, and went outside, and picked it up, and i looked up freind, andwell, my firend twas there. and i was said Hello! and he said hi and i said hi and he said wats up and i said kechup! ha ha ah ha h a ha ha ah ha ha ha hash hahhahahahahahhahahahhhh ahhhh ahhahahahhahhahahh hahahhahahahhahahah hhahahhahahahah what ? anyway,

"dont mind the guest" said patchouli and she dd this litle thing like she was naenaeing at koakuma and komauma said yeah ok and naenaed and dabbed and dee dee dee daw 怎么能哭呢一切会好哒 一切都去吧你就得想着 既然没办法还恨他干嘛 还管它干嘛心里要记得 so pachouri hit her in the balls "stop that" she said and saighed and was like "ok anyway"

she got up from her seat and walked and walked and walked and everyone in ddcc was like what the fag and she stoped. in front of where sh stood she started drawing circles in shit and was like inshallah a'llashrka ann''sha' shquiesh and ahsy'er isuye're and aishkjk'a ray'jeka'ck so the cirlce shit started glowing adn the floor started shaking  a little

"what the hells going on" said patoh who didn know what was up with this

"what year is it" asked yurikolovespie

"pathouli!" yelled grsaec "what the hell is being done! here! release our fiend!" and she pointed at....................OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"STEF!!!!!!!! CAFERINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' yelled anna

"stefrine smiled "hehehe whats up uguis..................................................................................................................................................................................." h sniffed "please help "

"the dragon" said eic and he had this insight like in ace attorney which is my favorite game btw all 145 he had the little thing where he slcloses hi eyes and lasers in his forehead and choosethe right answe so he connected the dots and was like "adragon attacked you?"

"it was meiling actually" replied stefrine

"thats the chinese girl" said juan "shes chinese if you couldnt tell cant miss her six feet of china and green and woman and you know" he motioned at his flat board chest "she got a pack"

"sure" said eric "but i didnt see anything at the gate i only saw a dragon foot prince"

"feet?" asked mineas, because he was a feet sepcialist, much like an orthodonist, much like a podieatris, feet doctor.

"PLEASE shut up" grace said and she turned to patoh and piushed thim to the groundb "beta cuck you iwll never be a sigma male never never never never never ahhhhhhhhhhh" she kicked him in the ribs "die

"doki doki catholic club membver on doki doki catohglic club member violense" observed juan

"GUYS notthe point thnot the paont" said anna and she slaped koakuma in the balls to which koakuma said AHHHHHHHHHH MY BALLS MY BALLS and stef said yeah buddy i ve bene tehre before it is whatr it is and anna truned and pointed like acer attorney at patcohuli "WHY  do you have our sfriend stefrine, huh? huh? neet as sbaich?" (an ok so i wil explain reallyquickly for the non japense and the no nanime fans so a neet is homeone who live in house no job not no nothing no even girlfriend anyway no life so patcholu i is kind of one of thsoe cus i dont think he even goes outside or has any friends ecept for her slave koakuma who dresses in all black, anwyay i think patchuli is ametpahor for racism, see shes realy pale becuz she never goes outside and but pat oops i mean but koakuma wear all black and works for ehr kind of like a slave cuz kaokuma,i dontce think she gets pay dcash money, which anyway that is realy cool to see in a story like touhou right it makes it super deep)

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