3 ¦ Reading Process

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Every two weeks, a new book will be chosen for all members to read. You'll have two weeks to read at least 3-5 chapters of that book. If you wish to read more, that'll be up to you.

During the Reading Process, we'll post the chosen book of the week, the author's book details, and their writing information. We're sure that you've noticed when you filled out your form, there were some questions regarding your writing. In this process, you will need to keep in mind the following:

✦ the Strongest writing trait

✦ the Weakest writing trait

✦ and the Help Request

All thoughts, opinions, and criticism are welcomed as long as they are helpful and not degrading. You're welcomed to comment on their work. Still, we prefer to gather all the information to sort and detail everything out. This is why we need you to fill in the feedback form by the due date of each book.

This is so that we can all be as helpful as possible to one another. This process will go for everyone's story. We also ask you use the 'Why?' and 'Sandwich' methods when giving your thoughts on anyone's story. Ask yourselves what worked and what didn't? What do you think is missing, what do you think could make it the best to its potential?

Keep asking questions that you would want to be answered for yourself. And always say WHY, you think or feel like that about a particular point. As for the Sandwich method, it starts off by pointing out the good, then pointing out the bad and finishing off with some more good points as well as some helpful tips.

There is a list of questions available below to help guide you through a constructive and helpful review. Please take a look at them and try to incorporate them into your response. We'll keep your completed review and post it in the club book along with the others at the end of the session.

During this time, the author of the week will not speak to the other members about their work. This is so that the author can sit back and observe how readers react to their work without interfering or saying anything that'll make the readers alter their true thoughts and opinions.

The only time the author is allowed to comment is after the Reading Process, at the end of their two weeks. Either in the comments through private messaging or via discord.



Let the author know what chapters you've read when you're answering the questions or giving your feedback. Give reasons for all your thoughts and advice. Inbox us when you've filled in the review form provided on the club bio.

1) What did you think the book was about?

2) Did you feel the book fulfilled your expectations?

3) What about the plot? Does it pull you in? Or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book? Any plot holes you may have noticed? Where?

4) Do the characters seem real and believable? Are you able to relate to them as a person and their predicaments? To what extent do they remind you of yourself or someone you know if they do at all?

5) How was the pacing of the chapters? Consider if the scenes skipped or jumped randomly. Was it too slow or too fast? Why?

6) How is the description of the chapters? Consider the scenes, their settings, emotions, and actions. Consider if there were any information bumps. If they were lacking emotions, too little or too much describing, telling rather than showing, etc.

7) How is the story development? Are the settings, events and characters molding together well? Is the transition from A to B to C to etc., readable and able to hold your attention throughout?

8) Describe what you liked and disliked about the writer's style. Why?

9) Would you read more of the author's work? Why or why not?

10) Comment on their strongest & weakest writing trait alongside their help request and your overall thoughts.

If you need a guideline, please refer to our 2019/2020 book with last year's reviews.


NOTE: Please keep in mind the following:

1) When handing in your review, please check your spelling and grammar. It doesn't need to be perfect, merely readable. It will be posted as is. We, the Mistresses, will not be editing your reviews before posting them.

2) When writing your reviews, please keep in mind the quality of your feedback. Depending on how little or how forthcoming your reviews are may affect how others will review your work.

3) The Mistresses will not chase for reviews nor check for quality. Our only concern is everyone knows the rules and follows them to the best of their abilities.

Remember: Positivity breeds positivity. Let's help each other out!

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