Chapter 1

261 3 1

Word Count: 550 words

POV: This story will be about Reid and everything is from his perspective unless stated otherwise. This is just an intro he is talking to the reader but you are not an agent, or are you?

Quantico, such a fascinating place. Did you know Quantico is an Indian word which means, 'by the large stream.' The large stream being the Potomac River, which flows along the edge of the town and has been the source of prosperity, fear, and pleasure from the 1600s to the present times. Oh sorry I should probably introduce myself first, my name is Spencer Reid but you can call me Dr. Reid or just Reid. I work with the FBI in the BAU to be specific. I have an eidetic memory as well as an IQ of 187, 3 Ph.D.'s, and can read 20,000 words per minute. On my breaks I tend to read War and Peace, well re-read it's an intriguing piece of literature you should really... oh, I'm rambling aren't I, sorry. Moving on let me tell you a little about my team, Penelope Garcia is a fellow genius like myself, of course, I'm smarter than her,

"I HEARD THAT BOY GENIUS!" Garcia yells from afar.

Next up there's Derek Morgan he's your typical chiseled chocolatey goodness

"Calm down pretty boy."

Then there's Emily Prentiss, I'll let her describe herself so I don't get hit for saying something wrong she's intimidating

"pshhh I would never hurt you..." Emily snickers.

Oh yes of course JJ she's very sweet and kind-hearted but don't say a word about her kids,

"Spence you don't need to warn everyone that I'm a mama bear!"

"Yes I do JJ you can be very scary like that."

Our father is amazing, well technically he isn't our dad genetically but he is at the same time although given our ages that would be humanly impossible but...

"Calm down kid they get it, hi I'm David Rossi, Rossi for short but they all call me Papa pretty strange if you ask me."

Finally here comes the man himself Aaron HOTchener, oh Uhm I mean Hotchner no emphasis, anyway he's the leader of the group don't let him scare you he just has a cold demeanor he'll warm up to you though. So that's my family but this story is gonna be all about me and the hottie over there

" Spence I'm married..."

"Not you JJ"

"That's sweet of you kiddo but I go for the other team..."

"Again with the assumptions, not you either Prentiss!"

"Hey now, don't you dare talk about my baby girl like that!"

"Derek. I'm not talking about her either. I meant Mr. HOTchener himself. Emphasis on hot this time." *Hotch glares at Reid while blushing*

SO tell me about yourself y/n ( answer these questions out loud pretending to be having a convo with Reid ) what are your hobbies? Hmm, that's interesting. I've never tried that I just read and answer any questions the team has for me. Your favorite color? That's a pretty color mine would be navy blue it symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Favorite musician? Never heard of them, I just stick to Beethoven, you can't go wrong with him. Favorite book? Ah, I see. I've read so many books so this one's a toughy, I'll have to get back to you on that one! "Guys we've got a case..." Garcia interrupts. I've gotta go but we'll chat later I promise!

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