Chapter 5

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Word Count: 679 words

POV: You and Garcia are going to tell Hotch some important information. But you were beaten to it...

(This is back to Spencer Reid's perspective the day after talking to Garcia)

The elevator doors slide open, revealing the 6th floor. I walk into the bullpen, sliding my bag off of my shoulders. "Hey, Morgan, have you seen y/n?" I ask, putting down my bag.

"No I haven't. Why, what's up?" He responds.

"Oh, nothing, just wondering."

"Okay kid." Morgan says, "Oh, Garcia was looking for you, she's in her office."

"Got it, thanks." I smile at Morgan and start towards Garcia's office.

I wonder where the newbie is. She's normally the first one here. Strange, I muse on my way to Garcia's office. I knock on Garcia's door, sliding open the door and slipping inside. "Who is it?" Garcia calls, facing her screens.

"It's me, Garcia!" I tell her from behind.

"Just the man I was looking for! Are you ready to tell Hotch?"

"Yes, let's go before Jordan gets here, we don't want them to distract Hotch."

"Okay boy genius, lead the way."

Garcia and I walk towards Hotch's office, chatting idly along the way. I rap on Hotch's door three times, waiting to hear him invite us in. "Come in." Hotch says, meeting my eye from inside his office.

"Hotch we have something important to tell you!" Garcia and I blurt out in unison.

"We were actually just talking about you guys." The door opens to reveal Jordan, sitting on a chair with their hands folded over their lap.

"So, (y/n) had some pretty interesting things to tell me about the two of you." Hotch says, emotionless.

"What do you mean?" Garcia asks shakily.

"They're lying Hotch." I tell him, heart pounding in my chest.

"So you mean to tell me you didn't go snooping around (y/n)'s past?"

"Well, yes, but no, that's not what-" Garcia fumbles

"I told you, sir they don't trust me!" Jordan interrupts.

"Thank you for telling me (y/n), you can go now. I'll deal with them in private." Hotch says.

"Yes sir." Jordan stands up, smoothing their hands over their slacks. Jordan walks out of the room, smiling at Garcia and I as they leave. "Good luck." Jordan whispers.

"Both of you, sit. (Y/n) had some interesting things to share with me, but I would like your side before I make any decisions." Hotch tells us in a no-nonsense tone. This whole scene makes me feel like a grade-schooler who got in trouble with the principal.

"Reid had his doubts and asked me to do a deep dive on (y/n) because we're a family, and we need to make sure no one bad is part of it." Garcia begins to explain.

"Did you find anything?" Hotch questions, cutting Garcia off.

"Yes!" Garcia exclaims "Their real name is Jordan Sawyer, they went to Shaw University, which doesn't even have any classes to become an FBI agent, and they almost failed all of their tests and barely got into college, their parents are alive and well and live in North Carolina, not New Jersey, and, well..." Garcia trails off.

"Well, what?" Hotch prods.

"They've.. done some pretty gruesome things." I tell him.

"If you would let me grab my laptop I could show you, I don't feel comfortable saying any of it." Garcia says.

"No. I've heard enough." Hotch shakes his head, leaning back in his chair.

"Hotch, you have to believe us! We wouldn't tell you if it wasn't true! Please let us show you!" I beg, hoping for a chance to make Hotch see the truth.

"Get out. We have a new case, go gather the team up. (Y/n) included. And do NOT spread this misinformation to the rest of the team. If you go snooping any further I will have to revoke your badges. Do the right thing and stay out of it." Hotch tells us, dangerously calm.

"Yes sir." Garcia and I say in unison, practically running out of the office. Once out of the office, Garcia asks nervously, "We aren't giving up right?"

"Never. Let's just keep it to ourselves and not get caught. If he won't help us then we'll have to do it all alone." I tell her.

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