Chapter 3

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Word Count: 778 words

POV: Garcia is doing a deeper dive into the perfect newbie's life. Will she find anything?

(This chapter is in Garcias perspective)

Reid approaches Garcia and blurts out "Hey can I ask you something?"

"Yes of course boy genius speaking of which you got schooled today!"

"I don't wanna talk about it. Anyways promise to keep this a secret?"


"Garcia?" he scolds.

"Fine, I won't even tell Morgan."

"Good. So I think this newbie has a secret, they were perfect on their first day, they got into the FBI first try, they have a higher IQ, all of this seems fishy to me."

"Wait are you... jealous?"

"WHAT? No, never!" Reid says nervously,

"Could you just maybe do a deeper dive on y/n there's gotta be something we're missing here."

"Hmm okay I'll see what I can do for you I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

"Okay thank you so much Garcia and remember this is a secret between us, not even Derek can know."

"I know I know it's getting late. I'll work on it first thing tomorrow morning, goodnight!"

"Night Garcia." Reid says as he walks away making sure no one else was around to hear.

*What if Reid is right? What if there's more to y/n I didn't find the first time? No no no there can't be I looked everywhere or did I?* Okay Garcia you can do this just look through every nook and cranny no one is better than you. Let's see here y/n, wait what's this another identity? Jordan Sawyer? Who are you? Okay, so you went to Shaw University, a strange place for a fellow genius to attend. No death certificate for the parents so they must be alive still, interesting. You didn't join any clubs or sports teams and your test scores were below average. Ah there we go Japer and Tatum Sawyer born and raised in North Carolina, but on y/n's records, it says they're from New Jersey with no parents. What ARE you hiding Jordan? Oh... oh my God, what is... how could you? Reid was right there's more to y/n than we know. Like the fact that y/n isn't their real name for starters. How could I have missed this? I was so blinded. Why are they in the BAU what are they planning? This is too much for me I-I can't breathe. I need to tell Reid.

*calls Reid in the middle of the night*

"Hello?" he says in a raspy voice.

"Reid I need you to come to my place NOW this is important. I know I said I was gonna wait until the morning to do a deeper dive but I couldn't help myself so I decided to see what I could find and and and... you were right. Please hurry."

"Woah okay, Garcia just breathe and try to calm down I'm on my way."

*Reid hangs up, Garcia starts pacing in her room*

I-I don't know what to think I missed all of this how? How did I miss all of this?

*hears a knock on her door*

"Reid it's you finally!" "I got here in 10 minutes what was the rush for?"

"Okay, so you know how you asked me to take a deep dive in y/n's life?"


"Well, I did it and found some terrible things."

"Tell me."

"Well for starters their real name is Jordan Sawyer, they went to Shaw University which doesn't even have any classes to become an FBI agent, they almost failed all of their tests and barely got into college, their parents are alive and live in North Carolina not New Jersey and well..."

*Garcia shows Reid her computer screen*

"There's this..."

"Oh my God, this is why you were freaking out... we need to tell Hotch Garcia like NOW."

"The team loves y/n, or should I say Jordan, I don't know if they'll believe us, and Jordan was never convicted so we don't have hard evidence."

"They got away with THAT? I'm telling the team and if they don't believe us that's fine we'll just have to prove it to them."

"But Reid is that the best idea? Shouldn't we get more evidence on Jordan?"

"Hmmm we could investigate this alone but what if they believe us? It'll only help."

"Okay fine we'll tell Hotch first and then the rest of the team except for y/n a.k.a Jordan."

"Sounds good. Thank you again Garcia I didn't know you would find all of this honestly."

"Anything for my fine furry friends!" "Sleep well Garcia I'll see you tomorrow in the office."

*Reid hugs Garcia and leaves* Wow I didn't think I would be looking at that tonight. I think I'm gonna watch some cat videos on youtube then go to sleep. 

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