Chapter 8

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Word Count: 1,166 words

POV: Jordan and Reid are paired together. But how was Jordan able to figure everything out so quickly?

(This chapter is back in Jordans perspective)

"Morgan, Emily, you two go to the most recent crime scene and see what you can find out. JJ, I want you to go to the local police department and gather as much information as you can and coordinate with Garcia. Reid, (y/n), you two go to the first and second crime scenes and see if you can find any patterns. Rossi and I will go speak with the latest victims' parents and get them into custody in case they are in danger. We'll bring their parents back to the station and coordinate with JJ," Hotch orders.

"Okay, Hotch" Emily, Morgan, and JJ quickly say.

"Uh- um okay sir," Reid says shakily and confused. Why would he pair US together? Of all people, it had to be him. Seriously? Today is just going downhill for me.

"Hey, partner! I'm glad to be paired up with a fellow genius for this case." I said to Reid attempting to mask my hatred for this man. He almost unveiled all my secrets. Ugh this is gonna be torture.

"Haha, yea I can't wait to work with someone that matches my IQ. It'll be interesting."Reid responds, seeming just as unenthusiastic as I am inside. "We should get to the car now and head out," he informed me. Reid and I get in the SUV and wait 5 minutes until Hotch exits the building and gets in his car.

"So, Reid do you know any cool facts about where we're going?" I attempt to spark some small talk.

"Nope." Reid responds clearly uninterested.

"None at all? That's not like you." I say knowing he's lying through his teeth.

"Well, now it is." He said which makes me think the hatred is equal. At least we have that in common.

"Is something wrong, did I do something to upset you?" I persistently ask, trying to figure out why he's lying to me.

"Nope. I just wanna get this case over with." This car ride feels longer than it really is.

"Just tell me what's wrong! Did I do something wrong? OH, I know. It's because I talked to Hotch first, right?" I ask although I know the real reason.

"You don't even know half of it (y/n), you wouldn't understand." Oh no Reid YOU don't even know the half of it.

"Look, Reid, I'm sorry I didn't mean-"

"Just don't bother okay? It's pointless." He rudely cuts me off.

"No, I have to say this. I didn't mean to cause any trouble within the team. I stole something when I was a kid, and I should've told all of you right away. I don't blame you for wanting to look into me. I see how close you guys are. I would do the same thing in your shoes. I'm not mad at you at all, I just wanna put this all behind us." I said in my best fake apology voice. He thinks he knows the truth about me but he only knows a fraction of it. I think he bought it though. Hopefully.

"Oh, look we're here." He quickly changes the conversation.

"So it seems that our victim was an avid reader, judging by the number of books they've acquired over the years." I pointed out to him.

"Hmmm. There are a lot of books, but when you open them they still have that new book smell and the pages are far from ever being used," He informed her.

"So why did they have so many books? That doesn't make sense."

"Some people say that having an overstuffed library is a badge of honor. People that do this are called tsundoku. There is a known legendary library of Italian writer Umberto Eco, which contained a jaw-dropping 30,000 volumes. Did Eco read all those books? Of course not, but that wasn't the point of surrounding himself with so much potential but as-yet-unrealized knowledge. By providing a constant reminder of all the things he didn't know, Eco's library kept him intellectually hungry and perpetually curious." Now that's the Reid I know and love! Wait. No. I didn't mean that. I mean. Ugh let's just forget it.

"Forget I asked, wow."

"No, that could mean something. It also shows that our victim was self-aware of their ignorance which puts them above lots of people in the world."

"Okay and?" I ask pretending to not understand.

"My point is that this could be a pattern our unsub might be targeting consciously ignorant people. But how are they connected?" He starts to spiral and think out loud while staring at the impressive book collection.

"Uh, maybe this book club membership has something to do with it?" I said. Hopefully he didn't see me plant the card here earlier.

"Call Garcia and let her know what you found, ask her to search if our other unsub had the same membership. I'm gonna keep looking around for more evidence," he barked orders out.

"You got it, boss." I pulled out my phone and texted my boss I was able to plant the evidence he had given me. Then I called Garcia, still pretending to be on the BAU's side.

"Hey, Garcia! I'm putting you on speakerphone 'cause Reid and I found something." Which is a blatant lie.

"Speak and you shall be heard!" Garcia says in her usual bubbly manner. She makes me wish I was really on her side. She's so sweet... wait no she found out my identity to begin with. I hate her. I think.

"We found a book club membership with our victims' names on it. Could you cross-reference our other victims' names with 'Barnes and Noble Book Club Membership' for us?"

"On it J-, sorry, I mean (y/n). I was just on the phone with JJ, so I was about to say her name." She almost said my name... it's been so long I forgot who I actually was. She doesn't know that I overheard her did she?

"No worries! Just let me know if you find-" I start and then get cut off by Garcia,

"Bingo! All of our victims had a membership to the same book club. Huh, it turns out they all sent each other books, too, with a weird message on each delivery."

"Garcia, could you send me a list of every book and message the victims were sending to each other?" Reid asked.

"Consider it done boy genius!"

"Thank you, Garcia," I said before hanging up the phone. After I hung up I made sure to tell my boss everything that happened.

"(Y/n), let's grab all of the books on Garcia's list and take them with us."

"Okay, I'll grab the laptop as well to see what else we can find." We were gathering all of the books and putting them into a box and I couldn't help but think about what I thought earlier. Loving Reid? I mean who wouldn't love him? He's so smart, cute, and sometimes funny. NO, no Jordan he's your enemy stop this.

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