𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚍𝚘 𝚘𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚊𝚛𝚢

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Special thanks to Yeeeetbooi for the request!
Btw I'm changing the font from typewriter to normal for the description of the scenarios, I'm getting too lazy to constantly change the font, I hope your fine with that :)
Enjoy this new chapter!

-your anniversary was on a school day so sadly he couldn't go all out on the celebration
-but he still made sure to make today fun and exciting
-he surprises you with chocolates and flowers in the morning
-and at school he buys your lunch and carries your bag to and from Karasuno
-he skips practice that day because he prepared a lovely dinner at his house
-although we can all agree he isn't the best cook out there, he did his best and you still chocked it all down
-and before you could go home he gives you a picture of you and him from your second date with a handmade frame as a present

-this time instead of relying on the internet for date ideas he ended up asking his older sister for suggestions
-she's pretty good friends with you, so she had some ideas in mind she think you'd like
-on the weekend, he took you out to a shopping district to just spend all of your money on food and useless junk
-the arcade, a bakery, the café, literally anywhere and everywhere you guys went to
-after you guys had your shopping spree, you guys went to a park to relax and just take a breather
-and there is when he decided to surprise you with a gift of a silver necklace
-"M-my sister said this was a good option, so.."

-that morning, Tsukki just texted you to come over to his place
-you were obviously confused, it's your anniversary, he only asks you to come over to just help him with his chores or whatever
-but our lovely reader here gave him the benefit of the doubt, and came over
-in the living room of his house, you saw a pillow fort covered in the world's fluffiest blankets, with a buffets worth of snacks, and a TV with a damn long Netflix cue
-to spare you the details, you guys just ate junk, watched trashy TV, and just had a good lazy day together
-it was around midnight when you guys finished up watching and cleaning up all the mess, and when you were about to say goodbye and leave he gave you a present to open later
-once you arrived to your home, you opened up the box and saw your favorite music album you have been meaning to buy for a long time

-he was brainstorming ideas on what to do for your guy's anniversary date this weekend and wrote everything down in his journal (something tells me he has one ok)
-when he arrives at your place, he brings you to this beautiful garden in an unknown part of town, so the both of you were just hanging out in this place no one knows of
-the entire day was just you two picking flowers, talking, and eating food on the grass
-when the sun started to set, Yams pulled something out from his bag and gave it to you
-"I-it's not much, but..."
-what he gave you was a music box of a song that you used to sing along to as a child
-(I love him so much)
-he walked you home and you gave each other a peck on the lips before going to your house

-he doesn't really know what to do for your anniversary not gonna lie
-"is this idea good?" "Why is this so special in the first place? I don't understand."
-so he asked the one and only Saeko for help and guidance
-she gave him the idea to give her a road trip around town and that he can even use her truck, mind you he doesn't have a license yet
-so he was basically breaking the law on your anniversary, but it was worth it, and he didn't even get caught!
-he brought you all around town, all the restaurants and convenience stores were for you both to dominate
-in the end, you both went to a souvenir shop to get your gift of choice (comment what you pick haha)
-although his wallet truly wasn't happy, at least you were, and that's what matters most to him

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