𝚂𝚑𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚟𝚎𝚍 𝚜/𝚘

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If you still didn't know, I got a new book, please read it for some reason that cover took and 2nd chapter took me so long to write, so...

Special thanks to @Icantfindmybro for the request !
(Just wanna say that you are one of the most wholesome beans I have ever met in my life and I hope you enjoy this :3)

~your shy and don't show your emotions since your afraid of  how other people would think of you~

-at first, he would try to make you open up a bit more, he was sad that that you couldn't express yourself all that well and wanted to fix it
-now, he's more accepting about it
-obviously, he'll try to make you open up every once in a while, but ultimately, he adapted to the situation and is happy to have you as the way you are

-in fact, this was something he was also experiencing and he was insecure on how you would think of it
-after knowing that you face something similar as well, he was super relieved to know that
-it's sort of an unspoken understanding, both of you know when either of your ou get uncomfortable in a certain situation, and you both just worked around it

-after finding out, he made extra sure to be more careful around his words, and did his best to find other ways to know how you felt without directly asking you
-he knew that you weren't great being asked on how you felt upfront, so he found other ways, through the way you spoke or through your body language
-he just wanna makes sure your comfortable, though he'd never admit it

-admittedly, he was kinda nervous about it, like, what if I accidentally hurt her? I would never be able to find out! What if she's having a bad day? I would never know!
-but with time, he became much more comfortable with it, he had always accepted you, he'd just never accept the fact that he could accidentally hurt you without him knowing
-he's okay if you wanna be alone or just don't wanna say anything about it, cause that's who you are and he wouldn't change it for the world

-he didn't really understand initially, you both are polar opposites, and he didn't really get your situation as well as he wanted to
-but eventually, he began to understand more, and he became more observant of you, although.. He wasn't always great at it, but it's the thought that counts, and both of you are glad to be together

-much like Tanaka, he didn't really get it, there isn't much wrong with expressing your feelings, so why were you so against it?
-eventually, he got why you bottled up your emotions, and tried to explain to you how it's ok to be sad and cry your heart out, regardless if there are a hundred other people in the room
-but if it doesn't work out, he's okay with it, he doesn't mind you bring more reserved than him or anything like that

-he immediately knew what to do in this situation, accept you for who you are and to not try and pressure you
-he does try to give you some confidence, but he never crosses the line
-he always says he's there for you and that he would never EVER judge you for being emotional, because he's well aware that your only a human, and sometimes, you just need to break

-he reassures you that he is ALWAYS here to talk if you want to, that he is ALWAYS here if you need a shoulder to cry on, and that he is ALWAYS here if you need to let out your emotions
-but he will always understand that you won't always open up to him and that you won't always express yourself, he's well aware of your insecurity and he doesn't wanna make it worse

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