𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢

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To give you a short explanation, basically your insecure about your body because you are overweight, and you don't see your own beauty/attractiveness, cause you are beautiful in many ways, that's what you are in everyone's eyes reader! ^-^
This is a sensitive topic to some people, feel free to skip the chapter if this makes you uncomfortable!

(Also I'm not too educated about this topic so if I happen to offend anyone or anything along the lines, feel free to call me out on it and I will edit it immediately)

Special thanks to @dhcjhjjgf for the request!

-the fact that you are so insecure about your body breaks his heart so much
-he always makes sure to stop any unhealthy habits you do (such as under eating for ex.)
-constantly gives you affection, most especially on the parts you are most insecure of
-compliments you on your beautiful body all the time

-he has never experienced something like this, so obviously, he wasn't prepared for this situation at all
-he researches about the topic in an attempt to understand your situation more
-he listens to your long talks about how you hate your body, and he reassures you that you are beautiful just the way you are

-on the inside, he was terrified to know that he might have been the cause of your insecurity, considering he has teased you about it (he didn't know you were sensitive about it of course)
-he offers you advice on how to deal with your problem, and he actually gives really solid pointers

-he was so worried about you and your well-being so much, if you had ever put yourself down his heart would break
-he constantly tries to make you feel better, wether it being compliments about you and how amazing you are, or buying you your favorite snacks
-tries his best to make you happy all the time

-to know you were insecure about your body shocked him
-everything about you is beautiful AND so was your body, he never thought you would think this
-if there was a person that made you think this way, he would beat them up
-he now gives you way more hugs and kisses than before now

-honestly, he was so confused on the term 'insecure' because he never experienced anything of the sort
-but he tries his best to understand, meaning he will be there to listen to your self-deprecating talks on your body
-he WILL NOT hesitate to reject all of your claims about yourself and immediately replace them with compliments of you being beautiful

-he sometimes wonders if he is the cause of all of this, but he brushes it off knowing he only had complimented you before and has done nothing wrong
-he will help you if you want to lose weight, his number one priority is for you to be happy
-but if you say your ugly because of your body, he will immediately start showering you with affection

-the first thing he does is to make sure you get rid of your toxic mindset first
-insecure about something? He will already start naming the positives of yourself
-he still makes sure your still eating well, cause he doesn't want you to possibly develop an eating disorder or anything like that
-he wants you to just love yourself as you are

-he felt an immediate punch to the gut after he found out that you were insecure about your body
-immediately starts making conclusions, maybe it was his fault? Was it something bad I had said? Is it something else?
-regardless, he helps you love yourself for the way you are, and gives you more affection to help as well

-ultimately, he's extremely worried about you
-he knows that insecurity could potentially affect more parts of your life, and could lead to deadly mental disorders
-so he does what he can to keep your mind off things, such as cuddling you or making you laugh with dumb chemistry jokes

-he's really scared for your mental being
-he lets you play his psp way more, and hugs you way more often now
-does his best to try and not hurt your mental health any further
-listens to you and your issues for hours and hours, as long as it makes you feel better

-after knowing what was going through your mind, he was determined to get his lively, bubbly girlfriend back
-he did whatever he could, from giving you words of affirmation, to whispering sweet things to your ear
-he just wants you to be happy again like before

-he was very blunt about you and your image, that's who Lev is
-but the moment he found out everything, he does his best to make you feel better
-he hugs you for hours, and even compliments the spots you find the least flattering about yourself
-he holds some regret in his mind, because he was so insensitive about your feelings before

-he doesn't know how to react, he hasn't experienced this, nor did he know anyone prior that felt something like this
-he does help you through it, he begins to shut down his fan girls' offers more, and he will compliment you in public with no issue
-and physical affection? Day's worth of it

-this man helps with your issues immediately
-he does his absolute best to make you feel good about yourself again
-so if you want to lose weight, he will be with you for the entire journey
-he wants you to stop thinking negatively about yourself, because you are a beautiful person

-he wasn't happy to know that your insecure about your body, because he loves it
-he constantly kisses the flab's of your stomach, complimenting you after each and every peck
-he loves you the way you are, and he wants you to think the same way

-his heart sunk knowing your mindset was so negative about yourself and your weight specifically
-everything about you isn't something to be ashamed of, regardless of how much you are judged for it
-he helps you fight through the negative thoughts and replaces them with positive ones
-as long as your smiling, he will be smiling too

-he knew nothing about this topic, but he knew you were sad, and that's all he needed to know
-he won't hesitate to help you through this, even if he doesn't understand the entire thing
-he WILL listen to you talk badly about yourself, he WILL see you squeeze the flab's of your stomach, but he WILL help you make you feel better about your body and that it's perfect the way it is

-he has experienced insecurity, he has experienced what feels like to not love yourself, and that just makes him hurt even more
-he knows what to do in a situation like this, so he will help you through this no matter how bad your mindset is, he will stay positive just for you to do the same someday

-shocked is the one word to describe how he felt knowing this information
-he compliments your body way more now than he did before, in an effort for you to be happier than a while back
-immediately replaces all of your negative comments about yourself with good points about yourself

-the moment after finding out, he is one hundred percent determined to get you back to your positive self
-you want to lose weight? He'll make you healthier food, feel bad about your body? He'll compliment it instead
-he won't stop helping you until he see's a genuine smile on your face

-he isn't too sure on what to do mainly because he had never expected this, especially from you
-he listens to your talks on how you want to change your body, and that hurt him because he thought you were fine the way you were
-he reassures you that there isn't a need to change yourself just to look good, and that you being happy is the most attractive thing someone could do (second to having good hygiene, of course)

That's it!! Hopefully I portrayed it good enough to not make anyone offended, hopefully
I DO want constructive criticism in this chapter especially if you have any to offer
Again, comment here if you have a request you want me to do!
So, See you in the next chapter!

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