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I went to bed early that night, earlier than I ever would honestly. Like right after dinner 5 o clock early. At first I was dreaming that I was at the beach, I was alone and it was peaceful. Suddenly I was at school, it switched. I was in the bathroom and I was upset. Castiel showed up and was trying to calm me down. In the midst of him doing so, we fell and I face planted on his chest. We started making out.

When I woke up, I was breathing heavy and I felt gross with myself. Why would I have that dream?! He's an angel, that's so wrong for me to even think about. To like. Unholy and wrong. Sinful. I swallowed harshly, running my hands down my face as I sit up in bed. Now that's all I'm gonna think about. About us making out and about how I liked i- I cut my own thoughts off. No, I can't think like that. Not not him. Anyone but Castiel.

Despite that whole dream, I wanted to see him. I don't have his number though and I'm unsure of who he's staying with, if anyone at all so I don't wanna knock. I hate awkward conversations with parents. Or fake parents considering I'm sure he doesn't have actual parents. Whatever. Point still stands. I get out of bed and look at the time. 12:08AM. Damn. I'm gonna assume Angel's don't sleep, I hope. We'll see. I head downstairs quietly, and head out into the backyard.

"Hey Castiel, dunno if you're up or not, or if you even sleep. I didn't go to school yesterday, I don't know if you did considering you only go because of me. I kinda miss you." I say out loud. "Dean?" I hear and I turn around. "Hey!" I say and Castiel tilts his head. "Why are you half naked in your backyard?" He asks and I look down. I was only in my boxers. Oh that's sus. Okay excuse on the spot, go.

"Wanted to go swimming, you down?" I ask and he tilts his head. "Okay, that's fine. I don't go to school without you by the way. I can sense where you are and I noticed you didn't leave your house for long so I didn't either." He says and I offer a small smile. "Meet ya in the pool." I say while climbing up on the deck. I dive in, careful not to fully do so. I'm tall and this isn't an in ground. I like my neck not being broke.

When I popped up I noticed Castiel was fully naked and I keep my eyes on his face. "You could've kept your boxers on." I say while swallowing harshly and he shrugged. "I mean wet clothes don't matter because I can teleport home, however I don't wanna dry them. Are you uncomfortable, I will put them on." He asks and I shake my head, looking away. "No its okay. I'm fine." I state.

As he got in and his lower half was covered by dark water, I allowed myself to look at him properly. He had a nice body- Dean stop. I need to stop. That's not okay, fuck he can read minds. I notice his face didn't change so I'm assuming he respected my wishes of not tuning into what I'm thinking all the time. "What made you wanna pray to me so late?" He asks and I shrug softly. "I had a dream about us." I say impulsively. Fuck. Why the fuck would I say that?!

"Oh, about what?" He asks and my heart rate picked up. Fuck bad idea why'd I say that. "Hey calm down, Dean. Your heart rate is skyrocketing." He says and fuck it. I need to tell someone and get it off my chest so I dont think about it anymore. "I was freaking out in the school bathroom and you showed up to comfort me." I say and he nods. "And I wouldn't let you, I kept resisting and we ended up falling, I face planted into your chest." I say and he tilts his head. "Were you hurt?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Why are you so anxious then? I wouldn't hurt you Dean. I'm here to protect." Castiel says calmly and I look up from the water to look him directly in the eyes. "We started kissing, and that's so wrong. I don't know why my brain even.." I trail off and his face softens. "So wrong." I repeat and he slowly walks over to me. "Dean." He says and I shake my head. "I needed to get it off my chest because I felt guilty." I say and he just stared at me. "Why're you scared then?" He asks and my heart felt like it got caught in my throat.

"I dunno.." I mumble. "You're still being in denial." He states and I hurriedly look up form the water at him. "What?" I ask and I notice him step closer, causing me to step back. My back smacked into the side of the pool and I blinked heavily. "Did you like the dream?" He asks and I swallow harshly. "No, no I know it was wrong. You're an angel, it's wrong." I state and he smiled. "Who told you that?" He asks and my mouth went dry. What do I even say to that?

"No one, I uh just assumed. Angels can't do shit like that with humans. It's immorally wrong right?" I ask and he tilted his head. "We can't reproduce with humans. Because then a nephilm would be born, they're a disgrace, but everything else isn't forbidden." He says and I nod. "Oh." I say and he nods. "I uh I'm gonna go. Thanks for talking." I say and I swim over to the ladder, turning back to look at him. "You can still swim as long as you'd like. I should head to bed." I ssys and he nods.

"Sweet dreams." He says softly and I swallow harshly and nod. When I got inside, from my bedroom window I could see the pool. He didn't leave. He was floating on his back, the moonlight glowed along his skin beautifully. I'm so going to hell oh my god.

Dad ended up pulling me out of school, afraid I'd be physically bullied by people. He enrolled me in an online school and it took about two weeks for them to set everything up for me properly. Let me just say, online was so much better. It was all just videos and I could do it whenever I wanted to as long as I met the marking periods deadline. I hadn't seen Castiel since that night. When I woke up, he was gone, as expected.

I never really prayed to him and he never showed up. I know he watched me while I slept but he seemed to be getting more on time with leaving by time I fully awoke. Which was fine, he probably thought I was weird now anyways. Hey look at me, Mr. Fag Winchester fantasising about my guardian angel. I hated myself. I felt like I ruined a potential friendship. I hated that I felt unbelievably comfortable with the angel. Everything came natural and I didn't feel the need to hesitate or hold back around him. That was dangerous I guess, but it felt right.

I was doing my work, downstairs of course because Dad wanted to make sure I was doing it. Fair enough if I was upstairs I probably wouldn't. My phone rang and I picked it up, assuming it was Sam. He was at his boyfriends house. "Hello?" I ask, continuing to mindlessly fill in answers on a test I was doing.

"Dipped out on school because I made out with you huh? Afraid you might pop another boner if you see me?" It was Liam. "I don't care about that anymore. Congrats, you proved a point. Stop harassing me." I say and I hear Dad stand up. "Man up, pussy. Stop being hung up over something so small." He says and I sigh. "I literally just fucking said I don't care anymore. That happened like three weeks ago or some shit. Hop off my dick and stop calling me, I'm not your boyfriend." I say and hang up, slamming my phone down.

"Here give me it until you're done. Don't pick up for him anymore son." Dad says while grabbing my phone and I nod. I meant what I said too. I'm over it. Sure it was embarrassing but it wasn't necessarily traumatic for me. I've been through worse while hunting. Though I get it, for some that would be extremely traumatic and Liam really thought he could trigger me. Clown. I finished up my school work, even though I was so tempted to just not do the rest I still did. Mostly because I didn't wanna piss Dad off.

That night I couldn't sleep. I usually never had an issue with just turning my thoughts off and sleeping but tonight was so different. There were a million things on my mind and I just couldn't stop thinking. About Liam, the video, the school in general, Castiel, my sexuality, me in general, and that night in the pool. "You should be sleeping." I jump at the sudden noise and sit up to see Castiel sitting at my desk. "I can't." I say and he just stared at me. "I can help." He says and I tilt my head at him.

"Punching me unconcious does not count as helping." I say and he suddenly looked confused. "Why would I punch you Dean?" He asks and I was now confused. "How else would you just me to sleep?" I ask and he sighs. "I can make you sleep. In a non painful way." He explains but that didn't really answer my confusion. "Still a bit lost here, angel. How so?" I ask and he stands up and reaches his hand out but I grab his wrist, scared. When I did, my hand tingled and it sent a spark straight to my chest and my stomach fluttered. I look at him, to see if he felt it to and I swear reading his emotions was so fucking hard. The dude barely showed any to begin with.

"It won't hurt you at all. I won't if you don't want me to." He says and I didn't respond right away. I mean this in the most appropriate way possible, but I genuinely enjoyed touching him. Okay yeah no that sounds sus and weird. I let go of his wrist and slowly nod. "I'd like to sleep yeah." I say and he nods and places two fingers on my forehead. "Goodnight Dean." I hear him say before I feel myself fall onto my bed. When I woke up, it was morning and he was gone again.

I kinda missed him.

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