
930 21 0

11:28 PM.
Seungcheol has a new client who wants someone dead, again. He puts his black leather jacket back on and puts on a black face mask and a cap. After an equipment check Seungcheol hops on is motorbike and starts driving. It's raining like hell.. Why now, of all times, he's getting a new gig.. But he isn't one to complain, at least he gets money.

Seungcheol works as a hitman and is one of the highest paid hitmen of all time. He's known for being fast and precise in his job, so many people want to hire him. No one knows how he looks like because he always works at night.
He works alone most of the time, but tonight's case was  reportedly a bit harder one, so he has his colleague helping him. Seungcheol's most trusted colleague, stage name: Mr. Hong.
Seungcheol doesn't know his real name, or his backround.. or anything else about him..
But, they've worked together for many years and Seungcheol has learned that Mr.Hong is a very trustworthy man. They usually exchange only few words while working which Seungcheol likes, because he hates talking.

Seungcheol arrives at the agreed location, a huge office block. He gets off of his bike and parks it next to an emergency exit. Mr.Hong hasn't arrived yet but Seungcheol doesn't feel like waiting, so he goes straight into the building. There's no one in sight when Seungcheol through glass doors into a lobby. There's only one automatic light on that was triggered by Seungcheol walking in. Seungcheol sees the security cameras in the room and pulls his hat down to cover his eyes.
Seuncheol checks his wristwatch. Mr.Hong's late, which is weird considering he's never been late before. Seungcheol can't help but feel like something is off. It's like someone's waiting for him.
Then, Seungcheol's phone rings.

Seungcheol waits for the caller to speak first, which happens without him having to wait long.

>Mr. Choi? Please come to the 15th floor. Mr.Hong's already here> The caller says in an annoying voice and Seungcheol quits the call. He doesn't like when people tell him what to do. Call him childish but he feels better knowing that he's the one who ends the calls, not that someone hangs up on him. Seungcheol cant help but wonder how the caller knows his name.

Seungcheol walks over to the elevator and presses the button. Rookie hitmen would probably use stairs instead of elevator because 'elevator will expose them' or 'it makes too much noise.'
Bullshit, says Seungcheol. Why blame the elevator when you fucked up? Plus, there's no way Seungcheol is walking to the 15th floor. He doesn't have the time to do that.
The elevator doesn't take long to come and once it's there Seungcheol goes in. There's an old song playing and Seungcheol does a final gun check while humming along the awful music.
The elevator dings as it's arrived at the 15th floor. Seuncheol steps out of it and looks around him. This floor doesn't have lights on either.
On his left, Seungcheol can see a man dressed in a black coat walking towards him.
He watches as the mas gets closer and closer. Seungcheol is just about to grab his gun from his back pocket, until he hears a familiar voice.

>Mr.Choi, come this way please> It's the same man who was speaking in the phone. That annoyig nasal voice. Seungcheol walks towards the man, who was standing in front of a door that has light coming inside of it. Seungcheol's now close enough to see the man's face. The man is old and wrinkky, just as Seungcheol thought based on his voice. The man smirks at Seungcheol and shows him the way into one of the offices.
As the old man opens the door Seungcheol sees Mr.Hong and a lot of other people inside of the room. He's very confused but doesn't let it show on his face because he is a professional. This is not a time to show any weakness. Seungcheol doesn't know these people so he needs to be on guard.

>Mr.Choi, let me explain.> The old man says before continuing. >See.. Apparently there has been a misunderstanding.>
Seungcheol looks at the people inside the room, one by one observing them. There are about ten men and five women in the room, excluding himself and the old man. All of them are staring at Seungcheol, but he pretends that he doesn't notice it. He hates the attention, but at least he has his mask and hat on.

>We're very sorry to say this, but I'm afraid you can't really keep going with your mission> One of the men comes forward and speaks. So they all know about Seungcheol's job? Interensting..
Seungcheol glares the man which makes the latter go back where he stood before. Seungcheol is always suprised by the power he holds. The power of fear. There is a lot of rumors about 'Mr.Choi' and that makes everyone afraid of him.

>What do you mean by that> Seungcheol says with a low voice and stares at the people in front of him. All of them lower their eyes as Seungcheol looks at them. Everyone stays quiet and frozen.  >Explain..> Seungcheol growls, very upset from the lack of response he got.

>There is a lot of people who want to kill the same guy our client wants to kill>  Mr.Hong says and Seungcheol nodds.

>Yes, indeed. A lot of people want to kill him> The old man starts again. Seungcheol sighs, not wanting to listen to the annoying voice of the man any longer.
>What did you say your clients name was?> The oldman continues again.
>I didn't say. And I'm not saying. I don't share information.> Seungcheol answers bluntly. He's had enough of this guy. These losers are stopping him from working. And Seungcheol never disappoints his clients.

Seungcheol turns around and is about to walk out, until someone says something that makes Seungcheol curious.
>Do you have any idea who your victim was supposed to be?> Seungcheol listens.
>Yoon Jeonghan, does the name ring any bells? One of the GoSe's most trained agents, like the devil himself in an angel's body. Also a huge pain in the ass for people like us and our clients>

Yoon Jeonghan.. Seungcheol hasn't heard that name in a while. Last time was maybe about three years ago, when one of his clients got arrested because of GoSe.
GoSe is a organization that claims to be fighting against criminals, but everyone in this kind of business knows that there is something fishier going on. They catch criminals and bad people, but some claiming to be ex-members of GoSe, have came forward telling that things inside of the organization aren't all that peaceful.
There's no way that it's just a coincidence that all of their agents either die or end up taking their own lives at the ages between 30 and 35.
The whole thing is so suspicious, no one even knows who is the boss at GoSe..
It's rumored that agents train their whole lives but don't make any money unless the boss likes them.

Seungcheol decided that he wants to hear more about Yoon Jeonghan, so he turns around to face them all again. Seungcheol hates all the attention that is targeted at him but he can't and won't show it.
Seungcheol locks his eyes with Mr.Hong's and sends him a questioning look. Luckily, Mr.Hong gets what Seungcheol is trying to message. >Just before Mr.Choi arrived, you were saying something?> Mr.Hong asks from the old man. The man smirks again, oh that annoying smirk.. Seungcheol met the man about 10 minutes ago, how can he hate someone this quick.

>I was saying.... We have him here>

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