Mr. Hong

577 23 4

>Don't you dare to touch me.> Jeonghan growls at Seungcheol. Jeonghan's eyes aren't the same as before. Now they are full of rage and they dont't have the same glow as before.
Seungcheol hasn't seen Jeonghan like this before. The whole time he was joking and laughing, but that one question changed everything.
Seungcheol watches as Jeonghan drags himself out of the kitchen while hissing in pain at the same time. His legs leave a bloody trail on the floor, but Seungcheol tells himself that it's not his job to take care ofthe agent's problems. Seungcheol would just need to clean the floor before Mingyu comes back. When Jeonghan has dragged himself out of the kitchen to somewhere else in the appartment, Seungcheol doesn't hear his hisses anymore.

Now, Seungcheol is left alone in the kitchen, staring at the entrace with a baffled look.
He decides to give the agent a moment before trying to approach him again. At least he got what he wanted: new information about GoSe. Even though he didn't get the answer to his last question he still knows more.
But, he is still going to find out more about GoSe somehow, wether it would be by torturing or drugging the agent.
Seungcheol reminds himself himself that he's not a good or a kind person. He has killed many and will kill more people in the future, so why would he be kind to the agent.

After a while, Seungcheol goes to find Jeonghan. He walks around the appartment and at last, he finds Jeonghan curled up in a ball, sleeping in Mingyu's guest room.
As Seungcheol steps inside, the floor makes a sound and Jeonghan changes his position, but still stays asleep.
Now, the agent is laying on his back and Seungcheol has a full view of his body. He looks at all of the wounds that are on the smaller male's body and he feels.. empathy?
Seungcheol leaves the room to look for a medical kit and finds it quickly.
He squats next to the sleeping man and starts cleaning his wounds.

In the morning, Jeonghan wakes up to the sun light coming from the window. He feels terrible. His head hurts and he feels like he's about to throw up. Atleast his legs don't hurt as much anymore and when he looks down at them, he sees that all of the wounds have been cleaned and there's bandages covering them.
Jeonghan smiles a little, knowing that it's the hitman who took care of him.
What a weird hitman indeed..

Jeonghan is able to walk slowly but when he's standing, his vision starts blurring and he starts feeling even worse.
The agent tries to get as quickly as he can to the bathroom before, and once he's inside, he starts throwing up in the toilet.
Seungcheol is woken up by the sound of someone gagging and assumes it's Jeonghan.
To be honest, there's nothing Seungcheol can do at this situation so he tries to get more sleep. Even though it's just 8 in the morning, Seungcheol can't sleep.
Why, oh why does he feel bad for a stupid agent.

Seungcheol gets up and instead of helping Jeonghan, he distracts himself with a cup of coffee. Seungcheol puts on a clean face mask and his cap. He settles on to keeping the same clothes as yesterday.
Seungcheol walks into the kitchen and makes his coffee. He used all the milk yesterday so he needs to drink the coffee black.
The gagging coming from the bathroom stops and Seungcheol hears the toilet flush. He doesn't need to wait when he already sees Jeonghan coming to the kitchen.
Seungcheol didn't know that it was possible for the agent to look even more tired, but apparently it was.
The bags under Jeonghan's eyes were darker than yesterday and Seungcheol silently offers him a cup of coffee.

Jeonghan accepts the coffee and looks at it. Seungcheol guesses that the agent hasn't tasted coffee before.
>It's coffee.>
>I know what coffee is, thank you very much>
Seungcheol scoffs and looks back to his own coffee mug.

>Why do you still need to cover your face tho? Plus I know you're good looking. It's not like I'll be able to tell anyone how you look like..> Jeonghan chuckles.
>What do you mean by that? Of course you can. You'll probably identify me to one of your organization people as soon as you can. I won't trust you> Seungcheol accuses the agent.
Jeonghan looks down with a smirk and responds.
>They'll think that I've been brainwashed or something, so they'll kill me once I go back. That's what happends to many people, and I'm not willing to help those bullies if they're gonna kill me anyways> He says and giggles.

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