The fight

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>You're coming with us> Mr.Donner announces when they all have surrounded Seungcheol.

The biggest one of the guards is about to throw a punch at Seungcheol, but Seungcheol dodges it.
Seungcheol kicks the guard on his knee and the guard falls in a big thump. The guard hits his head on the wall and starts bleeding. Mr.Donner immediately runs away like a coward and locks the door from outside.
Seeing their friend laying on the ground, the other three guards run at Seungcheol, but he is able to sidestep them all. In a spiral Seungcheol grabs his gun from the guard and shots one of them. The guard cries in pain on the ground before passing out.
The two guards who are left aren't puzzled at all. They jump at Seungcheol, both blowing punches at him but they're too slow.
It's one thing to have muscles, but in a certain point the more muscles you have the slower you become.
As a professional, Seungcheol knows that it will be too hard to shoot in a situation like this so he chooses not to waste his bullets. Instead he kicks one guard on his stomach and then hits his face with his elbow. Elbow is one of the most powerful parts of the human body, so you can make quite a lot of damage with it.
The guard falls on his ass on the ground and holds his bleeding nose.

Seungcheol turns around to see the other guard with a knife running towards him. When fighting with a person who has a knife, you need to push his arm upwards with the back of your hand so they won't be able to stab you. You also need to be sure to cover the middle part of your body where all the important internals are located.

Seungcheol pushes the guards hand away and kicks his shin, because the guard is taller than Seungcheol so he can't reach to the knife. When the guard grunts in pain and doubles over, Seungcheol is able to grab the knife. The guard grabs Seungcheol by his leather jacket and pulls him down. Seungcheol can't get away from the guards grip so he chooses a different way of approaching. He stabs the guard's hand three times and twists his arm around so that his shoulder cracks. The guard screams in pain. Seungcheol stands up and takes a deep breath. That was the last one..

>Mr.Choi, watch out!> Seungcheol heard Jeonghan shout. He turns around and sees the guard whose nose he broke running towards him with a brick in his hand. Seungcheol doesn't have enough time to react and the guard hits him with the brick. The hit wasn't too hard but it still made Seungcheol fall on the ground. The guard is about to hit him again and Seungcheol tries to stop him, but before he can someone else does it first.
Jeonghan is standing behind the guard with the rope that was around his wrists, now around the guards neck choking him. The guard goes onto his knees and Jeonghan sits behind him. The agent's legs are too wounded for him to stand. He smiles at the man who is desperately trying to push his hands away.
The guard struggles to breathe but Jeonghan tightens his grip. Soon, the guard is laying on the ground lifeless.

Seungcheol stared at the agent, who now didn't have a blindfold on and he wasn't hanging from the ceiling anymore. Now he was stitting on the ground next to the dead guard, opposite Seungcheol. Jeonghan's eyes were bruised and he looked really tired but he was still smiling at the dead man on the ground. Seungcheol stands up and looks at the agent on the ground. 
>I thought you couldn't get the ropes out by yourself> Sungcheol says slowly and Jeonghan turns to look at him with tired eyes, but with a smirk on his lips.
>No.. I could've done it the whole time, just didn't feel like it> The agent giggles and rubs his wrists before he continues speaking.

>I didn't want to make them disappointed in themselves. They were so proud. I was about to leave but then they mentioned that there was a lot of hitmen who want to kill me, so I thought I could 'hang' around a little longer> Jeonghan says, proud about the little pun he did there. Seungcheol nodds, not really interested about the thing.
Seungcheol turns around and walks over to the air conditioning pipe. He scans the pipe with his eyes and makes an assumption that it's big enought to fit him.
>Through that? You sure that you're gonna fit tho? Judging from your beautiful muscles, you're not some little fairy, you know?> Jeonghan says sarcastically and looks at the hitman's back muscles with a dreamy smile. Seungcheol shots a glare at him.

>I liked better when you weren't able to see> Seungcheol mutters, loud enough to Jeonghan to hear. Seungcheol thanks himself for using a face mask and the cap for tonight's mission, or else his fce would've been shown to so many people.
The agent starts laughing again. As much as Seungcheol hates to admit, Jeonghan's laugh was really cute. No what is he thinking?
>Take me with you> Jeonghan says suddenly very seriously. Seungcheol doesn't look at him and acts like he didn't hear the male. Jeonghan starts dragging himself towards where Seungcheol is standing, but stops because it hurts too much to move. He hisses in pain and looks down at his legs. They're full of cuts and his black pants are ripped.
>Aww man.. These aren't even mine. Seokmin's gonna be so mad at me> Jeonghan pouts when he thinks about his dear friend, who'll probably be so sad when he sees the damage made to the pants.

Seungcheol quietly looks at the agent on the ground and suddenly feels something. The feeling is new to him. It kind of feels like he's mad but he's not. Just looking at the agent makes him want to help him, even though he knows for a fact that he should kill the man.
Seungcheol turns his body towards Jeonghan and takes out his gun again. He loads the gun and points at the agent.
>What are you- >
>Shh.. Shut up. I'm trying something> Seungcheol interrupts the male who's on the ground. He lifts the gun at Jeonghan over and over again, always lowering it after. The other male looks at Seungcheol with a questioning look.
Seungcheol finally stops and sighs.

>Are you able to stand?> Seungcheol asks.
Jeonghan nodds immediately and pushes himself onto his knees. He tries to pull himself up, but as soon as he managed to get upright, his knees buckled. Jeonghan laughs a little and tries again.
Seungcheol watches the male stuggle for awhile before getting bored and squatting down next to the man. He slips his hand under Jeonghan's legs and his other hand under his back and lifts the light agent up easily.
Jeonghan is kind of startled about the other's actions, but lets the hitman carry him.

>You- > Jeonghan starts but is interrupted by Seungcheol again.
>I don't want to hear a word.>
Jeonghan chuckles lightly but follows the orders. Seungcheol puts the agent down against the wall under the air conditioning.
Now Seungcheol only needs to check that the agent doesn't have any weapons with him, so that he isn't a danger to Seungcheol. Jeonghan's legs are wounded so he won't be able to run away, which makes it easy for Seungcheol to take him to somewhere for an interrogation.

Seungcheol knows that GoSe will be looking for the agent but he doesn't plan to keep the male that long with him.
Seungcheol pats Jeonghan, feeling if he has guns or other things with him. The agent is only wearing black, kind of loose, trousers and a black turtle neck, so you'd think it's easy to find weapons if he carries any with him.
Seungcheol pats Jeonghan's waist and stops his hands where they are.

>What's this sexual tension between the to of us? Weren't you supposed to kill me?>

>There's no- > Seungcheol starts.

>Shh.. No need to lie honey. I understand> Jeonghan whispers and puts his hand there Seungcheol's hand is.

>Don't try to distract me. I can feel the gun on your belt> Seungcheol says bluntly and pulls out a gun from the agent's belt. He finds andother gun from his back pocket and a small knife from his boots. Jeonghan keeps laughing nervously when Seungcheol finds more and more weapons that he has hidden.
When Seungcheol is done with his checking, he walks to over the rope that was around Jeonghan's wrists and cuts a piece of it with a knife and puts it into his pocket, just incase he needs it.
Then he walks back to Jeonghan, lifts him up to the air conditioning and pushes him inside of it. After Jeonghan's there he climbs inside, using the dead bodies as a platform so he can reach it. Jeonghan makes comments about his height and that if he was taller he wouldn't need to use those, which makes Seungcheol regret his decision already.

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