Chapter 1

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**Hinata's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. I sit up and look to see what time it is, 6:36. "Shit" I exclaimed, "I'm gonna be late for practice." But that wasn't the only reason i was worried. I always try to leave before my dad wakes up. I jump out of bed and run to my bathroom. "Shit" I say again as i look in the mirror, "The bruises haven't healed yet." I grab my moms old concealer out of my drawer and apply it to cover the bruises. I look in the mirror one last time to practice my smile. "If my act slips for a even a minute, my team will notice and I don't want to be a burden to them." I thought aloud. I run back to my room and grab my volleyball bag and school supplies. Right as i'm about to open the door and leave for school, my dad walks down the stairs. "Well looks like my little sunshine finally decided to wake up." He said coldly. "I expect you to be home by 5:00 on the dot, understand?" I sighed in relief at the fact that he wasn't drunk. "Yes sir." I said as I walked out the door.

I ran to the spot where mine and Kageyama's rodes met. We've been racing each other to the gym since the beginning of the school year. We raced through the roads, both of us struggling to keep our pace. When we got to the gym door Kageyama yelled, "Take that! I beat you again! What's the score now? 32-34?" "I think you mean 33-33 because you know good and well i beat you Kageyama!" I shouted. "Do you two ever stop fighting?" We both turned around and saw Daichi laughing at our pointless argument. "We could settle this a lot quicker if Hinata would just admit that i'm faster than him." Kageyama said smugly. "I could say the same for you Kageyama!" "Okay guys that's enough, why don't you go up to the club room and get changed for morning practice?" Daichi said as he tossed the keys to us. "HAI" We said simultaneously.

More of the team filed into the club room and we all got ready for practice. We headed out together and began warming up for our scrimmage against the local neighborhood team that Coach Ukai helped get together. We played well winning both sets. I checked the time, 4:30, "I've got more than enough time to get home." I thought to myself. As I was sitting down to take off my volleyball shoes, Kageyama asked, "Hey Hinata, wanna work a little more on our new quick attack?" I agreed and stay since practice finished early. At the end of our post practice session I checked to see how much time I had to get home, 4:55, "Crap, how could I let the time get away from me like that?" I whispered to myself. I gathered my things and sprinted home, knowing I wouldn't make it back in time but hoping my father would be more understanding today.

I opened the front door and crept into the house, hoping my father was already asleep. But just as I made it to the stairs, he pounced out behind me and yelled "Why are you so late, It's 5:15!" "I-I'm sorry dad, I had to stay a l-little after practice to work on my h-hitting." I told him quietly. "I DONT CARE WHAT YOU HAD TO DO!" he shouted as he shoved me into the wall, making my drop my belongings. He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me so close to his face I could feel his breath on my cheek. "Maybe one of these days you'll learn to do as you're told." He muttered in my face as he punched on the side of my head, making me fall to the ground. "I guess i'll just have to show you what happens when you disobey me." He said, his voice laced with venom.

He dragged me up the stairs to my room and shut the door. He picked me up by the neck of my shirt and punched me in the stomach, causing me to fall over to the ground in pain. He continued and kicked me in the back and stomach. I thought I was going to pass out from the pain but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. He finished it off with a kick to face that led to a split lip and a nose bleed. "Don't come down for dinner, disappointments don't deserve to be fed." He muttered.

I laid out in the floor trying to build up the nerve to try and move, but I refrained against it knowing that my whole body was going to be sore. So I fell asleep in my floor and stayed there for the remainder of the night.
hey guys, sorry if this is really short or bad but i'm trying to get into writing and this is my first story/fanfic i've written and feel free to correct grammar or spelling since i will be going through and editing it as well as writing up coming chapters!!

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