Chapter 16

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**Kageyama's POV

I received a message from Hinata around 9:30 saying he was heading down to the cafeteria. But that was 15 minutes ago. It's taking him way too long to get here and I was starting to worry. So I excused myself from the table and went to the elevator to go see if he had even left the room yet.

I got off the elevator and heard noises. I didn't know what it was but I looked over and I saw a man beating up on a boy.

"Hey whats going on?" I called but as I got closer I saw Hinata's orange hair. I panicked.

"HEY WHAT THE HELL MAN?! GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I cried out. He looked at me and ran away down the hall.

I ran over to Hinata to see how bad it was. I could only really see his face but even that was bad. His lip and nose were bleeding and his left eye was starting to bruise up.

I lifted his shirt to see the damage done to his sides and abdomen. But what I saw petrified me. He already was covered in bruises that were starting to heal up. There's no way these are from tonight.

I called Daichi immediately.

"Hey Kageyama, whats up?" Daichi asked.

"I need you to come up the elevator like you're going to the room, but meet me in that hallway." I said urgently.

"Why, what's wrong?" He asked, more worried this time.

"Just hurry, it's bad." I said and hung up.

I was shaking violently. Who could do this to him? Who would want to hurt Hinata? He never gets into fights so what could have happened while he was up here?

A couple of minutes passed and I heard the elevator ding and Daichi and Suga ran off the elevator and in our direction.

"What happened!?" They said simultaneously.

"I don't know. Hinata texted me and said he was coming down to the cafeteria, but 15 minutes passed and he wasn't down there so I came to look for him. So I came up here to check the room first and when I got off the elevator a man was standing over him beating the living shit out of him." I said.

I felt tears coming to my eyes. I never cried. Why was I getting so upset. Yeah I cared about him but I care about the whole team and I don't cry when bad things happen to them.

"The damage doesn't look too bad. I think the nurse can handle this one. Why don't we carry him down there?" Suga suggested.

"Okay yeah. I'll carry him down there. Are you two coming with me?" I asked.

"Yes, we'll all go down together. He'll need people there for him in case he wakes up." Suga said with pity in his voice.

I picked him up and walked onto the elevator. Daichi hit the button for the first floor and the doors shut. The whole trip to the nurse was silent. I guess nobody really knew what to say. I mean what could we say?

We arrived at the nurses office and I laid Hinata down on the bed. The nurse looked over and her eyes widened. "What happened to him this time?!" She asked.

"We saw a guy beating up on him in the hallway and he's pretty bruised up so we brought him here hoping you could help." Daichi said calmly.

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