Chapter 22

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***Hinata's POV

My heart shot into my throat. What the hell was he doing here? Didn't they arrest him in Tokyo? Why can't I seem to get rid of him?

"I can tell that your confused, Son." Dad said with an evil grin on his face. "Since Koki and I are so close, I thought i'd help out a friend and pay his bail. So he's gonna stay with us until he gets his house back."

"I.... W-why?" I said. I was so scared. Why would he do something like this? Does he really want nothing more than to see me suffer?

"I just told you why, i'm helping out my dear friend Koki." He dad said. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't stay here. I have to get out of here. I turned to run out of the house but I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me back.

"I'm not letting you get away that easy." Koki said as he pulled me away from the door.

I screamed for help but they closed and locked the door.

They drug me up the stairs and locked me in the bathroom. I banged on the door pleading for them to let me out. After a while it became obvious that I wasn't going to be let out. I slid down against the door and sank into the floor and cried. This can't be happening. It can't be. There's no way, this is all just bad dream. I pinched my arm just to be sure. Unfortunately I was not dreaming, this was real.

I sat against the door and cried as I tried to figure out how I was going to get out of here. There wasn't much I could do from the bathroom, but they had to open the door at some point. They would have to feed me eventually. Or would dad go as far as starving me?

I eventually just laid down on the rug on our bathroom floor and forced myself to go to sleep, hoping that things would be better in the morning.

***Kageyama's POV

I left my house to leave for school and made my way to mine and Hinata's usual meeting spot. He didn't return any of my messages last night and I assumed he must've gotten busy or just went to bed. I waited for him for about 15 and still no sign of him. I pulled out my phone and called him but it went straight to voice mail. "He's probably just running late.." I thought aloud. But I didn't want to be late for practice so I walked alone to school.

It was about half an hour later when I arrived at the school. I still hadn't heard from Hinata. He usually would have returned my call by now.

I went up to the club room and saw Daichi, who was already changing. "Where's Hinata?" He asked. I just shrugged my shoulders. "He hasn't answered my calls or messages since last night." I told him.

Soon the whole team with the exception of Hinata was changing in the club room. "Has anyone heard from Hinata today?" Daichi asked us all.

"No.. why?" They all started asking. Suga, Daichi and I all exchanged glances. "No reason, he just didn't meet me at our usual spot today.." I said, trying to convince the others that I thought everything was fine. But really, I was assuming the worst.

All practice I was off because Hinata STILL had not shown up. It's not like him to just not show up without reason. Something has to be wrong.

**Time skip to after school

When I was released from my last class of the day, I headed down to the gym immediately to see if there was any sign of Hinata. I was met by Daichi stopping me dead in my tracks. "Have you still not heard from Hinata?" He asked me calmly. "No..." I told him. "Daichi, I'm worried about him. What if something happened and we don't know about it?"

"I want you to go check on him." Daichi said with a serious look in his eye. "Seriously, you're the only one that has met his dad before and you know where he lives. I want you to go check in."

"Like... now? Or after practice?" I asked.

"Now you ding bat! You just said you were worried, why would you wait until after practice?" He asked.

"I didn't know if you would be okay with me missing or not..." I said.

"Well today's the only time i'm okay with it. Hinata's gone MIA and he could be in danger."
He said. "Get a move on it, go check on him."

"O-okay.." I said as I turned and ran out of the gym and towards Hinata's house.

When I finally made it to Hinata's front porch, I was completely out of breathe. It was a 30 minute walk, but I sprinted the whole way here. I walked up to the door and knocked. A few minutes passed and no one came to the door. A car was in the drive way, so somebody was home. I knocked again and heard a crash come from inside the house. Then the door opened and Hinata's dad stood in the door way.

"Can I help you?" He said in an aggravated tone.

"Umm.." I said, why was I getting this nervous?
"Is Hinata home?" I asked.

"Yes, but he's not feeling well and said he doesn't want to see anyone." He said and tried to shut the door, but I put my hand on the door to keep it from closing.

"Tell him I need to see him." I said. Suddenly all of that nervousness was gone.

"I already told you, he's not taking visitors." He said, starting to raise his voice.

"I don't care, I won't leave until I see him." I told him sternly.

He glared daggers at me. Then his frown turned to a wicked smile. "I'll go get him.." He said.

He left the door open and walked back into his house. Minutes later, he came back with Hinata. He looked awful. His skin was pale and his eyes just looked emotionless. But when he looked up and saw me, his eyes widened with shock. "I'll give you two a minute.." His dad said and walked away.

"Hinata.. What happened to you?!" I asked rushing to his side as he sank to his knees.

"You have to leave..." He said to me.

"I'm not leaving, and you didn't answer my question." I said.

"I don't feel well, So I stayed home. I don't want to see anyone though. I don't want any one else to get sick..." He said blankly.

"That's what your dad told me. Actually it's exactly what he told me... I believe that you don't feel well, but I don't think it's contagious... Is it?" I asked.

He looked up at me with fearful eyes. "Please just go..." He said.

"NO! I'm not leaving until I know you're okay!" I said, beginning to yell.

"KAGEYAMA! I TOLD YOU, I'M SICK! SO GO, I DON'T WANT YOU HERE!" He yelled at me as he slowly got up. "Please leave." He said, regaining his control.

"Fine." I said. "But I know that somethings going on, and I will figure out what it is."

His eyes changed from angry to sad in seconds.
"Just drop it.." He said as he slowly made his way towards the stairs. I noticed he had a slight limp in his step, but I wouldn't bring it up right now. It might upset him more at this point.

I stood in his doorway and stared into the house through the open door. I was trying think of a way to talk to him without upsetting him, when I saw someone walk out from behind the kitchen wall. My heart sank for Hinata as I realized who it was. Koki walked over and shut the front door with a venomous smile on his face.

I stood in front of the now shut door. What did I do now? I know that Koki is in the house, which means nothing good can be happening in that house. Why would his dad let him in the house even though he knew about everything he did to Hinata?

I turned and ran down the street, back towards the school. I need the teams help. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Daichi's number. He picked up after a few rings and said, "Hey, whats up? Is Hinata okay?" He asked.

"No, I'll explain when I get back to the school. Get the team together and meet me in the clubroom." I said as I hung up and quickened my pace towards the school.

I'm so sorry for being so inactive the past couple of days. I've been buried in work ever since school started back and I don't get as much time to write anymore. But i'm going to try to be more active these next couple of days! Thank you for your patience!

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