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The Gladers got back to the glade thinking that Gally hadn't noticed there absents, but they where wrong. when they got back Chuck was standing by the doors waiting for them "Gally called a meeting" he says, y/n's blood boiled "without us" she says before running towards the meeting followed by The other's. 

y/n opened the door and Gally stood up walking towards them "you guys enjoyed you're field trip" "what the hell Gally, you think you could call a keepers meeting without us" y/n says "last time I checked Thomas isn't a Keeper, you mine waiting outside" he says to Thomas,  "he stays" y/n says firmly, she turns to Newt "what the point of all this" "we got 2 hours tell sundown, we need to figure out what to do with Alby" "you want to banish him" Winston asks "no, no one wants to banish him, he's stung we don't have a choice"

 "yes we do" Thomas cuts in "you say something newbie" Gally says "His name's Thomas" y/n says "we have a choice we don't have to banish Alby " "right and How is that" Gally asks Thomas take the device out of y/n's hand and hands it to Newt "we found it in our little field trip, it was inside a griever" "this is the same number we get in our supplies" Newt says examining it "yeah whoever put us here obviously made the grievers, and this is the real clue, the first Anyang you found in a long time, right y/n" "right" she says

"Newt we got to go back out there, who knows what this might lead us to" Thomas finishes "you see what he's trying to do right, first he breaks the rules and now he's telling us to totally abandon them, the rules are the only thing that kept us together, why now are we questioning that, if Alby was here you'd know he'd agree with me, he needs to be punished" Gally says. Newt gives the device to y/n "yes he broke the rules, one night in the pit with no food" "oh c'mon Newt, you think that's gong to stop him from going into the Maze" Gally asks "no and we cant just have non runners running in the maze so starting from tomorrow you a runner" He says to Thomas. Gally storms out of the hut and Thomas thanks Newt.

now that it was official that Thomas is a runner, Minho and y/n could finally show him the map. It's a map of the maze and only the runners are allowed to see it, Alby suggested it was better not to tell anyone. y/n was explaining to Thomas how they where going to check out section 7 cause thats what the number was in the device. then Jeff ran into the room, "what are you doing here, your not allowed in here" she says suddenly they heard  voices coming outside in the glade. they run out to see someone throwing rocks from the top of the tower, "girls are awesome" Chuck says laughing , y/n runs there and puts her hands in front of her face  as a shield "hey, It's y/n" she stops throwing the rocks and walks towards the edge of the tower and and looks down "okay, I'm coming up" she doesn't say anything else.

before she started climbing Thomas stops her by grabbing her arm "be careful" he says, she nods in response and climbs the tower, until she reaches the top.

y/n POV

I got up the tower and took a deep breath and opened the top to see the girl with a knife in her hand.  "Wow I'm not going to hurt you" " why am I here? What is this place?" She asks.  " alright Um I know your scared and don't remember anything but your name will come back to you in a f-" "Teresa" "what" " Teresa that's my name" "alright Teresa look I'm not going to hurt you just put the knife away" I say slowly taking the knife away from her.

We set on the ledge and I explained everything to her. " I only remember a women's voice saying WICED is-" "good , yea that's the only thing I remember too".  "I came up with these things but I don't know what it is" she says pulling a 2 tubes out with blue liquid inside. "maybe it could help alby" I say as I started getting up.


y/n and Teresa climbed down the tower and rushed towards the hut Alby was in. Thomas Newt and Minho where already there. she explains to them how Teresa came up with it and it might help Alby. "It could kill him too" Newt says "but what if it saves him, it doesn't hurt to try" she protests, "alright" Newt agrees. 

y/n took a deep breath not moving from the spot she was standing in, "I can do it" Thomas volunteers "okay here" she says carefully handing him the liquid. Thomas slowly walks towards Alby's lifeless body right when he was standing in front of him, Alby woke up and grabbed Thomas by the shirt. "you shouldn't be here" he looks at y/n "You both put us here" those words got y/n thinking again, but right now was no time to think. 

y/n took the syringe from Thomas's hands and stabbed Alby with it in the shoulder. Alby loosens his grip on Thomas and slowly closes his eyes. they all stand there in silent thinking about what just happened. "come on Greenie, suns down" Gally says standing by the door, Thomas follows Gally outside leaving everyone in the room. 

y/n was going to visit him later tonight, she's not going to let him run in the maze with an empty stomach. she waited for everyone to fall asleep so she could visit Thomas, she also didn't want to get caught. 

'finally' she thought to herself once everyone fell asleep, she quietly snuck in the kitchen and stole some bread for Thomas and headed towards the slammer with a light cause it was really dark. "Hey who's there" Thomas yells seeing the light, y/n chuckles seeing how frightened he got "It's just me" she says setting the light down in the grown and handing the bread to him. "I got you some bread" she says "oh thanks" he says immediately taking it from her hand and started eating it. "wow you where hungry" she laughs and he chuckles.

they talked for hours and the more they talked the more comfortable they felt with each other. it felt like they've known each other since they where like 5, which was true but they don't remember the fun memories they had back in the day's. 

"c'mon lets go" y/n say's opening the slammer door, "wouldn't we get in trouble" Thomas asks "everyone's asleep, no one will know, c'mon" y/n says standing up and Thomas follows her.  "so where are we going" "lets go up the tower" y/n suggests and Thomas and her walk towards the tower while talking. 

They where finally alone, Thomas was debating on telling her how he feels and how he remembers her a little and stuff, 'but what if it ruins our friendship' he thought to himself 'or what if she feels the same way' "you just stopped talking, what's on you ,mind" y/n asks looking Thomas. he looks up at the sky then at her and took a deep breath, "umm I..........."

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