They all rush out after hearing what Winston said, that was there nightmare, the doors not closing. they stand in front of the doors and y/n can hear the echo of metal touching concrete. it was the griever. "okay umm chuck, I need you to go to the council hall and lock the doors" she says thinking of what else they should do to protect themselves. "Winston, go with em" Newt says. "get the others and tell them to hide in the forest" Gally orders.
"alright Minho, you and I will grab some weapons," she says and turns to Thomas and Teresa "and you guys hide in the council hall" she didn't want Thomas to get hurt "No I'm not letting you do this alone-" Thomas protests and right on cue they heard a screech. it was a griever and y/n had no time to argue with Thomas. "Alright everybody hide" she says as her fangs and claws came out and her eyes turned red.
y/n and some other Gladers run towards the weapons. she was really good at shooting so she took her bow and arrow and the others took spears. she started shooting at any Griever she see's but her Arrows wont be in of to kill all the Grievers. soon they ran out "shuck" she yells in frustration. she looks up to see Thomas alby and Teresa where in front of the Griever, Minho noticed and screamed her name throwing a stick at her and she catches it. she runs towards the Griever and glides on her knees and hits its legs with the stick causing it to scream and fall. she takes the opportunity to stab it right in the head.
"C'mon lets go" she says helping Thomas carry Alby into the Council hall. everything was quite, the only thing you could hear was there heavy breathing from all the running and screaming. there was a sound on the right and people move away from the right. then there was a sound on the left and people scatter again..... then there was complete silent. they thought the Griever was gone but it was right outside.
y/n could hear it getting ready to sting someone with its metal tale and Chuck was right in front of her. Chuck was like a brother to her she cant let him die, as soon as it's metal tale broke the wooden ceiling y/n put Chuck behind her and the griever grabbed her foot. she fell on the grown with a scream and the Griever started pulling her outside, but Thomas quickly held her hand tightly. she looks back and see's the Griever was about to sting her, she closes her eyes and waits for the pain but Alby took a stick and rapidly hit the Griever with it and it finally let go. she gets up and hugs Thomas tightly and turns to Alby "Thank you" she says he nods and the Griever comes back but this time it grabs Alby, she grabs his hand but the Griever was to strong "Get them out" he says and the Griever pulled him out while y/n screams "nooooo!"
Y/n ran out the hut Thomas right behind her. she looks around with tears in her eyes 'no I cant cry, everyone is here, they'll think I'm weak ' she thought to herself "hey Hey It's okay" Thomas says hugging her trying to comfort her after what had just happened. just then, she hears foot steps behind her. she pulls away from the hug and looks behind to see someone walking towards them ,no, stomping. she couldn't see who it was due to the smoke but as the person got closer, she realised it was Gally. he punched Thomas right in the face, causing him to fall.
he raised his hand to punch Thomas again but y/n stepped in and grabbed his fist before it touched Thomas's face. her eyes glowed red in anger and her fangs came out, she growls a little before grabbing his neck, she squeezed it so hard. she took out all her anger and sadness on him and she knew what she was doing was wrong, REALLY WRONG but it felt so good. everyone was telling her to stop and let go of him but she didn't let go, she only squeezed harder, then she heard Chucks voice "THOMAS NO" he screamed. she finally turned her head towards them and saw Thomas on the grown.
she let go as Gally fell to the grown gasping for air. she got closer to Thomas and realised he the stinger in his leg. she took it out and searched in her pockets for the blue liquid. y/n finally found it and injected it on his neck and everyone surrounded them. "C'mon Thomas, wake up" she says crying. this time she didn't care if anyone saw her crying she just wanted Thomas to wake up.
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