Chapter 3: Stress and Relief

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In a strange room Mikeru was deceived, a few seconds passed he regains his senses. The deity Exavia spoke, "Why don't we discuss a few things with you Nakashima Mikeru?"

"Wait what am I doing here?" Mikeru replied in confusion, along with fear being in a strange place. He started to breathe intensely losing his chill.

The guardian of afterlife puts her hands on Mikeru's shoulder, "There's nothing to be afraid of, this is perhaps one of your desires... To disappear and die." The guardians touch was so warm that it was making Mikeru burst to tears regretting the words he said accepting death.

The guardian deity reassured Mikeru calming him down. Exavia noticed Mikeru was having a hard time to accept his death and remembering what happened. The deity projected what happened, making Mikeru regret his actions cause of the people he had around him mourning for his death making his heart shatter to pieces. To think he died in regret.Reality slapped him making Mikeru hopeless that he can't do anything to make it up for their sadness.

"You were murdered by a psychic." The deity spoke after giving him some time.

Mikeru was confused, "What? Psychic? What do you mean?"

"He has abilities that a normal human can’t do, he made his way to this human world playing with humans, because of his absurd narcissism." She replied.

Mikeru can't process what's going on, in times like this he takes a breather and tries to understand on what's going on and what she is talking about. He trusts the guardian because of what she did so he listened.

The deity continues to talk, "You have some unfinished business, but unfortunately I can't reincarnate you as a human unless you'll break the psychics spell."

"Reincarnation? Huh? Wait how? I can live again? But how? How am I supposed to do that when I am dead?" Mikeru replied with confusion.

"That's where we discuss some things Mikeru, I can't reincarnate you as a human but as an animal." The deity replied .

"But why as an animal?" Mikeru replied skeptically.

"You can't swim in the same river twice Mikeru." The deity replied.

"Wait what does that mean?"

"I suggest you take your time and understand what that meant." She replied with a smile.

"Why does it have to be me Exavia-sama? Why does it have to be me to defeat the psychic?" Mikeru asked.

"The psychics weakness is to be touched by the person he killed, after seeing your past I'm confident that you are gonna defeat him. I am not forcing you, you still have the choice to live in the afterlife and the rest of your time there or you'll let thousands of people die cause of him, the reason why you are in my room in the afterlife is that you're an exemption. You haven't awaken the full ability of yours as a person. You kept down grading yourself."

Mikeru was silenced, taking his time carefully.

A Few hours passed by in the room, "Curiousity, Whiskers, 9 Lives, a nobles pet, stray, royalty, absolute." The deity spoke out of the blue.

Mikeru heard the deity, "She is talking about cat right? Wait Jirou is a cat fanatic! If I can make him adopt me and try to explain to him then it would be a win!"

Mikeru finally decided, "I want to be reincarnated as a cat Exavia-sama."

"A wise choice, I'll be reincarnating you as a cat with 9 Lives. With a remaining 8 taking your first death into account. Now picture what kind of cat you want to be."

Mikeru closed his eyes and pictured himself as a black cat with green gleam eyes.

Mikeru opened his eyes seeing himself in the reflection of the puddle under the bus waiting shed. "Man the rain sure is pouring hard today." A random American person said.

"Huh? Where am I? What happened?" He spoke in confusion but all he can say is, "Meow meow meow" and purring, "Oh that's right... I was reincarnated as a cat." He realizes while looking in the water puddle. "I need to find Jirou, I wonder how far I am from him,"

Mikeru is now doing his first steps as a cat setting foot outside the shed, the strong rain showered all over his cat body, "UGH THIS FEELS WEIRD ESPECIALLY WALKING WITH 4 LEGS."


Mikeru saw a dumpster in the distance, "Seems like I have to sleep at the dumpster for the night."

Mikeru can't see properly with his new vision so around him is not really clear, He proceeds to make his way through the dumpster like a drunk cat for he is not used to walking in 4 legs.

"Well I'll have to find Jirou tomorrow." He goes under the dumpster and drifts off to sleep.

The night passed, The sun shines and the rain clears out. The sun rays points at Mikeru's face causing him to wake up.

He groans and yawns, "Well... Where is our school again?" He makes his way through the roofs, "Oh, seems like I got the hang of it!"

As Mikeru reaches the roof, "Well-- Wait-- IS THIS EVEN JAPAN? WAIT- WHERE AM I?"

He screams in cat noises and shivered all over his body.

There's no words that can describe Mikeru's confusion and frustration. Flashback by his first day of reincarnation he just realized he heard someone speaking the language that he doesn't  know, until he realizes it's English realizing he is living in a part of a western country.

He touched his head and his neck. He realizes that he has something on his neck, he goes to a nearby water puddle on the roof since it was flat and take a look at himself a second time, he realizes he has his necklace but saw there's a one line which he doesn't usually have in his necklace wondering what does it represents.

After those he needs to make his game plan going to Japan.

End of Chapter 3

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