Part 11

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Part 11
Your POV
Clicking the random buttons on the elevator, I lean against the wall of the elevator. I stare at the ceiling as I see my own reflection. I shut my eyes tightly and slide down the wall. Everytime I see myself, it reminds me of mom. I look like her in some way. And I'm starting to resemble her a bit more as I age more and more. I hate it because I miss her.

Author's POV
~8 Years ago~

"Momma, do you think I should wear my pink Princess dress or the white dress? I like both of them." Little y/n grasped the phone against her ear waiting for her mom to speak more. She heard a soft laugh from the other line followed by her mom's voice. "You used to tell me that you like the pink one. Wear that one honey." Her mom said softly.

Y/n nodded and threw the white dress inside the cupboard. "And should I wear black sandal or white?" She asked again, raising her sandals in the air. Both of them were her favourites but she would wear anything that her mother recommended.

"Wear the white one, dear. It'll suit you with your pink dress." Y/n nods happily and places the white sandal beside her dress on the bed. She looked in the mirror and gasped. "Mama! I don't have any necklace. My friends are planning to wear it. And I'll be left alone." Y/n furrowed her brows in sadness. She heard another laugh from her mother. She was wondering what's so funny about that.

"Don't worry about that. I'll tell papa to give you my necklace. I think it'll look nice on you." At her words, y/n squealed and looked at her costume for the birthday party that she was invited to. Her friend, Ara, had invited all the students in her classroom. Y/n was more than happy to attend the party with her princess dress. "But moma, it's yours. Won't you be sad if I wear it?" Y/n let her thoughts out.

"No. What's mine is yours too, okay?" Her mom clarified and she nodded. "Okay. Mom." "Now get ready for the party and dad will be there to fetch you." After a while she hung up the call.

Y/n got ready for the party with the help of the maid woman who was hired to cook and clean the house in the absence of y/n's mom.

"Aww. Is my lovely daughter ready for the party?" Her father entered the house and placed his laptop bag on the couch. Y/n came running to her father as he picked her up and spinned her around. "My princess looks amazing." He smiled at her. Placing her back on the floor, he took a small box out of his suit's pocket. Y/n's eyes followed the box as her father opened it and pulled out a glittery thing out of it. It turned out to be a necklace. Her eyes shone in excitement as she looked at her father, asking with her eyes if the necklace was for her.

"Is it for me? Pa?" He nodded at her and crouched down to her level. Putting on the necklace around her neck, he smiled in satisfaction. The heart shaped necklace seemed too interesting for her. It was not big for her, at all. "Is there something inside this?" She questioned upon feeling it hollow inside.

"Uhmm. But you're not allowed to open it right now. Okay?" Y/n nodded at her father's words with her eyes still on the necklace. "Does it suit me?" She asked her dad who nodded in response. "My princess looks beautiful in anything."


"I want to dance with him." Ara whined while clinging onto y/n's arm. Y/n was trying hard to not be angry at her friend crushing over her crush. Ara wanted to have a dance with Jungkook since he also came with his friends. But y/n couldn't bring up to speak anything about him to anyone. She just felt shy.

Ara suddenly pulled her hand and dragged her towards the other end of the room where Jungkook was eating cake with his other friends. It felt like a movie flashback for y/n as her eyes connected with Jungkook's big ones. A smile made its way to her lips automatically. She waved at her not so familiar classmates who just smiled back awkwardly.

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