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What a sight for sore eyes, brighter than a blue sky

It was already Saturday and I could feel my nerves rising. My mind was set on winning, I had to beat Ima. I HAD to. I pulled up my knee pads, placing my black arm cover and tied my shoes. It felt weird using my uniform again since the preliminaries but I was proud of using my number 4. Kuroo walked towards me placing his arms around my shoulder and a kiss on my head. Heather and Akaashi had gotten closer this week but I couldn't think about that before this game. I wore the same number as my brother and she wore Akaashi's number.

"Akaashi, Koemi!" Heather smiled walking towards us "Are you ready?" She said placing her hands together

"As I'll ever be." I said shaking my hands

"Heather this is Kuroo, Kuroo this is Heather." Akaashi presented them

"Hey." Kuroo nodded

"Nice to meet you." She said bowing her head

"They're here." Bokuto announced making my nerves rise

"MASTER!" a small orange haired boy yelled at Bokuto

"Hinata my junior!" He smiled at the small boy

"Kuroo?"A brown haired boy, the captain I presume, shook his hand "What are you doing here?" He smiled

"I had to come and see you guys loose." He joked making the captain chuckle "Where is she?" Kuroo asked looking over his shoulder

"Wherever Noya is she isn't too far behind." The captain chuckled

"Oh this is my sister everyone, her name is Koemi." Bokuto hugged me showing all the boys

"Woah! I didn't know you had a sister Bokuto." Small kid said "I'm Hinata."

"Hey everyone." I said shyly while they said hi

"Is that kitty?" a voice screamed

"Chibi~chan." He smiled wrapping his long arms around her

"Pretty girl!" Akaashi ran from Heather's side

"Who is she?" Heather asked on the low

"Their best friend." I smirked

"Are we playing against her?" She asked

"Yes." I crossed my arms around my chest

"You must be Koemi." The small brown haired girl smiled at me "I'm Ima." She said "And you are?" She looked at Heather

"Nice to meet you." I bowed my head her bright orange jersey showing her number 4

"I'm Heather." The blonde answered

"Yuu." She called what I guess is her boyfriend, the small boy appearing next to her, their hair matched making me smile "This is Koemi, Bokuto's sister." She pointed at me "Koemi this is my boyfriend, Nishinoya." She squirmed looking at him

"Okay let's start warming up." Our coaches yelled making us separate

"Koemi!" Bokuto called me before leaving "One ball, heart and soul." He touched my fist "Go get em, top ace." He whispered winking

"Go top 4 ace, don't tell my secret." I answered giggling connecting our fist

"Are you ready Heather?" I smiled skipping towards her

"You seem happy." She mumbled while we touched our court

"Are you ready to set me up some balls?" I asked her and she nodded excitedly

heather; akaashi keijiWhere stories live. Discover now