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Why would you ever kiss me?

"I'll be back before ten." Bokuto said walking out the house

"What do you want to do?" Akaashi asked the moment we sat on the couch

"I don't know." I said searching for a movie "You are not tired?" I asked

"A little." He responded stretching a bit "Let's talk." He said turning to me

"Now that you say that it's awkward." I laughed placing some song on youtube

"Let's ask questions." He said

"I can't." I laughed nervously "This is weird you are my brother's best friend." I laughed covering my face

"I'm here as your friend not his." He reminded me

"Okay." I sighed shaking my hands "What do you do to calm yourself when you are angry?" I said leaning my head on to my hand

"Depends, usually I just listen to music and take a breather but if I'm in a place where am unable to do that, I just open and close my fists a lot." He responded "When you hear the word "home", what do you think of first?" He asked me

"Kōtarō and you." I said without thinking

"Me?" He choked out "Why?" He furrowed his eyebrows

"I don't know it's because you've always been there even if it was babysitting with my brother." I mumbled looking down "What's a compliment that you regularly receive?" I said smiling

"I like your eyes." He said "It's never I like your personality." He joked

"Keiji, you always have a resting bitch face, everyone is scared to even breathe next to you." I said making him laugh

"I don't." He said pouting

"You do." I laughed

"Do you prefer to be alone or around people?" He asked

"Depends but usually alone." I shrugged lightly

"Depends on what?" He asked

"On who are the people." I said "What's something that just makes time seem to fly by?" I asked him

"Talking to you." He smiled shyly at me

"Stop." I giggled blushing

"You blush so easily." He whispered caressing my cheek "Have you ever had your heart broken?" He asked softly

"Yes." I answered making him pout

"Who could possibly break your sweet heart." He said tracing my collarbone

"You would be surprised." I mumbled nervously "What does true beauty mean to you?" I asked him

"You." He joked

"Keiji!" I squealed

"I'm joking, it's more personality based than a pretty face for me." He responded leaning back a bit "What's your worst trait that you wish you could change?" He said

"Oh we getting personal." I joked "My overthinking or insecurities for sure." I responded truthfully "When do you feel you're most confident?" I asked him

"When I'm playing for sure." He smiled "Especially when Bokuto does a point by my set." He said looking at the ceiling "I feel like I'm the greatest setter ever." He chuckled "Do you believe in Karma?"

"Yes." I said quickly "Without thinking." I smiled "Do you believe in fate? Or are we in control of our lives?"

"I do believe something happens for a reason and we might not be in control of it." He shrugged "What was the last book you read?"

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