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Warning  --  bxb 

Laurent gazed absentmindedly around the room they had put him in.  A sparse, small room with no windows, and the obligatory large two way mirror behind which an even smaller ante room held the two detectives and Seb Cole's attorney.  The room had a table, with the four ubiquitous metal framed chairs covered in grey fabric, and a water cooler.  It was hot as fuck, intentionally so.  It was an interrogation room, after all, the conditions in that room intended to make it's occupant feel uncomfortable.  To make them want to get the hell out of there, ASAP.

The door opened noisily, and Laurent's attorney introduced himself.  He wasn't just Laurent's attorney, he was Jack Carter's personal attorney, one of the best in the business.  Laurent remembered his face from the meeting he had called when he and Larry had first met with Carter and Associates, when their lives were planned out for them, when they had to start dealing with the fallout over Larry's pregnancy.  They shook hands and each took a seat.  

"Are you up to speed ?"  Laurent asked.

"Yeah, I think so, but I've got a gut feeling this isn't good, Mr Bourgeois."

"Laurent, please.  Why the gut feeling ?  What about ?"  

"OK, Laurent.  This isn't just to clear up the statement you made at the mall.  I have a feeling Seb Cole in involved in this "  

"What ?  Why would he ..... "  then it hit him like a ton of bricks.  If Seb blamed Laurent for Christina's death, he would try to pin it on him legally, and get his pound of flesh at the same time.  "Wrongful death ?"  he asked his attorney, incredulous that these were the lengths that Seb Cole was prepared to go.  But then, maybe not.  

"I think so.  But they have nothing, Laurent.  You have done absolutely nothing wrong.  They'd have a very hard time making anything stick.  Seb Cole is a malicious, vindictive man, who in his grief, is clutching at straws, and you're the nearest, easiest target."  The lawyer seemed confident in what he was saying, but Laurent hadn't fallen off the last turnip truck.  He knew how this worked.  It didn't matter that you were innocent until proven guilty, it mattered who you were, who you knew, and how you could work the system.  Fortunately, he had that in his favour too.  And when it came to protecting his family, he wouldn't hesitate to pull those strings, and call in those favours. 

The two detectives entered the room, making themselves as comfortable as they could, taking off their jackets.  They were making it obvious they were all going to be in that room for the long haul.  Laurent was already in pulled up sleeves, hands folded on the table in front of him.  Ready.  

As an hour unfolded into two, then three, the detectives questioned Laurent about what happened at the mall.  Did he know Sebastian Cole ?  Had they met before ?  What happened at the workshop ?  Did he know Christina Cole before the workshop ?  Did he find her attractive ?  Had they been lovers ?  Was the argument a lovers quarrel ?  

"What the f....."  Who would think this ?  The idea was ridiculous in Laurent's mind.

"This line of questioning is highly offensive, detective.  Christina was 19 years old, my client is 35, and has been in an exclusive, happy relationship for many years.  Let's move on, please."

"Ah yes, Mr Larry Read-Bourgeois."  the way the detective said it just sounded ominous, creepy.  What now ?  They brought up virtually everything that had happened in Larry and Laurent's past, as one of the detectives flipped through a large, thick file that he presumed was theirs.  Laurent was far from happy, his attorney too.

"Of what relevance are the Mr's Read-Bourgeois's past to your line of questioning, detective ?  They are beyond reproach.  They are both law abiding citizens, community activists, and an asset to this city, as you well know.  What's the real story here ?" he squinted at them as he asked the question they didn't particularly want to answer.  Laurent's attorney was no-holds-barred, straight up, and to the point, and he liked that.  No wonder he was Jack's attorney.  The detectives both stood then, Laurent's attorney obviously having hit a nerve.  

YOU PROMISED ME FOREVER  -- Sequel to "DIFFERENT"Where stories live. Discover now