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Warning  --  Description of Surgery

Some Months Later ...... 

Larry turned to look at the red LED display that glowed from his nightstand.  It read 3:07 a.m., and he hadn't yet been to sleep.

"Oh, come ON !" he whisper shouted, frustrated at himself, but also at the sleeping man beside him.  And the small matter that was also causing his sleepless nights.  He didn't want to disturb Laurent, but he REALLY did.  If he was suffering, his husband should be suffering with him.  After all, it was his fault that Larry couldn't get a decent nights sleep anymore.  He shifted as best as he was able, awkwardly moving on to his side.  He put his face close to the sleeping man next to him, hoping that maybe, just by sensing his presence, he would wake up.  Enough to join him in his misery anyway.  Larry blew on his cheek, his eyelashes, even up his nose.  Laurent stirred, wrinkled said nose, turned his back on Larry, only to start snoring again.  

Larry cleared his throat.  Nothing.  Again.  Nothing.  Again, but louder this time.  Nothing.  Then he took a risk, and coughed loudly and properly.

" Ohhhh ..... shit !"  The cough had reverberated down to and through his abdomen and groin.  Clutching the duvet to his chest, he lay still, glaring at the ceiling now, his breath coming slightly faster and shaky, realising then just what it was that he had done.  Still glaring at the ceiling in the dark, almost afraid to move, he tentatively moved his hand to Laurent's back, pushing it to and fro, and none too gently.

"Lau"  he whispered.  Why he was whispering now, God only knew.  Two minutes ago he was trying his best to wake the sleeping giant.

"Lau"  he said out loud this time, accompanied by more pushing, more shaking.  He stopped all of a sudden.

"Ohhh no, ..... ohhhh SHIT !" he exclaimed again, feeling the gush of warm liquid between his legs, soaking the sheets underneath them.

"Laurent !"  

"Hmmm .... baby ? ......what ....." he muttered, not even moving, and definitely not wanting his warm, snuggly slumber disturbed.

"Laurent"  Larry gently shook him again, this time smiling from ear to ear, despite the sudden shock and his slight apprehension.  At the words he was about to say, at what the consequences of those words would be.  He would make sure Laurent was lucid enough to understand him this time.  This was important.

"Laurent, my love .... "

"Mon amour .... "  Good, he was awake.

"It's time"

"Time for what ....... ?"  Laurent mumbled, still not awake enough to understand what Larry was beating around the bush to tell him. That was about to change.  Larry just smiled to himself, feeling a little weird now, as his stomach started doing somersaults under his taught, painful skin.

"It's TIME ...." was all he said directly into Laurent's ear, albeit gently, sweetly, just waiting, biding HIS time.  Knowing it would just be a few seconds before the meaning of what he had told him kicked in.  Before reality bit Laurent on the ass.  Larry lay on his back again, counting backwards out loud.

"5 ...... 4 ....... 3 ....... 2 ....... " 

Laurent suddenly jerked his body upwards, more than awake now, turning quickly to face Larry.

"Time ?  What, now ? ..... It's ...."  he squinted at the glowing red numbers in the dark.  "It's 3:15 !"

"The come when they come, Laurent.  They don't care what time of day or night it is."

YOU PROMISED ME FOREVER  -- Sequel to "DIFFERENT"Where stories live. Discover now