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Sorry guys ...... this was meant to get added to the end of the last chapter, hence the 1/2.  Enjoy.  Next chapter, LAST chapter up directly after this one.  Like, today.  Tissues at the ready, please.

The wedding planner rushed out of Leyla's room, trying not to panic.  She didn't look panicked, but that's a trait she'd learned after many years of doing this.  Of absolutely anything and everything that could go wrong at a wedding.  She knows to expect the unexpected.  This one is fairly minor, it can easily be rectified, hence the panicked face, but not the panic.  

She appears at the door of the living room, searching for her target.

"Larry !"  she whisper shouts across the room.  Most guests are seated now, and Leyla is due to make her appearance in 10 minutes.  But a spanner has been thrown into the wedding works, and it seems that Larry can help her.

"Larry !  Pssstt ! Larry ...... " she whisper shouts again.  From their seat at the back of the room, both he and Laurent twist their heads in the direction they thought they heard someone call him.  They caught sight of an animated woman gesturing them to come to her, urgently it seemed, eyes wide, head cocked to one side, begging their attention.

"Larry !"  she mouthed again, just to make it clear.  They both got up to see what was going on.

"What. Is. Up"  He's in such a good mood today, they both are, and why not ?  It's about to get even better for one of them, and slightly nerve wracking for both.

"Houston, we have a problem"  Larry's smile vanishes as quickly as it had appeared.

"What ?!"  they both glare at her.

"Nothing major, just a little upsetting for the bride, and we don't need that right now.  The family friend that was supposed to give her away, has been in some kind of accident, he's in the E.R. as we speak.  So ..... "  They both still glared at her, absolutely clueless.  She smiles at Larry then, a genuine, sweet smile.

"Leyla would like it if you would walk her down the aisle, and together with Dawn, give her hand in marriage to Chuck".  To say he was flabbergasted would be an understatement.

"Wh ..... what, me ?  Really, she want's me ...... "  Laurent smiles at his man, taking his hand, planting a small kiss against Larry's knuckles.

"Of course she want's you.  You guys have always been close, of course she would ..... "  This news doesn't bother Laurent in the least, this is as it should be.  But then a thought hits him upside the head like a shovel.  

"Um ...... how long will he have to stand there ?  Not the whole ceremony .... ?"

"No, just until they begin their vows"  Laurent was slightly panicked now too.  His plans .....  Larry looked at Laurent suspiciously, giving him the side eye.  Something was up, and he wasn't buying it ....

"What are you up to, Laurent ?"  

"Don't have time right now, guys.  Larry, come with me."  The wedding planner hauled Larry nearly off his feet as they made their way up stairs to Leyla's room.  Laurent gave his husband a swift resounding slap on the behind as he left, that sound echoing around the room, making the assembled crowd turn to look at him.

"What ?"  he chuckled, "I love my husband !"

Such a good mood. 

--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  -- 

"Dawn, you need to go take your seat, OK ?  We ready ?"  the music started playing downstairs, their cue.

This is it.

"Michaela, sweetheart, you know what to do, right ?"  She nodded confidently, and smiled.

"My girl"  Larry cupped her chin as she set off.  Kayla was Leyla's flower girl, and she would strew Leyla's path to her husband with rose petals.

"Kayden, my man ?  You got this ?"  He nodded too, as his daddy high fived him.  He followed his sister, carrying a small velvet pillow with two wedding bands tied together in a lovers knot.

"I'm outta here.  You guys OK ?  Come down in two minutes, you got that Larry ?  TWO minutes"  she set a timer. "See you on the other side.  God, you look gorgeous, both of you...... TWO minutes !"  she worried again, then disappeared.

"Thank you for giving me this honour"  Larry whispered in Leyla's ear, even though they were alone.  He took her hand, and gently hooked it around the inside of his elbow, ready to walk her to her future.  To his friend.  To her husband.  Her bracelets jangled against his arm, as she settled her hand on his.

"You mean the world to me, you know that ?  You and Lau.  You've both been so kind, so loving and supportive.  I couldn't have wished for better bosses."  Larry looked a bit put out at that, and he frowned at her.  Then his face softened as they gazed at each other for a few seconds, as Larry wiped the tears from Leyla's face.

"Better friends" he told her.  The alarm broke their moment then, their two minutes up.

"I love you"

"I love you, too"

They both smiled their broadest, happiest smiles, the two friends love for one another so evident in that moment.  

"Ready ?"


--  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  --  

Like I said, a little bit extra ....... Now, The Wedding !  It will not be what you expect.  Still a surprise to come.  Tissues, you'll need tissues.  I cried writing this, GOD knows what the next chapter will be like !  Love ya'll, and enjoy ....... x

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