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Warning  --  Hate Speech

"Hey, Mike, how ya' doin' bro ?  Yeah, long time, no hear.  Good, good, listen.  You still have your contacts ?  Can you get me four ?  Hand, small clips ....... ASAP ......... I need 'em .. soon.  I'll pay extra ...... don't worry, man.  Yeah ?  Good, let me know, OK ?  Wicked !  Later, bro."  He turned to face Jamie and Makai. 

"Seb, watchu doin' man ?"  Makai asked, a stupid grin on his face.  Jamie knew what his father was up to, and it had something to do with Christina.  Since she had died, Seb had become somewhat ..... unbalanced, off kilter ..... slightly unhinged.  Understatement.  He didn't seem to sleep, and the most mentioned name in their house, after Christina, was Bourgeois.

"Don't you want revenge ?"  he would ask.  Revenge for what, Jamie would return the question, with no particular answer forthcoming.  "Don't you want to clear her name, for her to rest in peace ?" he begged his son and his friend.  

"She didn't do anything, dad"  Jamie told him.  The kicker, though, 

"Don't you want him to pay ?  To suffer, like we are ?"  

"We suffer for as long as you make us"  Makai answered him.  "Pay for what, Seb ?" he asked, again.  He seemed obsessed with the fact that Bourgeois needed to "pay" for Christina's life in some way.  Bourgeois didn't take it from her, she did that, he thought.  He loved her, he did.  They'd been together through high school, and for a lot of that time, she'd been good.  Her meds were working well, she seemed ..... happy.  They were happy.  

Then Seb started to go AWOL, he would disappear for days at a time, and Christina wouldn't take care of herself, so he and her brother looked after her.  Seb was still into some suspect shit, and when he returned he'd be all, "Oh, Christina, you've coped so well", forgetting, even completely unaware that it was her brother and her boyfriend that had made sure that she was OK.  Seb Cole cared only about himself, until he had something, or someone, to care about, and not in a good way.  His daughter's death was that something.  It let him delve into the darkest recesses of his psyche, let loose the demons that had haunted him since his stint in the Gulf war in Iraq.  The shooting of innocent civilians, just for fun or from boredom, the killing sprees done in the name of justice, the blood lust that was inherent in his soul, that was more than what even war would allow.  Iraq was his excuse, no, his reason, to do what he loved to do.  To torment, to maim and to torture, and now he had a reason again.


"I have a ..... project"  he said to the two young men seated at his dining room table, "You In ?"

"Depends what it is."  Makai asked. "Bodies ?  Nah."  he said resolutely.

"No, no bodies"  Seb couldn't look him in the eye, but changed his mind then.  "Severe injuries, maybe ?"  he smiled at what he thought was funny.

"What is it, dad ?  Bourgeois ?"  Seb nodded his confirmation.  Jamie thought for a few seconds.  If this would get him off his back, stop his father's incessant ranting about the man he was convinced made his sister kill herself, if it would bring back something that resembled sanity in their house, he would go along with it.  At least then, he could keep an eye on him, bring him down a notch if thing's were likely to get out of hand.  "Count me in."  No harm, no foul, right ?  Except .... harm was sometimes inevitable, it was Seb Cole's middle name.

"Makai ?  You wanna scare the shit outta some fru-fru dancer gay man, with a freak for a husband ?  Shit they have kids, too, a daughter and a ...... "  he trailed off his sentence, as if that particular word had stopped his thoughts altogether.  Makai thought about his offer, with a condition attached.  If Jamie was on board, they could both make sure, that whatever it was, it didn't get too far down the road, when there was no return journey.

YOU PROMISED ME FOREVER  -- Sequel to "DIFFERENT"Where stories live. Discover now